A Political Problem-Not an Economic Problem-Catherine Austin Fitts

U.S. Back to a Gold Standard - Catherine Austin FittsBy Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts sums up the historic global financial problems by saying, “We have a group of people who have the power to act with impunity.  They are above the law.  They are centralizing and consolidating economic and political power.  We have a political problem.  We don’t have an economic problem.”  Fitts’ analysis shows, “We’ve been on a debt model, and now we’ve got to get the planet on an equity model. . . .You are going to do everything you can do to get people into equities.  Slamming precious metals down helps do that.”  But Fitts says that won’t stop the gold bull because China and the rest of the world are buying the yellow metal.  Fitts contends, “What that means is there is going to be a much more broad-based bull market in gold. . . I think it’s going to more of a sound money system, and gold is going to be a part of that.”  Not everybody wants to be brought into the so-called new world order.  Fitts predicts, “Remember, to come out with a one world currency, you need everybody.  There can be no leakage.  There can be no exceptions. The Russians are determined to be the stinker at the party is what I think.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of The Solari Report. 

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  1. bob

    loved the interview although with all the the interviews you have had i feel that she either sugar coated a little or beat around the bush with gold and silver. i have heard her for a few years, mostly on coast to coast show. no matter what i feel your right greg, this is not going to end well.catherine is very level headed and knows her stuff, just look at her background. the world basically in equities puts corporations in control. as for as depopulation goes, look at monsanto’s gmo’s. control, depopulation. thanks again, i feel like i could talk for a long time. what bothers me most is we are not trusting anything and it is escalating everyday

  2. Scott

    Interesting interview, Catherine Austin Fitts is a very smart person but she seems to want to defend the system she was part of. There is a basic misunderstanding by most people, all securities whether they be stocks, bonds, cash, etc. must be held by someone until those securities are retired, period. Rotation from one asset class to another therefore is not possible. In addition, why don’t these people that say so much money has been put into bonds reveal to you that mutual fund assets are still 65% equities 35% fixed income. The belief we will move to an equity based system from a debt based system is hard to fathom. Margin debt on the NYSE is now $384.4 billion surpassing the high in June 2007 of $381.4 billion, so one could argue the stock market is and has been nothing more than another leveraged rally. Yes, leverage cuts both ways. She also didn’t seem to consider valuations. In fact, it makes me wonder when so many believe that governments can achieve any outcome they desire yet history has shown this isn’t always the case, if we are not sitting in a 1929 moment in that the popular belief is nothing can go wrong. I have studied and followed Kondratieff Wave Theory and find it removes a great deal of the noise. How can this simply be a political problem and not an economic problem? I won’t regurgitate all of the facts you cover in your interviews (which are terrific) but the US economy is 71% driven by consumer spending, therefore, declining incomes, homes worth less than what’s owed, etc. is clearly an economic problem. The political problem is another topic all together and has become quite pathetic. The bottom line is this is a math problem. Too much debt and no way out. Finally, the question I would ask your guests when they are so emphatic about the “probability” of a particular outcome or the assuredness of what is going to happen is simply this, “How do you know?”

    • John

      defend the system she was part of.

      Exactly. She is trying to excuse the criminal financial side & blame it on the criminal political side; when they are both in bed together. That seems to be what the media is pushing now too.


      • Chuck


    • BJ


      I think that’s her point about being a political problem.Politicians are all about self interest and never the people. With that environment infecting our lawmakers it seems to me that the real 1% are the banksters & government who have rigged the system in their favor.Which could never lead to free markets, rule of law, or the right to privacy.It is the backbone that formed our country.The lawmakers do not obey law nor enforce it ever on themselves and that includes the banksters.Things will go wrong and their are consequences for these actions.That for sure history has proven.We need political reform (term limits), and financial reform for the people not them.

  3. Derrick Michael Reid

    Mr Hunter, and Freedom Lovers Everywhere, check it out, please.


    And I hope Mr Hunter, you got a laugh, dedicated to Mr Hunter.

    USA Nova Slang
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Monday, June 03, 2013 4:23:25 PM
    Just in case you aint hip to the lastest slang sweeping the nation, thought a list, to set your mind straight, might be in order. Enjoy

    Crimex: The NY Comex exchange

    COT: Commitment of Thieves

    Banksters: Wall Street ATMs Paying Out Obscene Bonuses

    Greedsters: TBTF TBTJ Bullion Banks Flushing Traders, Crimex Rigging Selling Traitors and Undue Influencers

    Holy Spinners: US Corrupt Politicians and Farcical Habitual Campaigners

    Black Robe Reapers: US Corrupt Judiciary and Plain Language Interpreters

    Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency At All Costs

    Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming

    Smear Merchants: Main Stream Media Anchors profiting on Libel and Slander

    Gaucha Pundits: Communists profiting off Innocence and Harmless Errors

    Ponzi Coupons: Irredeemable Federal Reserve Notes

    Mouseketeers: US Governments Agencies, Justice, FED Bank, and CFTC

    Totalitarians: USSA Government Administration, DNC and RNC

    Bullion Riggers: John Pierpont Manipulator and Hideous Sperpentine Bozo Clowns

    Puppeteers: Goldman Socks and Tinananmen Squares

    Enslavers: IRS, RICO Thugs, Pick Pocketeers, Privacy Spies, Highway Robbers, USSSA, USDA, Poor Entrappers, Circus Masters, and Bread Throwers

    Gold Bugs: Freedom Lovers, Turdites, Le Menu Readers, Austrian Economists, Real Money Believers, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Republic Restorers, Libertarians, and Bonnie Blue Flag Waivers

    Paper Pushers: Central Bank Currency Printers, Kenynesian Economists and Debtor Prison Wardens

    One Percenters: Greedsters and Banksters and Diamond Backed Snakes and She Head Madusas

    Ninety Nine Percenters: Tax Mules and State Dependents

    Monsters: Freedom Fighters Locked and Loaded with 500 Rounds Each

    Pump Machine: How Now Dow Cows, Paper Printers, and Feel Good Be Happy Crowds

    Reality Rates: TARP ZIRP QE Kaplops, Negative Bond Fools, Stagnant Joe Six Packs, and Busted Moms and Pops

    MOPEd Dopes: USSA Statistics Believers and Foolish Economists

    Extremists: Freedom Lovers, Gold Bugs, Freedom Fighters, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and Old Glory Waivers

    Gang of Four: WW and the Printers and Thugs, FDR and the Raw Deal, LBJ and the Corrupt Society, and BHO and the Ponzi Scheme

    Hue and Cry: Tax and Spend, Take and Give, Inflate and Rob, Incentivize and Control, and Socialize and Corrupt

    Slogan: Vote em Out or Take em Out, for a Free Lunch

    Frankie Smith – Double Dutch Bus

    This post is dedicated to Mr Greg Hunter of USA Watch Dog dot com. https://usawatchdog.com/

    • Greg

      Derrick Michael Reid,
      This is priceless and much appreciated!

  4. Derrick Michael Reid

    Bill is always great with his take on things. And COT data provides many clues, and am glad that Ferguson and Bill provide us with their take, and that is a great data point to have, a valued input. I have listen to many complain about the naked shorts for many years, and it seems that it wont stop. So, the reset offer all those with bullion in hand to succeed eventually in time. What about poor without bullion getting zero in an economic basket case fall out, or inflation rates on fixed income people, who cant make it, during that greatest transfer of wealth. Is that really a noble thought. Why not take down the evil empire and free all with high economic output and freedom, so everyone wins. I am hoping for a COT flip as the signal that things have changed for destroying the FRN, because it is believed that TPTB use taxes and paper money to control, and maintain a lock on power. So, in my estimation, the FRN is the enemy. I see the JP and others out trying to make a buck, even though if feeds the maintenance of the FRN, so the manipulators, out for a buck, are not the friend of the people. There is a possabily of private hands buying bullion to over run them, but it seems that has played out long enough. And so, trapped are the people in the control of totalitarians, and its getting worst, not better, as more and more laws are constructed, as the IRS and FRN means pervade. It seems as though its an endless struggle, and keeping an eye out on the COT give clues. After so long eye balling, and believe in my heart that a plan has finally been devised to rock the manipulators and shut them down, and let price discovery come back, but feel helpless and impatience. So, that its. As long as the FED can funnel FRN into the manipulators, they can go naked and control. And so the next step is, what if there is no physical, no more to push the price down, they still can control. I was thinking today about how to lock down the manipulator, so they are given no wiggle room in avoiding an injunction, and thought of passing money to 3rd parties, which then come in as supposed clients, and that, I end up where I was years ago, I have to go back to 3 years ago about, proposing the ending of naked shorts in the bullion space, physical or forwards only, because bullion and the FRN are money, but not other commodities. And it seems like creative games can be created, unless they are enjoined, even after they are supposedly over run. I am afraid that first watching the fort, and then the COT, and then demands, that that will not be the end of it, that it could go on as long as they can print, which they can, thinking basically the manipulators have to be shut down, at least in my life time. The coasts, East and West are locked up by money interests, sharks, greedster, and banksters. Only a strike now in a gun toting state offers the people any chance of shutting down these crimes and saving what is left of the country, and that is what is being proposed, but realize it is a novel approach, so stalemate and frustration is what is felt, while a last chance to really do something may be slipping away. They have many looking at COT reports, and that is good information, but I am not so sure that even with supply all gone, that demand prices will be allowed to go up and to have a reset. So, I sit, with an attack plan. I thought it through. Bill and Turd offer valuable insight to COT analysis, and today I questioned myself if another decade of waiting is in the cards for a COT flip, and if it happens, is anything really changed by it, can they maintain price controls. Now many think it will enter a state of absolute totalitarian control, then why bother now with good COT data, if they control all any way? If it will play out in the totalitarian end game, the COT data, while providing a market data point now, dont solve the political questions. So, the end of all this is that COT by bill and turd are value indicators of the state of affairs in term of market action. But if the paper printers can print in perpetuity, and if totalitarianism is the projected outcome, we need to strike, strike now, and strike hard and fast. And we at least have a plan, that no one seems interested in, except one. How is the fort doing, I dont know, but believe its a national secret, but wondering if there any new delevopements on that front. We went through GS lowering position, and JP took over. We went through EU CB selling and then switching to buying, and what, so they reloaded? Now Europe of burning, until starvation takes overs, and the people return to work. When the price got bombed and the mine disaster taking out supply, the COT did not flip, and that was major clue. It did not happen, as it aught to. So, its not COT. Its not the WGA. Its not the supply. Its not the Fort. Its Not the EU burning. Its political, and there are the national RNC and DNC controlling bodies, and its seems that is where the focus should be. And in the USA, there are 3 branches, all three of which are locked up on the coasts, but there is a middle section holding the line, having 1 branch not looking to elections, and in that1 branch in that one area, there maybe an opportunity to strike the Evil Empire. The propose plan can be replicated by anyone, it not really difficult, just novel. But, the consequence of the plan and propose action discredits paper, and the central bank paper pushers start falling, one by one, and hence, the objective is not really the manipulator, per se, but the follow on consequences, and that is FREEDOM from the paper pushers, and that means, FREEDOM from the Evil Empire. The manipulator in the case proposed is simply the weak commercial link, where to strike, to start the dominoes falling one by one.

  5. Derrick Michael Reid

    On a not so happy Tuesday, I just tickled red, to see China so accommodating last night to get the price lower, to help out the manipulator, who manage to push silver to three bottoms, on the crimex, suspected use of client money, for the push down, yeah screw the clients, and at those bottoms, suspected using in house money to buy it low, since they knew where it was going anyway, and as china drifts back up, during globex, while the manipulator traitorously unloads the booty bought for dump into china arms, and thus china gets the physical and the manipulator scores on the in house bottom line, while hanging clients out the dry, and echos of “sorry man”, “tuff luck” is heard over the background CDMA signals, but physical is required to play that game, china only wants the real stuff, none of that paper stuff, but, how long will it last, so, how much physical remains in GLD and the Crimex anyway. Just asking. Got into Lemet, so can fish out those two memos, of days gone by, in LePatran and Rants threads, as mental refreshers.

    Not so happy wednesday, maybe. Smelling a traitorous rat bastard greedster and an open arms puppeteer, conspiring, china is decreasing, again.

    Greedsters: TBTF TBTJ Bullion Banks Flushing Traders, and Crimex Riggers Traitorously Selling.

    Puppeteers: GoldmanSucks and TinananmenSquares

    There are rat bastards in the cellar, taking us a round and round.


  6. Jerry

    Very interesting guest Greg. Mrs. Austin has a totally different perspective than many of your other guest. From my way of thinking, what is coming has more to do with acquisition of power more than profit and loss margins. The globalist that are planning on collapsing our current system, do not believe in free enterprise, the constitution, or the right of free people to govern themselves. They blame the system, for world poverty, global warming, and world debt. Like I’ve said before, the wealthy people I know have already moved their assets elsewhere to protect their interest, so this is no longer theory to me, its a fact that this event is coming. I totally agree with Mrs. Austin’s tips on survival. Gold won’t do you much good if you die of starvation, or have nowhere to live. In addition if you can’t defend yourself, it won’t matter anyway. On a positive note, I believe that this period is what is referred to in scripture as the tribulation period, just prior to the Millennium. There is a new world order coming alright, but it won’t be by man.

    • Greg

      You are correct sir. Man is not in control here he just thinks he is.

    • Dwain

      It also says tribulation will be the worst trouble ever experienced or ever will be experienced by man. The black death was pretty horrendous. Simply going back to life without gas or electricity would no doubt bring about unparalleled tribulation. A dollar/banking collapse would also do the trick. Combined, technology and socialistic governments put 6 billion on the planet in little over 150 years. If both fail . . . . it bogles the mind.

  7. Anne Elliott

    Wow!! What a great interview!! Ms. Austin Fitts is such a sensible, no-nonsense thinker and I love how she breaks down the complicated issues in a way that is understandable. Thanks for having her on Greg!! Lots of good info to think about here!

    • Greg

      Thank you Anne, JC and Nathan for the comments and support.

  8. jc davis

    Greg. Catherine Austin Fitts is by far the most informed, and practical person on the media front today. I love the way she can break complex issues down to the common person.
    I was a little shocked over the statement (We don’t have a economic problem, we have a political problem.) However after listening to her explanation once again she is right.
    Thank you soooo much for having her on.

  9. Nathan

    Great Interview Greg! Thanks again for your hard work.

  10. Derrick Michael Reid

    Not to take any any thing away from the cat, as she is a big big heavy with a global view, but will make one comment. Her post at watch dog, is after the date of Bill Murphy’s appearance at turdville, where yours truly, posting therein, identified Politics as the answer.

    For whats it worth.

  11. Evan Palmer

    About that “broad-based bull market in gold” …. there is only one problem. As a result of the so called gold boom, the counterfieters have gotten real good at making stuff that looks like gold and event tests out as if it is gold, but in fact are very well crafted gold plated facsimilies worth only 3% or 4% of the real gold artifact. Thats the thing the retail gold dealers arent telling you. People who are “in the know” estimate that more than half of the retail gold out there is counterfeit. The folks pulling this off are making a fortune of the naivete of their victims. What is a saver to do ?

    • Greg

      Evan I have not heard that “half of the retail gold out there is counterfeit.” What is your source/ I know counterfeiting goes on but half. I hope not. There are easy tests to spot the real stuff and of course respected coin dealers can spot a fake in a minute. Thank you for the heads up though!

  12. Cathy Downes

    Awesome!!! Thank you again!!! She is the smartest!!!

    • Greg

      I don’t want to make my other guests mad at me, but I find it hard to disagree!

  13. Brian

    Wow, that is a great guest! I hope you can have her back soon. It was interesting that she didn’t see major meltdown happening financially this year. So I guess she sees the crazy Fed manipulations holding markets together a little longer. I sure hope she is right, and I would love to see her ideas for intervention happen to avert collapse. It would take a hell of a lot of activism.

    • Greg

      She is hared to book because she is so busy but Fitts always delivers the brain food!

  14. george

    Wow–Overt vs. covert!
    here is a link to her tax have writeup

    Keep the REAL news coming

    • Greg

      Thank you George!!

  15. george

    The fed buying $20 Billion of assets for $85 billion! What could go wrong?

  16. Al

    Yup, she is smart. Nice lady also. Just like the rest of us she is trying to understand what’s going on and get a clear picture when those in charge are so evil and self centered. It’s like playing cards with an opponent who you know is cheating and lying at every turn. We have no control over events and her point of protecting ourselves in ways we do have control of [well water, and our own power supply, garden etc] makes a great deal of sense. What else is there? She mentioned population reduction? and that has me concerned. Mad men who should be in mental institutions run this world, and the sane are going insane trying to understand the insanity. How do we fix that??

    • Greg

      This line is gold: “. . . the sane are going insane trying to understand the insanity.”

      • Tad

        USAWatchdog, keeps you sane in an insane world!@

        • Greg

          I got to tell you I’ve been in the news business since the late 70’s and I have never seen anything link what is going on today. The system is extremely complicated and therefore enormously fragile. You simply must be ready for anything at anytime. Thank you for all your comments.

  17. Justin

    Please WTFU, this shadow governance system will first confiscate the guns then they will confiscate the assets.
    That means your bank account, your gold, and then your human dignity. The bottom line is they are
    Spiritually bankrupt souls who believe that by destroying they create. Sociopaths and psychopaths with
    Immense power an influence to implement social engineering. What has gone around has come around again.
    To illuminate means to shed light on:be it for the human potential to create in a tangible world for the betterment
    Of all. This Shadow governance has caused anything but betterment for all. We have advanced from a technological
    Perspective however from a moral and/or spiritual perspective we are no better than our
    Ancestors. We need a neo-monothic movement based on the highest form of ideals and integrity
    Only then can the world operate in unison and for the betterment of all.

    • Chip

      Molon labe…!!!

  18. Carlos

    Bravo, stellar interview. Will be replaying this video just to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

    Thanks Greg

  19. AndyB

    Greg: A very insightful lady, but she stops short, at every juncture, of exposing the true pyschopathology of TPTB. Just to acknowledge the abrogation of the Rule of Law and the criminality of bankers is not enough. She knows full well the hidden agendae, and there are a few, like depopulation, that she has exposed, for which I give her credit. But I wish she had gone a lot further.

  20. Danny

    Thanks Greg, Catherine provides the best analysis available as usual, she is the best and so are you

    • Greg

      Thank you Danny and Troy!!

  21. Derrick Michael Reid

    Mr Hunter, if you are having trouble with me posts, as to provacative, put in a disclaimer.


    Mr Greg Hunter or USAwatchdog disclaims any truth or veracity in any claim made in and of the postings of Mr Reid in connection with Ms Fitts article posted June 6th at USAwatchdog, and respecting Mr Reid’s postings, USAwatchdog merely provides here Mr Reid’s postings for all interested parties to share, all of which have been previously public postings made elsewhere in a public place and space available to any one, and USAwatchdog thus, and hereby, acts in whole, merely as a replay and as a public forum and a public service for Mr Reid, who now and has claimed sole and exclusive criminal and civil liabilities for any alleged libel or slander extending from the posts of Mr Reid in connection with said Fitt Article.

  22. Derrick Michael Reid

    Now is the time for all good men to step up and answer the call of duty to defend the nation when the country is threatened, as it is our duty to the country, if not also an honor to do so, and in so doing, all good men should act as best able.

    • Tad

      Arm ah gettin out ah here!

  23. Troy

    VERY Sharp Lady!

    Your doing a great job Greg!

  24. Derrick Michael Reid

    Audacious MOPE, since that is the topic of day, one thing should be clearly understood, there is no real interest by this author to sit idly by and wait for the bullion banks to be over run, as the country’s ruination is at stake, here and now, and those stakes are just way to high, to just wait it out, at least for one, and can not in good conscience just wait. Action is required by those able. I am able. We must all rally to our standard of our cause, through activity, to save the country. The attack plan has been more or less completed, with 1000s hour spent, if not 13 years of eye balling, uselessly, as a first very rough draft is completed, and now turning to funding the same. My friends, you should know who is the target by now. The plan is believed immanently viable and is being reviewed by one of our own, 6m$ in 6mo from lift off, and the target will go down fast and hard, as victory and freedom is won for all, so help me GOD. Sing along my friends, sing along, its the least you can do for freedom. change “northern” to “Wall Street”; “Southern” to “Freedom” change “confederacy” to “Conflicted Nation”; and sing along my friends.


    • Tad


      • jc davis

        tad: There is a little cottage out in the woods of tn. Full of life without confusion. the spring feed creek runs year round. no fish yet, but I am getting out of here to fix that problem.. Readers: have a good , and safe weekend. Love .

  25. Derrick Michael Reid


    There you go, Mr Hunter, its all been publicly disclosed. And as the original author, you are granted copyright to print or display, and I will hold you harmless for any purported copyright infringement.

  26. Rod

    Greg, Great choice with Catherine she makes most of us look like blithering idiots, however she definitely spent too much time in Washington. Greg there is no fix, there is no morphing into another form of economy. You don’t climb out of the abyss and suddenly become clean again. Evil doesn’t beget angelic and our economy, our gov. and most of our society stinks of sulpher and is headed straight into the fire. This isn’t about some political bandaid, this is about right and wrong, good and evil, The End Game has begun.

  27. jay watts

    The Catherine Austin Fitts interview of June 5th was one of your best yet. Please bring her back often.

    • Greg

      I will, but she is hard to book because of here busy schedule. Ms. Fitts always delivers though!! Thank you for the feedback and comment.

  28. Rishabh Dave

    This person makes the market makers sound like a corrupt group of armed criminals. Noone claims to be “above the law.” Some are better positioned because we have better ideas and judgment and work hard to understand financial models at higher level. Everyone wants to make money but to do so requires sophistication and intellect. Those that grunt and work receive their due rewards. Those of us that use the sublimnity within our greater intellects will do even better. It is a matter of pedigree and associating with the right people that inspure great thinking and measured risk taking. I trade derivatives very successfully and these gold freaks consider me to be something criminal. Yet, it is because I have expanded my mind and endeavored to achieve financial sophistication in order to prosper more so than the average idiot yahoo out there. And gold ? Dont even get me started. Warren Buffett is right. The most absolutely idiotic speculative sector ever imagined. Just gallactically stupid !

    • Tad

      Said the rabbit to the turetel!

    • John Galt

      Rishabh, What does “The Oracle from Omaha” call derivatives? Check back with us when you find the answer.

      • jc davis

        John Galt.. I love that. I love it.

  29. steven


    i keep hearing this statement from people that the credit has dried up on main street. i just don’t see that. what appears to be happening is the usual game pump it up dump it and buy for pennies on the dollar. example: i had a credit rating of 618 and got a mortgage for 189k at 3.89% fixed. by the time i settled on a house i had a credit score of 745 but i was pre-approved at 618. buying a auto is easy people are getting approved for a new car with a credit score in the 500’s. creditors are making money hands over and it is retarded to think they will not. you look in history and they do this all the time. the great depression, the 80’s etc.this is nothing new. sure there are people hurting, but these are people that don’t think. manufacturing is a 5 year on 5 year off to unemployment job. so if you do this type of job you should expect it. also location location. the closer you live to the east coast the better chance you have to stay employed. sorry i wrote this twice dang thing posted before i was done.

    its a good life if you don’t weaken

  30. steve

    Over 50 million abortions, over 2 million in prison , 48 million on food stamps, 12 million on log term disability, nearly 80 million baby boomers retiring in the next 15 years, a 40% illegitimate birth rate, unending government regulations, rampant corruption, and much more on a grand scale, no amount of political or financial engineering can dig us out of this hole. I’d like to be optimistic, but like many others I only see lots of money printing and war ahead. I just don’t see any meaningful solutions coming about until we can have honest discussions about our real problems, instead of name calling placing blame. The whole system has become very unstable, and unstable systems tend to disintegrate. We must all prepare the best we can. Thank you for keeping us informed. I only hope we can all listen with an open mind, and do the best we can for our friends and family.

    • Greg

      Well said my friend. The system is very complicated and corrupted with debt and fraud. Therefore, it is very fragile and subject to sharp downturns and eventually collapse.
      Thank you for your comment!

  31. TJ Jackson

    Another home-run! She presents some really good insights. Scary but good…

    • Greg

      Thank you TJ. I agree!

  32. justin king

    Answered alot of questions than tend to lie in the subconscious.
    The last part with Syria-Russia was fascinating.
    Thanks Again, Greg

  33. Nathan

    I think I am in love with Katherine Austin Fitts . I literally get excited when I tune into Usawatchdog and she’s the guest . Sorry Celente you aren’t the gold metal anymore (Pun intended)

    • jc davis

      Nathan. I was there first. You better leave my lady alone. lol. Her intellect makes her stand out in a room as the morning sun.. I did notice the rainbow on the wall behind her. just saying. I don’t get to post for the wrap up so I am doing it now. I am going under ground this weekend.

  34. Allen Ols


    Feel she made excuses for the jamie diamonds when she said; ‘?they were doing what they were paid well to do’ reminds me of the nurenburg trials, and the excuses ‘we were only following orders!!!

  35. Gratitude

    Thank you Greg! Catherine is the most together ! With the global reset coming, and going back to the gold standard will bring our country back to what America used to be! Looking forward to a brighter future!

  36. Dwain

    It looks like depopulation is the only way out. I don’t see how technologies can solve problems. They eliminate jobs. Over the past decades, Job offshoring, corporate consolidation and machine civilization has destroyed opportunity and suppresses wages. In the meantime, Inflating socialistic governments happily came to the rescue competing to blow wealth/welfare bubbles. Populations exploded proportionally. After years of playing charades and can kicking games, the day of reckoning has arrived. Picked clean the carcass can no longer nourish.

  37. Dwain

    We are in way worse condition now than before 08. Foreigners were buying our bonds and banks were making loans. Now the fed is buying bonds and mortgage securities and printing trillions to bail out banks. Even though loans are insured banks are hardly making RE loans. More are in food lines, on disability, and more are out of work. Since government is repeating 08, it looks like a sudden collapse without warning not a drawn out one. Media is going all out to delude in order to maintain public confidence. Its even deceiving those who should know better.

  38. sidj

    I have heard Catherine Austin Fitts before and I agree she is very smart. But I did notice how she offhandedly dismissed David Stockman’s warnings, whom I respect highly. In that light, I wonder what she thinks of Paul Volcker’s recent comments. As for developments in Syria, you brought up the specter of Armageddon. Consider this passage from Isaiah: “The burden against Damascus. Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1). Damascus is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world and has never been destroyed. Is it’s time about to come?

    • Greg

      Great comment and biblical analysis. Thought provoking, thank you for posting here!

  39. Tad

    Alls well that ends well,RIP.

  40. Mike H

    Kudos Greg,
    Information and perspective is vital today and we are not getting any from the “traditional” sources.
    Dr. Richard Ebeling (Professor of Economics at Northwood University) has an interesting view of our “political economy”, the TBTF/TBTJ “banksters”, and who is actually benefiting from the so-called “recovery”. Believe he would be an informative interview.

    • Greg

      Thank you Mike H for the comment and for the tip for more info and perspective!!

  41. Derrick Michael Reid

    Mr Hunter, glad you liked it.
    But, the brain wont stop, and just added another Slang Term.

    Taxpayer Gifts: ZIRP for Greedsters and QE for How Now Dow Cows

    Smart Money has it that, that list, USA Nova Slang, will grow over time, only the best of the best, of course. And Surely, Watch Dog put you on the radar map, and you do a great job, keeping us all informed, as a great public service, but that list, Nova Slang, may just make you rock star.

    Because when youre hot, youre hot, you really shoot your shot,
    and my sincere pleasure, because, you really set me off to a fully love.


  42. Derrick Michael Reid

    GOP Leadership

    You all want a Majority in the Senate and 2/3 lock on the House in 2014?

    I can and will do for you all, with a little help.
    Sincerely. Derrick Michael Reid




  43. Derrick Michael Reid

    Sorry, but here is the real scoop of D Stock Balls. He is an ex government hack, out trying to sell a book, and does not provide lasting solutions, mere band aids, to pump his self gloried human being.

    Sorry if Im brutally honest, but let the dung chips fall where they may.

  44. Benny

    Another point of view…

    The talking heads on television speak about how all these mounting issues are putting increasing pressure on the Obama presidency. REALLY?

    Many contend that all these targeted attacks on Americans and American business is exactly what this regime intends. The regime is NOT for American interests, or do they care 1 bit about the constitution, Congress or any other patriotic American for that matter.

    By the time the spade is called a spade and legal attempts to save this republic are stonewalled, it will be too late, freedom and liberty will have been lost forever!

  45. Derrick Michael Reid

    Government is the problem, not the solution.

    Heard that someplace, sorry, forget.

  46. Derrick Michael Reid

    Man, dont you just love the fitful cat woman, huge mega star!!!

    And seeing how some younglins dont have any real fetching up, and this being the 40th anniversary of the Normandy speech, lets help them out, with some real Americana, fetching up, since only a few of us left still have living memories of the glory days gone bye, by two giant of men.

    Regean Normandy
    Regean Berlin
    Kennedy DC
    Kennedy Berlin

  47. Tall Tom


    Our population is INNUMERATE. I currently ask ordinary people simple problems like, “How many Million are in One Trillion?” Most cannot answer. (Ans. One Million Millions)

    The common man, the Innumerate man, when he sees a fine of $100 Million assessed, he believes that is a large amount. Well it is when it compares to his paycheck.

    But for Large Corporate Banks who earned Billions, if not Trillions, from manipulating Interest Rates, for instance, in the LIBOR Scandal, it is a very small amount comparatively.

    So the Government intentionally confuses the common man by demonstrating that they are “tough on Financial Crime”, when, in actuality, they are not.

    Furthermore the Politicians will speak of wastes in Tens of Millions of Dollars. They will say, “We are going to cut waste. We are going to terminate this wasteful Program.” Of course the people will think that the cut is meaningful.

    But it addresses a problem that might affect a FRACTION OF ONE PERCENTAGE POINT in a given year while throwing away Tens, if not Hundreds, of Billions in the same given year.

    The Innumerate man has no concept of the largesse of the figures reported. He has intentionally been made “Mathematically Challenged” by the intentional policies of Public Schooling.

    The Innumerate man cannot even discern the difference between a Deficit and the Debt. Furthermore he is apathetic and is too distracted by meaningless entertainment to care.

    The Innumerate Man will not know about the nightmare that is about to develop until it is far too late.

    The knowledge advantage, which has been applied malevolently, will ultimately destroy the unknowledgeable. This marks the magnitude of the terrible oncoming tragedy.

    Tall Tom
    I Cor 13

    • Greg

      Good stuff Tall Tom. Thank you for the comment.

  48. Derrick Michael Reid

    Seems So

    God’s Mission in life, for one Wretch.
    Friday, June 7, 2013 2:24 AM
    “Derrick Michael Reid”
    xxx Christ Soldier xxx

    Uncle Pappy, I believe the spirit gave me a mission in life. Dont know if that is part of his grand plan, but it seems God has brought me through life, preparing me over a life time for this. Just a hunch.

    Please pump it out as much as can and wish. Yours in Christ, Derrick

    This is enough:

    USA Strike on the Evil Empire
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, June 06, 2013 10:56:26 AM

    If anyone, has a serious bullion, political, and or news connection, send them on, please.





    Pressing Buttons as best able, Political, Economic, Bullion, Masonic, Religious, News organizations.

  49. Mary

    Great interview, Greg~

    Lots of helpful ideas. Thanks!

  50. al Hall

    Greg: Just briefly- this woman worked for George Bush Sr.- GRAND FATHER OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER GANG. Bilderberg group is meeting this week in England to put finishing touches on the US and European collapse. As I have e-mailed you before- I was told years ago by my friend, retired CIA, that the collapse would start in Europe and spread here within 2 to 3 weeks. She would know of this and says nothing. She talked about depopulation, this is planned in a massive way here and around the world. can you say FEMA camps???

    If she worked you Bush, she knows the real truth- but won’t warn the folks.

    Bilderberg Group – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Greg, you said to her she was one of the brightest interviewee you know, I disagree, she speaks half truths, she is not worth your time.
    Any politician will tell you the same- I could do a better interview for you??

  51. Derrick Michael Reid

    So, I took the black belt boy Boys 8 and 10 to the Keakwondo meet, and from 6:15 to 8:15 they had competition, and the boys passed their level 1 exams, and to got metal, and certificate, and a Black Belt LEVEL 1 patch, for proudly wearing on the black belt uniform. Of course papa is proud of them, but have so many meets, kinda no big deal. So got the usual shake treat and carl’s and came home, and decided to skim some some postings, and looked again at Strike on the Evil Empire.
    And listening to the tune RATT Round and Round, the light bulb went off.

    And new slogan for the NOVA SLANG post:

    Rat Race: Greedster hiding money off shore from the IRS RICO Thugs.

    oh meh, on the floor. I went peaceful docility to excited hilarity in a heart beat. Meh, what a world, WHAT A WORLD!!! Its a freakin play ground. LMAO!!

  52. Derrick Michael Reid

    Sorry Greg, I cant stop, it just way to funny, man, Surfs Up!
    But I wont rain in any other thread, trust me, and promise.
    And this fitful cat woman thread, makes its an honor as well.
    She is such a super mega heavy, and when Im elected the big cheese,
    she gets the nod, and you can be press secretary, but until then, …


    District Courts: Medical Malpractice Lotto Parlors and Illegal Alien Swearing-In Chambers

    LMAO!! You are definitely going ROCK STAR.
    I just hope the pleasure is not all mine.


  53. Derrick Michael Reid

    On a roll, with two updates:

    Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency At All Costs and Etheticly Driven Shotgun Claim Jumpers

    Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming and Despicable Dispute-Resolution Licensed Monopolists

  54. Mark

    Here are some points that I try to fathom what’s going on:

    1. Central Banks create bubbles. Overvalued assets provide collateral for credit expansion and as the shadow banking system is desperate for more collateral, those bubbles will continue. No collateral no liquidity,
    2. The debt model cannot end because fiat money is debt, and debt needs to expand to keep it afloat
    3. Capital formation is destroyed by zero interest rate policy, and thus economic productivity trends to zero or negative. No amount of debt can overcome this.
    4. Pension funds are going broke on a actuarial basis. Zero interest rates are killing their income, thus the forced rotation into equities to try and save them. Premiums can’t be increased because of zero income growth,
    5. Debt limit was reached in 2008. What has been transpired since, has been the transfer of private debt losses (the banks) to the public. Money printing since has been to fund government debt growth and interest expense, and provide funds for bank specualtion
    6. Even with ZIRP, financial failure is certain if the economy does not grow (likely).
    7. Global risk is increasing dramatically as global economies shrink, and monetary debasement increases,
    8. There is no deflation. There might be disinflation, but if you read Shadow Stats, or shop just about anywhere, you can see that inflation is very much alive.
    9. Deflation will occur when the central banks deliberately adopt this policy (unlikely), or after the crackup boom, as described by Mises. In my opinion, this will occur when central banks adopt a negative interest rate policy – NIRP (likely).
    10. After NIRP, total global systemic financial failure occurs when fiat currency becomes Weimared.

  55. Derrick Michael Reid

    TO GS_ Long

    in response to Where have you Been?

    I retired from Law Practice in 2009 and did not renew at Lemet.
    Became house husband raising two boys.
    I kept reading bullion articles, wile
    Perfected the Military Training emulation.
    20 years military book reading and 3 years live fire, and its was done last year.

    In 2012 went to TFMR, its freedby, and Ferguson is great.
    The turdville following provided a very wide open general news info rush, that I absorbed and that is just incredible.

    Because of that incredible info rush, figured it out.
    on 4/29/13 on out how to take down JPM and destore the ponzie scheme.
    3 weeks in May wrote attack plan
    However, it was posted in Trudville piece meal,
    as written, and but was heavily coded, so that JPM could
    not get it and understand it. So with was coded,
    and generally unreadable by most. The ex security clearance kicked in.

    But the attack plan was reduced to writing.
    last week of May got marketing plan together,
    for convenient solicitations, as I need 6m$.

    Now, rewriting attack plan in readable english,
    man what a pain in the tail, should have it soon.

    Figure July we sue, if I can raise 6m$ to go for it.

    Bill came over to Trudville and posted and I posted in response to COT data.
    Catherine Fitts picked up on it, I think, on my analysis.
    She then posted in Watch Dog, a coulple of days later, where I have been posting comments.

    Bill and Chris and Turd obviously know what is going on.
    Its real, it simple, and its fool proof.

    The boys are 8 and 10, and now I can fly the nest.
    I have a real plan, and can go any time with it.

    Neil Young – Rockin’ In The Free World
    Rock On – David Essex – 1973
    Table of Aspects

    Aspect 0.0 Prolog, Parties Weaknesses and Strengths
    Aspect 0.1 REID is an Expert in Five Fields
    Aspect 0.2 REID has Neural Net and Computing Power
    Aspect 0.3 REID as Commanding General
    Aspect 0.4 REID is a Grandiose Alpha Werewolf
    Aspect 0.5 REID is Ready for Case.
    Aspect 0.6 REID has a Robust Resume
    Aspect 0.7 REID is Retired with Califormia Bar Dismissal
    Aspect 0.8 REID Wears Five Cross Dimensional Hats
    Aspect 0.9 REID has Disdain for the Legal Profession
    Aspect 0.10 REID has made a Call to Arms
    Aspect 1.0 The Plaintiff Team
    Aspect 1.1 Cast of Characters
    Aspect 1.2 A Star is Born, the Plaintiff.
    Aspect 1.3 Plaintiff Experts Torpedoes
    Aspect 1.4 Plaintiff Attorneys Hired Guns
    Aspect 1.5 The Magnificent Seven
    Aspect 1.6 Local Counsel
    Aspect 1.7 The Chicago Hired Guns
    Aspect 1.8 Grant Deed as Backup Slugger to Hyena
    Aspect 1.9 Defendants Attorneys Generally
    Aspect 1.10 Defendants Attorney Specifically
    Aspect 1.11 HQ Advanced Prearations upon Funding
    Aspect 2.0 Scope of Complaint Causes and Actions
    Aspect 2.1 Prayer for Injunctive Relief and Motion Hearing
    Aspect 2.2 Defendants Manipulations since GS bailed racket in 09
    Aspect 2.3 Defendants Anticipatory Smashed in Usual Course
    Aspect 2.4 Fungible Combined In House and Client Money
    Aspect 2.5 Treasonous Sells and China Accumulations
    Aspect 2.6 Plaintiff General Proof and Motion Showing
    Aspect 2.7 Pending Motion Discovery and Motion Showing
    Aspect 2.8 Andy Dany Hypothesis and Discovery
    Aspect 2.9 Sugar Canes Hypotheses Market Action
    Aspect 2.10 Graphics Expert Proof and Motion Showing
    Aspect 2.11 Plaintiff Expert Proof and Motion Showing
    Aspect 2.12 Gangland Torpedoes at TFMR and LMPC
    Aspect 2.13 Judicial Notice of Undesputable Facts
    Aspect 2.14 Injunction Naked Short Sales Prohibitions
    Aspect 2.15 No Sherman Act or Position Limits Claim
    Aspect 2.16 Military Scrimmaging of Defendants
    Aspect 2.17 List and Acronyms used in Files Papers
    Aspect 2.18 FED US Defendant Criminal Conspiracy
    Aspect 2.19 FED US Defendant Motion Strategy
    Aspect 2.20 Equitable Relief Proof and Motion Showing
    Aspect 3.0 Financing and Budget of 6m$ for one year
    Aspect 3.1 Practical Business Operations
    Aspect 3.2 Mr.B to Pony Up Funds in Advance
    Aspect 3.3 Suit Lift off and Initial Salvo
    Aspect 3.4 Attorney and Expert Skin in the Game
    Aspect 3.5 Attorney Attire Court Dress Code
    Aspect 3.6 California Dispersement Discovery Attorney
    Aspect 3.7 Marketing of Plan and Acquiring VC
    Aspect 3.8 Problems Raising Venture Capital
    Aspect 4.0 Preparation before Filing Complaint
    Aspect 4.1 Simple Proof and Showing and Graphics
    Aspect 4.2 Filing and Injunction Moving Papers
    Aspect 4.3 Cut and Paste Attorney Efficiencies
    Aspect 4.4 Budget for One Year of Litigation
    Aspect 4.5 Attorneys Bullion Understandings
    Aspect 4.6 FIFOs, Pools, Walls, Staggering and Thresholds
    Aspect 4.7 Broadcasting Exclusivity Licensing
    Aspect 4.8 Invitees and Others Invited to the Rallies
    Aspect 4.9 MOPE the Supporters Providing Nation Campaign
    Aspect 4.10 Misdirections, Surprises and Confusion
    Aspect 4.11 Headquarters Command Facilities
    Aspect 4.12 Preliminary Funding Solicitations
    Aspect 4.13 MOPE Fight Song, Hats and Campaign Flag
    Aspect 4.14 Mind Screw of The District Judge
    Aspect 4.15 Attorney and Expert Assignments
    Aspect 4.16 Discovery Initiated upon Complaint Filing
    Aspect 4.17 Secrecy Before Filing the Complaint
    Aspect 4.18 Permits and Advertizing of MOPE Rallies
    Aspect 4.19 Lecture Available to Group of Funders
    Aspect 4.20 Pod Cast for National MOPE Rallies
    Aspect 4.21 KISS Marketing at Totalitarian Democracy
    Aspect 5.0 Burden of Proof at Injunction Hearing
    Aspect 5.1 Presentation at the Injunction Hearing
    Aspect 5.2 Defendants Nefarious Conduct
    Aspect 5.3 Defendants Injunction Prohibitions
    Aspect 5.4 China Drift Enabling Treasonous Bullion Sells
    Aspect 5.5 Gold Experts Generally Do Not Cross Dimension
    Aspect 5.6 Price Rigs and Front Runs, Shorts Buys and Drift Sells
    Aspect 6.0 Sustaining Preliminary Injunction Relief
    Aspect 6.1 Misdirecting the Enemy and Total Confusion
    Aspect 6.2 Junction Shall Have No Wiggle Room
    Aspect 7.0 Discovery Before Trial and Trial
    Aspect 8.0 Time Segment Litigation Stages
    Aspect 8.1 Defendants Turn Coats Traitors Testimony
    Aspect 9.0 General Conclusion and Summary
    Aspect 9.1 Offers to Settle and Misdirections
    Aspect 9.2 Moral Releases and Justice Jail Time
    Appendix Personal Posts of Bullion Market (Attached)

  56. Derrick Michael Reid

    And Greg, Its Easy, piece of cake, easy as pie.

    Rockin in the Free World
    Rock On

    Even a Caveman can do it

  57. sky

    I did like the interview but like a lot of people who dropped comments I think she has changed her tune from a few years ago to defending the system. I know she has a newsletter that she is pushing and now defends the Fed at every turn.

  58. todawgs

    This is a Corrupt Problem! Russia is not the problem either. The Corruption Problem lies with the all-pervasive evil corruption of mainly the United States. Until it is overthrown, collapses, or is blown off of the map so to speak-Humanity and this planet will be wiped out.


    Hi!, Patrons Of USAWatchDog.com Et Al:

    Regards controlling the population: Jesus forwarned US that except these days be shortened He said for the sake of the ELECT (those whom God has chosen)there would be NO flesh left. The United States has been in a populatin implosion for many dacades. People can hardly afford to pay their bills; let alone raise families today. This issue is inexcusable but the US citizens refuse to seek the protections from their economic plight to be found only in their US Constitution. Such discourse and discussions as are being produced here will not turn the tide, because we have allowed OUR US Constitution to be subverted to the point now that we are desensitized towards the issues that revolve around even our physical survival.

    RUSS SMITH, CALIFORNIA (One Of OUR Broke Fiat Money States)
    [email protected]

  60. Liquid Motion

    What CAF suggests with regard the new “Equity” model is total nonsense. None of the markets represent reality …esp. in the economy. Taking a broadbased approach to investing is not spreading risk. IN fact it just compounds it. Bonds / Equitities/ Real Estate are in bubbles so too is the $$$.
    She has conveniently side stepped the issue of Debt and Destruction that lies on the horizon. The world is not improving and we are all being led astray with propaganda. She sounds convincing..very very convincing…but you must keep your eyes open. Where she is correct is her interpretation of where Gold sits in the scheme of the monetary system. It cannot be disregarded. Your constant pounding of that issue found her relenting and finally admitting the importance of Gold. Well done for pushing that point.
    What was extremely interesting were some oustide the box comments on future developments in GeoPolitics (influencing GLobal Domination of the Corporates) & De-Population (as a solution to Demand). Wish she went further with those themes.
    She obviously has a lot to say. But with all that information one must be able to discern the relevant bits with the volume of verbeage.
    Suggest the next time you have her on ..that you control the direction of the interview rather than letting her dictate.

    • Greg

      Liquid Motion,
      Fair enough. Thank you for the feedback.

  61. therooster

    Greg … What Ms Fitts fails to see (maybe not?) is that the consolidation of power is a structural issue that is common to all our “great institutions”. It starts in economics, however. We’ve been supply driven since “the apple was shoved in our faces”. The hierarchical paradigm , which focuses power at the apex, is a function of our total human history, given that we did not have the tools to create greater power equilibrium in our economic/political/sociological experience. That’s changing. Getting back to the point of Ms. Fitts’ “blind spot”, we all need to get the blinders off and realize that it’s the economic model that acts as the first secular model. All other secular models follow suit in terms of the “structural die being cast”. That die was cast within the economic model (we had to eat) long ago and is now being morphed and reshaped as per market forces, thanks to the information age. You cannot pour new wine into old wineskins. It is the economic model that will lead the way for change, once again ….. same order. This includes the reshaping of the monetary model so that we may freely use PM’s as currency … in REAL-TIME. This is a market endevour so don’t hold your breathe waiting for a top-down implementation. It’s not their role in “the script”. Follow the script. It’s holds the truth and keep in mind that the messenger can be sacrificed. The Word lives.

  62. Derrick Michael Reid

    So, ah, Greg, where am I going wrong?

    Crimex: The NY Comex exchange
    COT: Commitment of Thieves
    Banksters: Wall Street ATMs Paying Out Obscene Bonuses
    Greedsters: TBTF TBTJ Bullion Banks Flushing Traders, Crimex Rigging Selling Traitors and Undue Influencers
    Holy Spinners: US Corrupt Politicians and Farcical Habitual Campaigners
    Black Robe Reapers: US Corrupt Judiciary and Plain Language Interpreters
    Blue Skies: USSA National Debt, USSA Fiscal Budget, Credit Card Debt, Unemployment Lines, Household Debt, Credit Card Rates, Banksters Fees and Workers Compensation
    Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency At All Costs and full of Ethically Driven Shotgun Claim Jumpers
    Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming and Despicable Dispute-Resolution Licensed Monopolists
    Smear Merchants: Main Stream Media Anchors profiting on Libel and Slander
    Gaucha Pundits: Communists profiting off Innocence and Harmless Errors
    Commander in Chief: Totalitarian Socialistic Fascist Racist Golfing Vacationing Farcical-Habitual-Campaigner
    Fascists: Campaign Contributing Banksters, Undue Influencing Greedsters, USSA Senate and USSA Commander in Chief
    Enforcers: Totalitarian Henchmen, MSM Pundits, Press Secretaries, USSA Senate, Panzer Corps, Lock Down Wardens, USSA Police State and DHS
    Ponzi Coupons: Irredeemable Federal Reserve Notes
    Taxpayer Gifts: ZIRP for Greedsters and QE for How Now Dow Cows
    Honest Money: Freedom Fighters, Constitutional Money, and US Minted Gold and Silver Coinage
    Mouseketeers: US Governments Agencies, Justice, FED Bank, and CFTC
    Totalitarians: USSA Government Administration, DNC and RNC
    Totalitarian Tools: IRS RICO Thugs and FRN Paper Printers
    Bullion Riggers: John Pierpont Manipulator and Hideous Sperpentine Bozo Clowns
    Puppeteers: Goldman Socks and Tinananmen Squares
    Enslavers: IRS, RICO Thugs, Pick Pocketeers, Privacy Spies, Highway Robbers, USSSA, USDA, Poor Entrappers, Circus Masters, and Bread Throwers
    Gold Bugs: Freedom Lovers, Turdites, Le Menu Readers, Austrian Economists, Real Money Believers, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Republic Restorers, Libertarians, and Bonnie Blue Flag Waivers
    Paper Pushers: Central Bank Currency Printers, Kenynesian Economists and Debtor Prison Wardens
    One Percenters: Greedsters and Banksters and Diamond Backed Snakes and She Head Madusas
    Ninety Nine Percenters: Tax Mules and State Dependents
    Monsters: Freedom Fighters Locked and Loaded with 500 Rounds Each
    Pump Machines: How Now Dow Cows, Paper Printers, and Feel Good Be Happy Crowds
    Printer Credits: TARP ZIPR and QE1 QE2 QE3 QE4 QE5 QE6 QE7 QE8 QE9 QE10 to QE-Infinity
    Extend and Pretend: Green Shoots, Kick the Can, Robust Recovery, USSA Manufacturing Dominance, QE-Infinity and USSA Government Statistics
    Employment: Participation Rate Participants, Couch Potatoes, Bench Sitters, Part Timers and USSA Government Statistics
    Real Rates: Real GNP Kaplop ROEs and Bonds Real Valued Adde ROEs and Saving Deposit Absurd Interest Rates
    Enlightened Electrorate: Ninety Nine Percenters, FRN Bond Holders, FRN Savers, Stagnant Joe Six Packs, and Busted Moms and Pops
    MOPEd Dopes: USSA Statistics Believers, Enlightened Electrorate and Foolish Economists
    Extremists: Freedom Lovers, Gold Bugs, Freedom Fighters, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and Old Glory Waivers
    Gang of Four: WW and the Printers and Thugs, FDR and the Raw Deal, LBJ and the Corrupt Society, and BHO and the Ponzi Scheme
    Rat Race: One Percenters Hiding Loot Off Shore, Bahama Yacht Sailing Greedsters, IRS Agents and FRN RICO Thugs
    District Courts: Medical Malpractice Lotto Parlors and Illegal Alien Swearing-In Chambers
    Hue and Cry: Tax and Spend, Take and Give, Inflate and Rob, Incentivize and Control, and Socialize and Corrupt
    Slogan: Vote em Out or Take em Out, for a Free Lunch

  63. Derrick Michael Reid

    Pulling Out All the Stops


    Commander in Chief: Totalitarian Socialistic Fascist Racist Golfing Vacationing Farcical-Habitual-Campaigner

    Fascists: Campaign Contributing Banksters, Undue Influencing Greedsters, USSA Senate and USSA Commander in Chief

    Enforcers: Totalitarian Henchmen, MSM Pundits, Press Secretaries, USSA Senate, Panzer Corps, Lock Down Wardens, USSA Police State and DHS

    As any loyal dissenter would. Its our duty to the country.

  64. Derrick Michael Reid

    Tuff Nut Sallow without some dislocation pain.

    Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRN, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, and Restore the Republic.

  65. Derrick Michael Reid

    Le Patron

    In case you are not keeping up with modern US Slang, I thought a list might be helpful.

    Crimex: The NY Comex exchange

    COT: Commitment of Thieves

    Banksters: Wall Street ATMs Paying Out Obscene Bonuses

    Greedsters: TBTF TBTJ Bullion Banks Flushing Traders, Crimex
    Rigging Selling Traitors and Undue Influencers
    Holy Spinners: US Corrupt Politicians and Farcical Habitual
    Black Robe Reapers: US Corrupt Judiciary and Plain Language
    Blue Skies: USSA National Debt, USSA Fiscal Budget, Credit Card
    Debt, Unemployment Lines, Household Debt, Credit Card
    Rates, Banksters Fees and Workers Compensation
    Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency
    At All Costs and full of Ethically Driven Shotgun Claim
    Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming and
    Despicable Dispute-Resolution Licensed Monopolists
    Smear Merchants: Main Stream Media Anchors profiting on Libel and
    Gaucha Pundits: Communists profiting off Innocence and Harmless
    Contradictions: Republican Party and Republic Restoration,
    Democratic Party and Voter Fraud, Land of Free and
    Totalitarian Government, and, Real Money and Paper Money
    Monetary Inflation: Printing Presses, FED Balance Sheets and QE to
    Price Inflation: Printing Presses, FED Balance Sheets, QE to
    Infinity, Bullion Price Discovery, and USSA Employment
    Currency Warriors: Paper Printers, Neighborhood Beggars, Currency
    Manipulators, Trade Warriors, Domestic Subsidisers,
    Deficit Spenders, National Debt Raisers and Bond Vigilantes.
    Intrinsic Value: Gold Money, Silver Money, Constitutional Money,
    Real Money and Labor Added Value Commodities Money
    Inherent Value: IRS Tax Money, Paper Money, FRN Money, Evasion Jail
    Time Money, Monopoly Money and Con Game Money
    Commander in Chief: Totalitarian Socialistic Fascist Racist Golfing
    Vacationing Farcical-Habitual-Campaigner
    Fascists: Campaign Contributing Banksters, Undue Influencing
    Greedsters, USSA Senate, USSA Commander in Chief, USSA
    Judiciary, and United Socialistic States of America
    Enforcers: Totalitarian Henchmen, MSM Pundits, Press Secretaries,
    USSA Senate, Panzer Corps, Lock Down Wardens, USSA Police
    State and DHS
    Ponzi Coupons: Irredeemable Federal Reserve Notes

    Taxpayer Gifts: ZIRP for Greedsters and QE for How Now Dow Cows

    Fraudsters: Targeted Inflation Rate Banksters, Holy Spinners, Paper
    Printing Banksters, and Naked Short Selling Greedsters
    Honest Money: Freedom Fighters, Constitutional Money, and US Minted
    Gold and Silver Coinage
    Mouseketeers: US Governments Agencies, Justice, FED Bank, and CFTC

    Totalitarians: USSA Government Administration, DNC and RNC

    Totalitarian Tools: IRS RICO Thugs and FRN Paper Printers

    Bullion Riggers: John Pierpont Manipulator and Hideous Sperpentine
    Bozo Clowns

    Puppeteers: Goldman Socks and Tinananmen Squares

    Enslavers: IRS, RICO Thugs, Pick Pocketeers, Privacy Spies, Highway
    Robbers, USSSA, USDA, Poor Entrappers, Circus Masters, and
    Bread Throwers
    Gold Bugs: Freedom Lovers, Turdites, Le Menu Readers, Austrian
    Economists, Real Money Believers, Plain Language
    Constitutionalists, Republic Restorers, Libertarians,
    and Bonnie Blue Flag Waivers
    Paper Pushers: Central Bank Currency Printers, Kenynesian
    Economists and Debtor Prison Wardens
    One Percenters: Greedsters and Banksters and Diamond Backed Snakes
    and She Head Madusas
    Ninety Nine Percenters: Tax Mules and State Dependents

    Monsters: Freedom Fighters Locked and Loaded with 500 Rounds Each

    Pump Machines: How Now Dow Cows, Paper Printers, and Feel Good Be
    Happy Crowds
    Printer Credits: TARP ZIPR and QE1 QE2 QE3 QE4 QE5 QE6 QE7 QE8 QE9
    QE10 to QE-Infinity
    Extend and Pretend: Green Shoots, Kick the Can, Robust Recovery,
    USSA Manufacturing Dominance, QE-Infinity and USSA
    Government Statistics
    Employment: Participation Rate Participants, Couch Potatoes, Bench
    Sitters, Part Timers and USSA Government Statistics
    Real Rates: Real GNP Kaplop RORs and Bonds Real Valued Added RORs
    and Saving Deposit Negative Interest Rates
    Enlightened Electrorate: Ninety Nine Percenters, FRN Bond Holders,
    FRN Savers, Stagnant Joe Six Packs, and Busted Moms and
    MOPEd Dopes: USSA Statistics Believers, Enlightened Electrorate and
    Foolish Economists
    Extremists: Freedom Lovers, Gold Bugs, Freedom Fighters, Plain
    Language Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and Old Glory
    Gang of Four: WW and the Printers and Thugs, FDR and the Raw Deal,
    LBJ and the Corrupt Society, and BHO and the Ponzi Scheme
    Rat Race: One Percenters Hiding Loot Off Shore, Bahama Yacht
    Sailing Greedsters, IRS Agents and FRN RICO Thugs
    District Courts: Medical Malpractice Lotto Parlors and Illegal
    Alien Swearing-In Chambers
    Hue and Cry: Tax and Spend, Take and Give, Inflate and Rob,
    Incentivize and Control, and Socialize and Corrupt
    Slogan: Vote em Out or Take em Out, for a Free Lunch

    Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.

    Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.

    President Ronald Reagan: “Tear Down This Wall”

    President John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you”


    Nova Slang is now a masterpiece, with final brush strokes done. Apparently, JPM went long gold, 3 days after my Strike on the Evil Empire went public, and I gave JPM 10 days to go long silver, or its 20 years for the two bosses. Im nice that way. The editing of the attack plan editing into readable English is coming along nicely.

    USA Strike on the Evil Empire
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Thursday, June 06, 2013 10:56:26 AM
    If anyone, has a serious bullion, political, and or news connection, send them on, please.




    Because Im nice that way.

  66. Shina

    You get everyone to go into equity, after which you have some new economic crash, and all the people who stayed in gold profit.

  67. Derrick Michael Reid

    Mr Hunter, when you ask a real complex question of the big heavies, like the fitful cat woman, you give us all the treatment, with those heavy caveman brows, and that questioning slanting head, along with that totally perplex facial expression, and you give off the impression that you are just a little entrapped by the system.

    I have no clue why. #&^%$^#@### Now why is that?


  68. Chip

    WOW Greg, just WOW! Catherine Austin Fitts is BRILLIANT! Thanks for having her on Greg. One of your best interviews ever. Love hearing people like this explain in big picture terms of just what is going on. Must have struck a nerve too based on the huge number of comments you’ve got today. Bravo… Chip

  69. Derrick Michael Reid

    USA Treason by Bullion Banks
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Monday, June 10, 2013 9:07:09 PM
    So, watching the wiggles and gigglies for 13 years, its seems that a new normal has yet again taken hold. This coincidentally matches the slower drain of gold from the GLD. hhhmmmm

    Lets recall, for those who read books, that it was 60 years ago, that the British were in Burma, putting up a noble fight, or the US American Flying Tigers flying over the hump, when the Burma Road was closed, both coming to china’s aide in their darkest hour. Americans Freed Eastern Europe from the Soviets, another noble effort born in freedom. Today, many a bug root for Russia and China to buy more bullion to make those prices go higher. And most here with their small stacks, are not truly world class players in the bullion space, and so, most conveniently root for the Russian and Chinese, to buy more bullion. Others have many gripe against the US Government, yours included, and yes, yours have rooted for the Russians and Chinese accumulations, out of child spite, or self centered greed, and greed is a natural human emotions, so yes, its all understandable. But lets be reminded that that is what makes Americans truly Americans, as is are willing to be loyal dissenters half the time. It is American, if your not your duty, to lambast the government for foul play, as many of you do, and that really is a good thing, because in the aggregate, supposedly, the government changes for the better. Their are others who have simply thrown in the towel, on that duty, and predict the totalitarian outcomes, without raising a finger against it. That seems to be screwed up, to be honest.

    Any pea brain can figure out that with TART ZIRP QE to infinity, that the FRN will eventually go kaplop, and only a US gold hoard, that can be minted, will save the country from total anarchy. And so, to the extent that bullion is sold to the Russians or Chinese, it defeats that last ditch defense, and in some measure deemed treasonous.

    Now China has a controlling communist party, and a controlled economy. And things dont happen there unless it is approved by the power players in China. We all know that OPEN arms China is trying to build a gold stock pile to rival the US, and figure that is upward of 3000 tons now as compared to the US reported 8000 tons.

    And so, to the extend that US companies and THEIR sympathizers off load bullion to China destroying that last ditch Defense to total anarchy, one could argue that such is treasonous to the country. And all can justify their actions in many ways, such as, out of spite, or simple market action, for self centered greed, or inability to effect a change, to rationalize any state of mind.

    But, over the last week, the china market has changed from a level price slow boat china to price crash going into London, indicating at least to one, that china has has entered into a conspiracy with US companies and bugs, to treasonously, destroy America’s last ditch defense to total anarchy, when the FRN goes belly up. China crashes the price, US companies bug low, and later in day sale to china, as china dont care about price at this low level.

    There are many mixed currents felt by all, and rationales abound, but please search your own souls, as you may just get what you asked for. Sincerely Hatter

  70. Troy

    Record posts?

  71. Derrick Michael Reid

    Desitnated WatchDog as one of the yelpper,
    se all know Mr hunter can howl to the shinny Moon.

    ============ NEWS BROADCASTERS ===============================

    KWN King World News, Mr. Eric King, Broadcaster and
    editor for Audio broadcast and News Print.

    GATA Gold Anti Trust Action Committee, Mr Chris Powell
    corporate Secretary and Editor at GATA.org, for
    Print, for posting News Print.

    WATCHDOG USA Watch Dog dot com, Mr Gregg Hunter, for News
    Print visual video Clips and posting interviews.

    A Howl Howl Howl, as we all know you do know how to sing,
    My Litte butter cup.
    Wait until you get a load of werewolves, 😉

  72. Derrick Michael Reid

    Every play needs a cast of characters, just joking around of course, being a court jester.

    Mudusa and Snake have 8 more days to long silver, or its 20 years.

    Turd Ferguson, Plaintiff and Auxiliary Expert
    TFMR Administer, the TFMR document secretary
    TFMR Tertiary Communications Hub, DarkPrplHaze Manager
    Bill Murphy, Plaintiff and Auxiliary Expert
    LMPC Webmaster, the LMPC document secretary
    LMPC Tertiary Communications Hub, Webmaster Manager
    Andrew Maguire, Primary plaintiff expert
    William Kaye, Primary plaintiff expert
    Pining, Primary plaintiff expert, TFMR graphics artist
    Ben Davies, Secondary plaintiff expert
    Sandeep Jaitly, Secondary plaintiff expert
    Rocket Richard, Secondary plaintiff expert, LMPC graphics artist
    ZOTRAN, Auxiliary Plaintiff Expert on ND Lease rates
    PINING, Primary Plaintiff Expert, and Graphics Artist
    JAKEBLUES, Auxiliary Plaintiff Expert on Junk Premiums
    Tertiary Experts, Miscellaneous experts supporting
    Auxiliary Experts, Plaintiff and TFMR and LMPC Supporters
    REID, TFMR and LMPC member and TEAM of Counsel commander
    District HQ, Primary Communications Hub
    Chicago Law Firm, plaintiff attorney law firm, 2nd Hub
    Counsel A, Patent Lawyer and with Jurisdiction specialty
    Counsel B, Exchange Lawyer with Procedural specialty
    Counsel C, Commodities Lawyer with Discovery specialty
    Proximal Counsel, Local Counsel, Court filing. 2nd Hub specialist
    Distal Counsel TFMR member, paymaster and Discovery Back up
    Financier, funding the TEAM attack upon JPM
    Judge, The District Court Judge
    Complaint, filed to initiate action upon JPM
    Hearing, filed with complaint, set within one month
    Clerk, for receiving complaint and Injunction papers
    JPM JP Morgan Chase, The Target of the case Proposed
    Behemoth Army, employees of defendant JMP
    Jamie Diamond, named DEFENDANT, and JPM CEO
    Blythe Masters, named DEFENDANT, and Commodities CEO
    Traitors, Whistle Blowers and Employees of JPM
    Defendant Attorney Law Firm, a NY Firm
    Defendant Local Counsel, for filing defendant papers
    Defendant Individual counsel, Unnamed Attorney
    Defendant Experts, the JPM Destroyers, Unnamed
    US Attorney, Amicia attendant, US Government Justice Attorney


  73. David M Zuniga

    One problem with written commentary (including online) is its literality; readers cannot tell a serious note from a playful gesture. That being said, some of your more prolific comment-generators appear to be if not certifiably insane, at least incoherent to the point of inducing nausea.

    Many of the comments above, however, display real wisdom, it seems to me.

    Man’s basic sin nature was one guiding tenet for the framers of the U.S. Constitution — and it remains the “supreme Law of the Land”, though it was only obeyed by our federal servant for about 72 years.

    Most Americans who consider themselves intellectually adept, do not know the underlying strategy/purpose of The War to Enslave the States; it is explained here:


    Nor do they know that Karl Marx and Dishonest Abe Lincoln were mutual admirers, as explained here:


    Ms. Austin Fitts suggests that the problem is not economic but political; but as many commenters here have pointed out, the core problem is sin. One can put it in the Constitution’s terms by calling it “lawlessness” (as opposed to Law of the Land), or in law enforcement terms: it is *organized crime*.

    Since before the pharaohs of Egypt, prehensile predators on the top rung of the economic scale, are matched in perfidy and moral turpitude by the far more numerous prehensile parasites at the bottom rung. Human sin will not be abolished on the earth, until Christ comes to redeem it for good.

    Alexander Hamilton was the original tool of banksters at the beginning of this constitutional era (1789-2013); they have had their tools always, and ever since.

    Can they be beaten? Most likely not; but they can be driven from this republic, by merely taking their game-pieces in Congress out of their control. We The People have far more lawful power than Ms. Fitts acknowledges — we simply have not had the tactical wisdom to see it, or a lasting mechanism to exercise it.

    As this 2-minute video explains, perhaps now we do have that mechanism; not Utopia, but finally a perpetual enforcement mechanism for the US Constitution, and that is no small thing.


    Read and study; repent your sin and sloth to the extent you can; then get to work, and pass the message on. Our Tower of Babel has fallen flat; Americans should not be the keepers of the world, nor should our government provide corporate America with the armed forces to plunder the world. Neither of those animating ideas of the entire 20th century, is America’s ethos.

    As Strauss & Howe suggested in their book ‘The Fourth Turning’ years ago, this generation seeks an heroic mission, and revolution against the evils of our fathers. As James Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg predicted 15+ years ago in ‘The Sovereign Individual’, the Information Age is changing human relations more rapidly than the bureaucratic, confiscatory nation-state can cope with. Burdensome though they may be, big governments are dinosaurs in the tar pit.

    A new chapter is now being forced on all the world; but our responsibility is only for our own Republic of sovereign States. As I posited in my 2010 book ‘This Bloodless Liberty’, for a variety of reasons, we Americans today face potentially the best period in our history — if only 1% will take repentant, diligent action. Unlike politics, law enforcement does not require anything like a majority.

    Now, what will YOU do?

  74. Derrick Michael Reid

    Loving both the fitful can women, and Greg Hunter at USAWatchDog,
    You both are just marvelous, and a final version should be posted.
    Kind of like a keep sake.

    USA Nova Slang
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Monday, June 03, 2013 4:23:25 PM
    Just in case you aint hip to the latest slang sweeping the nation, thought a list, to set your mind straight, might be in order. Enjoy

    Crimex: The NY Comex exchange

    COT: Commitment of Thieves

    Banksters: Wall Street ATMs Paying Out Obscene Bonuses

    Greedsters: TBTF TBTJ Bullion Banks Flushing Traders, Crimex Rigging Selling Traitors and Undue Influencers

    Holy Spinners: US Corrupt Politicians and Farcical Habitual Campaigners

    Black Robe Reapers: US Corrupt Judiciary and Plain Language Interpreters

    Blue Skies: USSA National Debt, USSA Fiscal Budget, Credit Card Debt, Unemployment Lines, Household Debt, Credit Card Rates, Banksters Fees and Workers Compensation

    Double Dutch Bus: The Honorable Legal Profession Seeking Currency At All Costs and full of Ethically Driven Shotgun Claim Jumpers

    Sharks: Self Interested Litigators with Clients Seen Coming and Despicable Dispute-Resolution Licensed Monopolists

    Smear Merchants: Main Stream Media Anchors profiting on Libel and Slander

    Gaucha Pundits: Communists profiting off Innocence and Harmless Errors

    Contradictions: Republican Party and Republic Restoration, Democratic Party and Voter Fraud, Land of Free and Totalitarian Government, and, Real Money and Paper Money

    Monetary Inflation: Printing Presses, FED Balance Sheets and QE to Infinity.

    Price Inflation: Printing Presses, FED Balance Sheets, QE to Infinity, Bullion Price Discovery, and USSA Employment

    Currency Warriors: Paper Printers, Neighborhood Beggars, Currency Manipulators, Trade Warriors, Domestic Subsidisers, Deficit Spenders, National Debt Raisers and Bond Vigilantes.

    Intrinsic Value: Gold Money, Silver Money, Constitutional Money, Real Money and Labor Added Value Commodities Money

    Inherent Value: IRS Tax Money, Paper Money, FRN Money, Evasion Jail Time Money, Monopoly Money and Con Game Money

    Commander in Chief: Totalitarian Socialistic Fascist Racist Golfing Vacationing Farcical-Habitual-Campaigner

    Fascists: Campaign Contributing Banksters, Undue Influencing Greedsters, USSA Senate, USSA Commander in Chief, USSA Judiciary, and United Socialistic States of America

    Enforcers: Totalitarian Henchmen, MSM Pundits, Press Secretaries, USSA Senate, Panzer Corps, Lock Down Wardens, USSA Police State and DHS

    Ponzi Coupons: Irredeemable Federal Reserve Notes

    Taxpayer Gifts: ZIRP for Greedsters and QE for How Now Dow Cows

    Fraudsters: Targeted Inflation Rate Banksters, Holy Spinners, Paper Printing Banksters, and Naked Short Selling Greedsters

    Honest Money: Freedom Fighters, Constitutional Money, and US Minted Gold and Silver Coinage

    Mouseketeers: US Governments Agencies, Justice, FED Bank, and CFTC

    Totalitarians: USSA Government Administration, DNC and RNC

    Totalitarian Tools: IRS RICO Thugs and FRN Paper Printers

    Bullion Riggers: John Pierpont Manipulator and Hideous Sperpentine Bozo Clowns

    Puppeteers: Goldman Socks and Tinananmen Squares

    Enslavers: IRS, RICO Thugs, Pick Pocketeers, Privacy Spies, Highway Robbers, USSSA, USDA, Poor Entrappers, Circus Masters, and Bread Throwers

    Gold Bugs: Freedom Lovers, Turdites, Le Menu Readers, Austrian Economists, Real Money Believers, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Republic Restorers, Libertarians, and Bonnie Blue Flag Waivers

    Paper Pushers: Central Bank Currency Printers, Kenynesian Economists and Debtor Prison Wardens

    One Percenters: Greedsters and Banksters and Diamond Backed Snakes and She Head Madusas

    Ninety Nine Percenters: Tax Mules and State Dependents

    Monsters: Freedom Fighters Locked and Loaded with 500 Rounds Each

    Pump Machines: How Now Dow Cows, Paper Printers, and Feel Good Be Happy Crowds

    Printer Credits: TARP ZIPR and QE1 QE2 QE3 QE4 QE5 QE6 QE7 QE8 QE9 QE10 to QE-Infinity

    Extend and Pretend: Green Shoots, Kick the Can, Robust Recovery, USSA Manufacturing Dominance, QE-Infinity and USSA Government Statistics

    Employment: Participation Rate Participants, Couch Potatoes, Bench Sitters, Part Timers and USSA Government Statistics

    Real Rates: Real GNP Kaplop RORs and Bonds Real Valued Added RORs and Saving Deposit Negative Interest Rates

    Enlightened Electrorate: Ninety Nine Percenters, FRN Bond Holders, FRN Savers, Stagnant Joe Six Packs, and Busted Moms and Pops

    MOPEd Dopes: USSA Statistics Believers, Enlightened Electrorate and Foolish Economists

    Extremists: Freedom Lovers, Gold Bugs, Freedom Fighters, Plain Language Constitutionalists, Libertarians, and Old Glory Waivers

    Gang of Four: WW and the Printers and Thugs, FDR and the Raw Deal, LBJ and the Corrupt Society, and BHO and the Ponzi Scheme

    Rat Race: One Percenters Hiding Loot Off Shore, Bahama Yacht Sailing Greedsters, IRS Agents and FRN RICO Thugs

    District Courts: Medical Malpractice Lotto Parlors and Illegal Alien Swearing-In Chambers

    Hue and Cry: Tax and Spend, Take and Give, Inflate and Rob, Incentivize and Control, and Socialize and Corrupt

    Slogan: Vote em Out or Take em Out, for a Free Lunch

    Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.

    Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.

    President Ronald Reagan Clip: “Tear Down This Wall”
    John F. Kennedy ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country

    Mr Hunter, glad you liked it. And surely, Watch Dog put you on the radar map, and you do a great job, keeping us all informed, as a great public service, but that list, Nova Slang, may just make you a rock star. Because when you’re hot, you’re hot, you really shoot your shot, and my sincere pleasure, because, you really set me off to a fuller love. Mr Greg Hunter is simply fantastic, a true patriot!

    TOPPOP: Ohio Players – Fire

    This post is dedicated to Mr Greg Hunter of USA Watch Dog dot com. https://usawatchdog.com/

  75. Derrick Michael Reid

    USA Criminals and Traitors
    Posted by Derrick Michael Reid on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:27:24 PM

    The answer lies in the literal compliance with gun licensing laws, providing offenders with supposed safe harbors, believed by all, expect one, as rock solid, and perhaps not believed by the discoverer of a smoking gun, all the while there is blood flowing in the streets, noticed by many a bug. Its not a license to kill though. Or is it, with US Justice on the bench?

    James Bond 007 Theme Tune

    At the Hearing, Unclean Hands is asserted by the TEAM against the DEFENDANT, as an equitable assertion for the injunction, against any equitable consideration for the DEFENDANT, and hence, bullion price manipulation, crimes bypassed by Justice, conspiratorial front running, undue influence upon Government, RICO racketeering, personal damages to millions, naked short sells are public frauds selling something you don’t have, are singularly each unclean hands of the defendant, who shall be entitled to no equitable consideration. The false inquiry lies in the the literal compliance by the defendants in marketing laws, providing the DEFENDANT offender with supposed safe harbors, to conduct its crimes and public frauds, at civil law and at law, and is thus believed by all most as rock solid defenses at law, but not in equity, which has equitable jurisdiction and were equitable injunctions can issue.The Bullion banks are criminals, traitors, and undue influencers. Those crimes and treason and undue influence shall be shut down by an equitable US District Court as mala en se high crimes upon the people and the government. Game over. You have until next the weekend of 6/22/13, to go long Silver as indicated on the COT, or its 20 years in striped cotton pajamas.
    Robin Trower-The Fool and Me.

    Is anyone getting pumped?
    Technotronic – Pump Up The Jam

    Beams are all over the floor, among smoking guns, but the real question is why has no one been successful todate. Answer, they dont know how in locked judiciary on the coasts.

    Robin Trower; Bridge of Sighs, 1974

    But it will go off some with the screaming eagles.
    Robin Trower – Bridge of Sighs – 01 – Day Of The Eagle

    Here are clues to success and freedom for all.
    Heart – Never
    Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum
    Werewolves Of London

  76. Derrick Michael Reid

    So what is it, really, what is the enslavement? It called Totalitarianism by Government unduly influences by fascist Greedsters and Banksters. What are the enablers? IRS thuggery and paper money. How do you change federal tax? You make tax collection a pay-and-forget system by a national sale tax, and give the earth a break. One one also destroy paper money because it is printable. Where do you attack? Not Government directly, they are merely undue influenced, but you must attack the fasicts in Wall Street extending fascist control. Where to you attack Wall Street. You dont attack the NY law firms or Banksters, but at the commercial weak link, and that is the Greedsters. Which one? The mob boss, of course. And how do they sustain the paper money? Buy the gold cartel. What is that? The gold cartel comprises 15 large bullion banks controlling the bullion space and led by its mob boss, JPM. The attack plan seeks to assassinate the mob boss among the bullion banks, that is, the king pin in the bullion space, and put their executives in jail for treasons. Next, because the attack plan can be easily replicated, it can be applied to picking off the remainder of the bullion banks left in the gold cartel, thereby utterly destroying the gold cartel, liberating bullion, thereby concurrently destroying in turn the FRN and the all paper money, thereby liberating those enslaved by paper money, to thus free the people in the US and world wide and free mankind from totalitarian rule. Its all about freeing the people from Governmental totalitarian rule, without attacking government directly in a cost effective manner. You mean for 6m$ with a one year 2-5 time return, people world wide can be freed from Government Totalitarianism? Certainly. The attack plan is good to go, to assassinate the king pin mob boss. The question remains, can the gold notables or any one with means who is seriously concerned, play Raider Football. http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/

  77. Derrick Michael Reid

    the money used is all client hedges, and sure bet the judge in DC will buy that one, LOL freakin zoo out there, with brain dead zombies, bumlers stumblers, thieves, criminals, traitors, totalitarians, banksters, greedsters, racketeers, conspirators, cartels, what a messed up world,,,,, the Breakfast of Champions, and werewolves of London. LMAO They all need, both sides, an attitude adjustment. So lets bungle in the jungle, on the hunt, hungry like a wolf.But I tell you all now, its a toss up, between yakty yak, all talk and no go, and the manipulation of con game. Mortals, LOL, to much man, just to much. Complainers and Thieves. The wolves surround the cows.

    So, what to do, by as fast action here? you have to work with the industry mentality. Initially, the promoters had to carry the ball, it is just the way is it. Dont complain about, deal with it.

    So, here is the strategy.

    Herd movement of cautious and hesitant cows enslaved by enemy wolves, is the initial condition, and so, for the attack, the commander takes lead, and gets the FINANCIER on line, and funding in place, and using the commander but mostly the FINANCIER influence as a face man, persuades initially one or more plaintiff to join the attack, then FIANCIER and joined PLAINTIFFS turn on the remaining hold out PLAINTIFFs to stack up 6 deep, as a ready team, then the FINANCER and PLAINTIFF turn on the experts to persuade them to join the attack, thus completing recruitment of necessary forces, to get the cow heard moving and deployed to become world class heroes. It works given the general cow mentality and yakty yak all talk and no go demeanor of the Secret World of Gold. Well, it aint no secret any more, I got their number. And will proceed according.
    you all think that not paying attention to the most significant ACT in the gold world is largely not paid attention to, by many notables, outside of their regular yakty yak? Just Saying so you all can ponder what that really indicates. For the commander, it was perfect timing for adjustment in the battle plan can be had at a very timely stage of deployment. So, it was a great bit of information, when toe dipping, as advanced recon is important for advanced intel, before the main blow. And as it turns out, that readjustment was actually a huge logistic reducers, for the compact thrust, for the win win, actually. Worked out great.

    Upton would be impressed. Attack in depth.


    In the 1864 Overland Campaign, Upton led his brigade in the Wilderness, but his greatest contribution was at Spotsylvania Court House, where he developed a new tactic to attack the Confederate breastworks, one that would foreshadow tactics used in the trench warfare of World War I. Upton devised a tactic wherein columns of massed infantry would swiftly assault a small part of the enemy line, without pausing to trade fire, and in doing so attempt to overwhelm the defenders and achieve a breakthrough. The standard infantry assault employed a wide battle line advancing more slowly, firing at the enemy as it moved forward. On May 10, 1864, Upton led twelve regiments in such an assault against the Confederate’s Mule Shoe salient. His tactics worked and his command penetrated to the center of the Mule Shoe, but they were left unsupported and forced to withdraw in the face of enemy artillery and mounting reinforcements. Upton was wounded in the attack, but was promoted to brigadier general on May 12. On that same day, Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock adapted Upton’s columnar assault tactic to the entire II Corps to break through the Mule Shoe. Due to his wounds, Upton was forced to retire to Washington, D.C., but was back in command to participate in the early stages of the Siege of Petersburg.[5]

    Attack in Depth for the power punch to break their front lines, with reduced logistics, while getting the for forcing moving into attack position and with advance MOPE for the mind screws, with fanned out plaintiffs covering more basis and options for damage proof and irreparable harm proof, misdirecting the enemy and thinning the enemy front lines. What a score, with advanced recon. So, you stack up the plaintiffs for the in depth focused punch led by proximal and distal counsel, then primary counsel brings up the front line primary experts for the general assault as flank support of and doubling of the focused punch, and then with a break of enemy lines, you throw in the secondary experts led by the primary counsel to start the route, and when with route is in full swing, you throw in the tertiary experts led by primary counsel to route in detail, and then clean up with the vicious ruthless (Yours) Of Counsel on cross examination of defendant’s experts, for the route in detail and the sweep of enemy positions, showing no mercy and no pity, taking no prisoners, of under the commander in charge and on scene directing the action. The enemy is toast!

  78. Derrick Michael Reid

    asking allot of questions. Its all in the plan. But here is a clue. A chicago firm will be selected and 3 primary litigators interviewed, hired and assigned to the six pack. These three will be given specific tasks. They will appear and examine experts. Mostly though they will be acting as very expensive paralegals on a short leash, and time durations, for the master mind, all five of them. LOL!!!! Damn it, its 1am, and this is wake up, but have not gone down, at all, so going doing down now, sleeping is like a beating frequency, its rolls through all 24 hours. oh well, later folks, later rex.

    At a reasonable rate of about 1800/hr x about 2000 hours, over the last several months, that is about 3.6 million, where should I send the bill? LOL.

    Heart out weighs skin, any day of the week.

    Current plans calls out

    1000/hr for primary litigators

    200/hr for proximal and distal attorney

    100/hr for guess who, which Im sure will be mostly at no charge pro bono to keep it all on track. So, yours is not in this for the loot. Taking down the FRN is where its at, you know, freeing mankind stuff.

    I figure plaintiffs go in with a 13 to 1 advantage, hence, fool proof, derived from proven skills and affects.
    Government is here to stay, despite all its fault and misguided policies. A limited government is needed. The best approach is to correct those misguided policies, and help government overcome undue influence and serve the people, extending as much freedom within providing proper security. I know there is allot of scrap going on out there. Evil is everywhere, granted. But, for better or for worse, you all are hitched in perpetuity. There is no foreseeable divorce. There is no real sanctuary. Best play is to do what you can to improve government. Bomb and bullets aimed at government is not the way to go.
    What the heck is the Federal Government doing with student loan any ways? I can tell you all, its simple, to enslave the bright and young to the paper money and indebtedness to and by the fascist banksters to keep them bonuses rolling in under the DC politboro with totalitarian controls and imprisonment of the people. Cant States manage their own universities, under states rights and a limited federal government per that dist rag the constitution under a republic of states. What moral code takes from a man of one state to give to another in another state when there is no local or republic connection therebetween. I am my brother keeper, by his grace through personal charity, not by legal mandate of take and give required by the totalitarians to enslave us all.

    Screwed up I tell you, screwed up.

    You bet I live in LaLa Land, in a bastion of modern thinkers, who are bent on fixing every thing.

    OK, bed time story time. Atta-Boy.

    So, these totalitarians in lala land decide to upgrade the small beach park, where children can play. Its a merry happy time for children at play. How nice. They post a huge permanent sign right in the playground sand. This sign has a variety of ocean animals depicted in the ocean swimming. Now nice and happy. And each one of these animals are entangled by human waste discarded into the water, such as fishing line around a seal’s head, choking and bleeding around the neck, in agony, in death throws, in a merry happy park, which might possibly put a little damper on all that merry happy time. Tell me that aint messed up. LOL, these totalitarians wont stop being utterly ridiculous. LOL

    But best one is still the sign that reads,
    On the floor, freakin, on the floor!!

  79. Derrick Michael Reid

    Man This is no easy task. Cows and wolves, complainers and thieves.
    Talkers and Hoodies, these mortals are something else!! LMAO.
    But, coming out of retirement, need a new entry level position. LMAO.

    So, do does the smartest guy in the world have fun? YOU BET!!

    Interferring with Service Providers, Retailers and Wholesalers, unable to obtain FMV through price discovery by manipulation of prices.

    Tortious interference with contract rights can occur where the tortfeasor convinces a party to breach the contract against the plaintiff, or where the tortfeasor disrupts the ability of one party to perform his obligations under the contract, thereby preventing the plaintiff from receiving the performance promised. The classic example of this tort occurs when one party induces another party to breach a contract with a third party, in circumstances where the first party has no privilege to act as it does and acts with knowledge of the existence of the contract. Such conduct is termed tortious inducement of breach of contract.

    Tortious interference with business relationships occurs where the tortfeasor acts to prevent the plaintiff from successfully establishing or maintaining business relationships. This tort may occur when a first party’s conduct intentionally causes a second party not to enter into a business relationship with a third party that otherwise would probably have occurred. Such conduct is termed tortious interference with prospective business relations, expectations, or advantage or with prospective economic advantage.

    In either of the above situations, the tortfeasor’s conduct must be intentional. There is no cause of action for merely negligent interference with the performance of a contract.[1]

    ==== Selling Naked Shorts, Selling Something you dont have.

    Fraud: A deception made for personal gain.

    In criminal law, fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent, and verb is defraud. Fraud is a crime and a civil law violation, though the specific criminal law definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud.

    A hoax also involves deception, but without the intention of gain or of damaging or depriving the victim. Fraud is a defense in a civil action for breach of contract or specific performance of a contract. Fraud is a basis for equitable jurisdiction.

    === Preliminary Injuction enjoining JPM from price manipulation.

    A preliminary injunction, in equity, is an injunction entered by a court prior to a final determination of the merits of a legal case, in order to restrain a party from going ahead with a course of conduct or compelling a party to continue with a course of conduct until the case has been decided. If the case is decided against the party that has been enjoined, then the injunction will usually be made permanent. If the case is decided in favor of the party that has been enjoined, the injunction will usually be dissolved or dismissed.

    In most courts in the United States, the party seeking the preliminary injunction must demonstrate all four things together:

    That there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of the case,
    That they face a substantial threat of irreparable damage or injury if the injunction is not granted,
    That the balance of harms weighs in favor of the party seeking the preliminary injunction
    That the grant of an injunction would serve the public interest.

    The “balance of harms” refers to the threatened injury to the party seeking the preliminary injunction as compared to the harm that the other party may suffer from the injunction.

    The United States Supreme Court revisited the requirements for obtaining a preliminary injunction in Winter v. NRDC, Inc., 555 U.S. 7 (2008).[1] The Court changed one requirement just slightly:

    “A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest.”

    Bullion off? Make my Day

    Got the wife to pay for the MCLE lecture, like stackers carry plastic, and only for 30 hours sitting through online videos, so all recently important stuff is had, by end of month, then pay some back bar dues, and its 10 days to bar card, and all systems a go go, then the four year retirement vacation is officially over, 4 years of learning more bullion stuff, finish military supreme commander live fire training, while raising 2 boys, and planing JPM take down strategy.
    The gold cartel is and comprises 15 large bullion banks controlling the bullion space. The attack plan seeks to assassinate the mob boss among them, the king pin in the bullion space. Next, because the plan can be easily replicated, it can be applied to picking off the remainder of them, thereby utterly destroying the gold cartel, liberating bullion, thereby concurrently destroying in turn the FRN and all paper money, thereby liberating those enslaved by paper money, to thus free people world wide and mankind from totalitarian rule.

    I figure plaintiffs go in with a 13 to 1 advantage, hence, fool proof, derived from proven skills and affects. 6m$ in and 2-5x dollars profits out in about 9 months. That has got to get business types at least looking, I would think. you are asking allot of questions. Its all in the plan.

    But here is a clue. A chicago firm will be selected and 3 primary litigators interviewed, hired and assigned to the six pack. These three will be given specific tasks. They will appear and examine experts. Mostly though they will be acting as very expensive paralegals on a short leash, and time durations, for the Of Counsel Commander.

    Cross Examination of defendants experts is the best part. Primary, Proximal, and Distal Counsel will examine plaintiffs as auxiliary experts and plaintiff primary, secondary and tertiary experts following prepared scripts and is rather straight forward and kind of boring. But the defendants experts is when life fire shoot outs are most intense and enjoyable. Plaintiff Team will do the legal flip, once again, that is partly in the initial rapid shot gun attack on the plaintiff to take them down hard and fast. Cross examination is also part of the legal flip, turning the legal world upside down.

    The team will insist that defendants expert qualification and fully before the court. Most attorney will stipulate they would qualify so that their highly expert background is buried from the eyes of court, trying to diminish opposing party experts expertise. The TEAM does the dance, and insist that defendant expert be fully qualified and have resumes and background fully entered into the record. The TEAM doing the legal flip, will make sure that defendants expert are HIGHLY QUALIFIED, and then turn the defendants experts onto the defendants on cross. Set them up, as always, doing the legal flip. Then using leading questions and hypotheticals, get these highly qualified experts to admit on the record actual and probable nefarious business activities by the defendants by destroying and humiliating them on the stand, which is best fun of all. Vicious ruthless REID will examine defendants expert on cross to utterly destroy and humiliate defendants experts, every single one, on the stand and under oath for all to see.

    Herd movement of cautious and hesitant cows enslaved by enemy wolves, is the initial condition, and so, for the attack, the commander takes lead, and gets the FINANCIER on line, and funding in place, and using the commander but mostly the FINANCIER influence as a face man, persuades initially one or more plaintiff to join the attack, then FIANCIER and joined PLAINTIFFS turn on the remaining hold out PLAINTIFFs to stack up as a ready team, then the FINANCER and PLAINTIFF turn on the experts to persuade them to join the attack, thus completing recruitment of necessary forces, to get the cow heard moving and deployed to become world class heroes. It works given the general cow mentality and yakty yak all talk and no go demeanor of the Secret World of Gold. Well, it aint no secret any more, I got their number.

    The cartel comprises 15 major bullion bank in on the manipulation, for free profits, engaged in the racket. Those guys. Now, I have personally have seen front running signals where advance sales small spikes front run major smashes, to tip off the other racketeeters.

    Brainwave: It happens all the time.

    AM has developed an algorithimic detection means for price prediction. This signals to AM that a smash is about to happen, and to what price.

    So, if AM can do, why cant a co-conspirator racketeers do the same thing? It just an algorithim, nothing more. Of course they can, especially being part of the club.

    Thus, there are now two modes of signaling, without speaking a work, and they are 1) front running sale signals, and 2) algorithmic detections.

    They are freaking toast.

    So, ah, how is wet pants bart doing these day, any word?

    yeah but the money used is all client hedges, and sure bet the judge in DC will buy that one, LOL freakin zoo out there, with brain dead zombies, bumlers stumblers, thieves, criminals, traitors, totalitarians, banksters, greedsters, racketeers, conspirators, cartels, what a messed up world,,,,, the Breakfast of Champions, and werewolves of London. LMAO They all need, both sides, an attitude adjustment.

    With all due kind respects, of course. But I tell you all now, its a toss up, between yakty yak, all talk and no real go, and the racket. LOL Mortals, LOL, to much man, just to much. Complainers and Thieves.

    1. The Civil RICO statute at 18 U.S.C. 1964 expressly authorizes civil remedies, in addition to any criminal remedies that also exist to prosecute organized crime.
    2. State courts have original jurisdiction to enforce the Civil RICO statute at 18 U.S.C. 1964. See Tafflin v. Levitt and Lou v. Belzberg, Rice v. Janovich and Village at Camelback v. Carr.
    3. The Civil Case Cover Sheet for the Superior Court of California shows “RICO” as a standard case category.
    4. A pattern of racketeering is expressly defined to mean only two (2) RICO “predicate acts” during any given 10-year period. See 18 U.S.C. 1961(5).
    5. The federal statute at 18 U.S.C. 1961 itemizes all RICO predicate acts. The most common are mail fraud, extortion, obstruction of justice, obstruction of a criminal investigation, and witness tampering or retaliation.
    6. Violations of State and federal laws both qualify as RICO predicate acts. 18 U.S.C. 1961(1)(B) itemizes a long list of federal offenses that qualify as predicate acts.
    Service Providers, )
    Retailers Wholesalers ) Civil Complaint for
    Persons & Corporations) Injunctive Relief and Damages
    v ) Using In House and Client funds
    JP Morgan Defendant ) for Manipulating Bullion Market
    A New York Corporation) of Gold and Silver Causing
    Officer Jammie Diamond) Personal Damages In Said County
    Officer Blyth Master ) For Price Manipulation using House
    and Doe Persons and ) and Client Funds, Front Running,
    and Doe Corporations ) Conspiracy, Sedition, Supporting
    and Roe Corporations ) Cause of Action A RICO Crimes
    outside of immediate ) Cause of Action B Fraud and Deceit
    Control Act in Consert) Cause of Action C Market Interference

    ==== THE DREAM TEAM:

    Title Page

    A Proposal to Terminate Bullion Manipulation

    Turd Ferguson Bill Haynes Thor Gjerdrum
    Plaintiff Plaintiff Plaintiff
    Rfmetalsreport.com CMI Gold & Silver AMark

    William Murphy Brian Crumbaker James Hausman
    Plaintiff Plaintiff Plaintiff
    lemetropolecafre.com GoldLine Gold Center

    Derrick Michael Reid Attorney Attorney
    Of Counsel Proximal Counsel Distal Counsel
    totalcontrol.com Not Selected Preferably Selected

    Primary Counsel Secondary Counsel Tertiary Counsel
    Chicago Law Firm Chicago Law Firm Chicago Law Firm
    Not Selected Not Selected Not Selected

    Andrew McGuire William Kaye PINING
    Coghan Capital Pacific Group TF Metals Report
    Primary Expert Primary Expert Primary Expert

    Sandeep Jaitly Ben Davies Rocket Richard
    Bullion Basis Hindsight Capital LeMetropoleCafe
    Secondary Expert Secondary Expert Secondary Expert

    William Grant James Rickards Eric Sprott
    Things that go Hmm Tagent Capital Sportt Assets
    Tertiary Expert Tertiary Expert Tertiary Expert


    J P Morgan Chase Inc.
    Jamie Diamon
    Blythe Master

    and 30 years of the rest of my life.
    US Government needs the private sector help.
    I volunteer for the duty, big time.

  80. Derrick Michael Reid

    Oh, that 1800$/hour reasonable rate, effectively gets cut to about 20$/hour, and the five co-counsel are cost-effectively used and expert paralegals, during the LEGAL FLIP strategy, totally outside the box. They are freaking toast.

    But reinstating the bar card has one serious draw back, as licensed attorneys ethically, of course, must hold the honorable legal profession always in high esteem, meaning I will shut my trap, free speech censored again, but its all on line, so no biggie, but having to shut my trap about that most despicable profession is going to be one on going freaking nightmare. LMAO.


  81. Derrick Michael Reid

    Why stack? oh, thats so so easy. So you mind screw judges, Mope the folks, herd yakty yak bullion cows, scare the dickens out of thieves, save the country, plan strategetic warfare, save mankind, and just rock to your favorites tunes over the amps at turdville, while showing all a whole lotta love.

    HSBC legal Dept.

    Please kindly send me a list of the 15 member bank of the gold cartel syndicate as referenced by William Kaye of Pacific Group on KWN. That would nice of you. Mr Diamond and Ms Masters are given until this COT reporting period to go long Silver reflected on COT and Bank Participation or Im afraid they may be looking at 20 years in striped cotton pajamas.


    Casey Research,
    Ed Steer, GATA


    I am planning at legal assault upon JPM et al, to end price manipulation in the bullion space. William Kaye of Pacific Group on KWN indicated there are 15 banks of a syndicate. I translate that syndicate into “the gold cartel” which consist of commercial banks, as definitions are required. Would you confidentially provide me the names of said banks, for purposes of defining “the gold cartel”. Presently, my best guess is JPM (the mob boss) HSBC, Deutsche, Citi, MIS which is only 4. Can you provide me confidentially, a list of 15 banks. Much appreciated.
    Yours, Derrick Michael Reid, BS JD
    totalcontrol.com Town Hall “Totalitarian Democracy”
    FTmetalsreport.com handle Mad5Hatter.
    Lemetropolecafe.com handle DerrickMReid

  82. Derrick Michael Reid

    FMOC, downside risks to economy are lessening. (Read Green Shoots) Fed will lessen, QE by fall and terminate by spring 2014. (Dice Clay, Yeah Sure, but, Unemployment is still Up and Manufacturing is way Down)Fed reduced inflation outlook trimmed and growth. (Totally, Unsquared) Conclusion, there is a screw loose at the FED. FED is afraid of 3.5T balance sheet, and is running for the hills, confused. (But its not confusing at all) FED painted itself in a corner, dingbats, a bunch of comedians.

  83. Derrick Michael Reid

    Crime is an act prohibited by statue against the state. So lets go sub oceanian with some theories. Statue enforcement make criminal, for until the crime is enforced it unenforced crime. The US Attorney general and indicated that they are TBTF TBTJ. That translates into an inability to enforce law. So, the crime is never prosecuted. A a crime that is never prosecuted it is not a crime, for the criminals are granted immunity. So, if an act, otherwise deemed criminal is subject to immunity, it is no longer a crime. Thus, exchange price manipulation is not a crime. Defenses regarding client fund use and federal statues are not in play, there is no crime or jurisdictional basis. Acts by exchange players may thus be allowed by law and not criminal, and thus the perpetrators, walk time and again, with allowed prescribed conduct and de facto immunity, and can not be stopped under the civil law. So, the king bench offers no real remedy to stop the murder on the exchanges. The other alternative is the ecclesiastical bench, where, literal compliance and de facto immunity will not protect the perpetrators if it can be shown that the complained of conduct is immoral. And JPM experts will be asked, if one complies with gun licensing laws, is it moral to murder people in the streets? But, freedom of contract allows one to go naked short. But is that selling something you dont have? Is that a fraud? Is that immoral? The idea being that you take the fight into the church, where the morality plays out, where full injunctions can be had from the church bench, giving new meaning to church chat. Thus, the trick is to not only have plaintiffs all say this conduct is immoral, but to cross examine defendants experts, and get them to admit to murder, no holds bared trading, price manipulation, treason, fiduciary breaches, notwithstanding trading law compliance, can be and is used immorality. Piece of cake, man. The created public record being so complete, there will be no need to hand justice a silver platter, to then use those records to build a criminal case at last, to put the perpetrators in prison. They are freakin toast.


    Let’s go suboceana
    To the place where fish sleep
    Down, deep, down under
    And rock with the Dream King
    He says
    Trust me, just trust me
    I live in your mind
    I’ll be your dream master
    All of us know this
    We’re going inside
    This is your life after
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Put your face in my hands now
    As the water washes us down
    The pressure of your body solid
    Making love without a sound
    We see
    White sheets of light
    That prickle the skin
    Colors extend
    Moving out from within
    If this is creation
    Let’s do it again
    Let’s stay down under
    Way, way, way, down deep
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Boom boom chi boom boom
    Generations in a picture
    Lay their heads down to sleep
    Forgetting sin to remember
    Way, way, way, down deep
    They say
    We are your future
    From out of your past
    We’ll be here tomorrow
    Pick up the pieces
    As fragile as glass
    We will hear your sorrow
    Babies are born
    They accept the bizarre
    Moving beyond
    Beyond life in a jar
    Let’s stay down under
    Way, way, way, down deep.

    The one caveat is that, str manipulation, conspiracy, treason, racketeering, fraud, still today considered by judges as immoral. That is one huge toss up. In the end, the heathens and nonspiratualists continue to degrade the entire moral complex, to where even judges are suspect, as we all approach the event horizon of one huge ugly cesspool.


  84. Derrick Michael Reid

    So, lets identify the public enemy mobsters unduly influencing the US Government. A hit list is always the first step, tentative just now, as experts generate the list, from experts around the globe, but lets finger the bad guys, as best one can at this time. This list should change over the coming weeks, but its best guess for now.

    1. J P Morgan Chase (Mob Boss)
    2. HSBC
    3. Deutsche Bank
    4. Citi Corp
    5. Bank of International Settlement
    6. Bank of Nova Sciotia
    7. Barclays Bank
    8. Wells Fargo
    9. Bank of America
    10.Goldman Saks
    12. USB
    13. Cerdit Argicole
    14. Societe General
    15. Bank of Australia

  85. Derrick Michael Reid

    Calculating to rock all of your worlds. So the Attack plan, soon to go to editor, which doubles as an agreement document, on the last page is the signature page, for the experts, counsel and plaintiffs, all 6+6+9 = 21 of them, for the one day hearing appearance, for mega bucks share of settlement, but the attack plan is not only peddled to some personal private fat cats, and if necessary to some bullion fat cat, for the doe, but also concurrently to Hollywood key movie producers, for production rights of the movie, with plaintiffs and experts and counsel, all becoming emulated personalities on the big screen. :0
    We’re in the Money

  86. Derrick Michael Reid

    Ruth Caleb
    Executive Producer
    Leopard Films

    Re: Freedom v TBTF TBTJ Greedsters
    You were selected as a primary candidate for movie rights due to your association with film Lehman Brothers.I invite you to review the following.
    Yours, Derrick Michael Reid
    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on June 21, 2013 – 9:31pm.
    to rock all of your worlds. So the Attack plan, soon to go to editor, which doubles as an agreement document, on the last page is the signature page, for the experts, counsel and plaintiffs, all 6+6+9 = 21 of them, for the one day hearing appearance, for mega bucks share of settlement, but the attack plan is not only peddled to some personal private fat cats, and if necessary to some bullion fat cat, for the doe, but also concurrently to Hollywood key movie producers, for production rights of the movie, with plaintiffs and experts and counsel, all becoming emulated personalities on the big screen. :0
    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on June 22, 2013 – 4:18am.
    Movie Producer Financier
    Advance copy of attack plan, Authorization to Make Movies, Authorization to use name and likeness of plaintiffs, counsel and experts, advance copy of press releases, advance copy of examination scripts.
    Plaintiff share 1/3, 1/18 each Counsel Shire 1/3, 1/18 each Expert Share 1/3, 1/18 each
    Private and Bullion Financier
    Financier 1/4, prorated to funding team Plaintiffs 1/4, 1/26 each Counsel 1/4, 1/26 each Experts 1/4, 1/36 each
    Experts can be added, individual shares prorated.
    Plaintiffs can be added, individual shares prorated.
    KISS funding and settlement sharing.
    Lehman Brothers, Producers: Ruth Caleb, Lisa Osborne

  87. Derrick Michael Reid

    Finished it, meh, what a pain, turning the double dutch into English. Now a couple of clean up passes and off to the editors. They are going to get an eye full!!! 150 pages single line spaced, you know, casual light reading. LOL!! Communicated with movie producers for funding. Next week start bullion notable funding logistics for funding. Next week will also start private placement funding logistics. Next week English editing by editors, so that by 6/30, me BD and anniversary, so me never forgets, Im sly that way, when the polished English version should be ready for distribution. So no more double dutch in the attack plan. So, for the last time, play it again sam.
    Double Dutch Bus

  88. Chuck

    Do not agree with Catherine Austin Fitts on this concept of moving from debt to equity models. Like we haven’t been living in an equity model for(at least)the past seventy years? Let me spell it out. E-Q-U-I-T-Y equals P-O-N-Z-I.

  89. Derrick Michael Reid

    Aspect 7.3 Plaintiffs Experts Standbys Consultants

    There are many Gold Notables. Plaintiffs include service providers, retailers and wholesalers. Service providers provide URL cites with members who can regularly post comments as a private club of members. The two preferred service providers are TFMetalsreport and Lemetropole café. Plaintiffs preferrably number six and have been identified in the dream team. Other unknown service providers can be listed as possible plaintiffs. Two retailers have been identified in the dream team. Other retailers can be listed possible plaintiffs. Two wholesalers have been identified in the dream team. Other wholesalers can be listed possible plaintiffs.

    There are nine listed PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY EXPERTS. Other possible experts can be listed as standby experts, and be used as replacement or supporting experts. Others in the field can be listed as consultants to the case. These possible plaintiffs, standby experts and consultants generally have specific expertise within the field. Possible Plaintiffs and Standby Experts may be interviewed with supporting declarations prepared as supporting members of the TEAM and acts as replacements or added TEAM members to add weight to the cause. Consultants are behind the scene supporting experts, out of the lime light, and their names and roles kept confidential, but can be used to provide input to support the case.

    List of Supporting TEAM members
    Plaintiffs, named complainers of Record
    Possible Plaintiffs, replacement Plaintiffs and Experts
    Experts, named experts of Record
    Standby Experts, replacement Experts and Supporting Experts
    Consultants, Confidential Experts for Case Supports
    Plaintiff, Counsel, and Experts share in any settlement
    only when officially made of record in the case.

    If you are a “Gold Notable” and would qualify as an expert in the bullion space, volunteers are gladly accepted.

  90. Derrick Michael Reid

    Anyone may pass this on to a lead or notable. Tally Ho!! War has been declared on the Gold Cartel, and JPM is the prime target. This is war. We extend no courtesy, no mercy, and no pity, and take no prisoners, as we fly the black flag into battle. [email protected] is the HQ communications center.


    Sir, It is time to fill the rooster. You may pass along as you desire. Thanks, Derrick Michael Reid

    Mr X CEO Sprott Global Carlsbad, California


    It has been two difficult months, since the 4/29/20013 brainwave, but I went public with it. If successful, it will solve J Embry and E Sprott problems, and will solve many others’ problems as well, mostly resolved by societal feedback loops. It took about 2 months, drafting the Coded Draft, perfecting marketing method implementations, and rewriting that coded draft into an English version. Next week the proposal is going to an editor for editing, so activation starts this July.

    Taking down JPM is something J Embry and E Sprott would want to hear about. But, I am sure they would like some screening up front, and you are selected for that purpose.

    So, the week after 6/30/2013, I could come down to Carlsbad for the entire day, as you deem fit and wish. The plan is fairly well organized and covers the bases. It would be best reviewed for rapid appraisal by one knowing the bullion space and a legal mind, and think it best you organize a team, as you wish, and send up a car to get me and take me to your carlsbad facility, driving and thinking for me is a huge no no. The basic thrust is on line as a marketing tool for advance review and funding, but it lacks specifics necessary, but would give you and others attending an advance read and understanding. I would also transmit that 142 page, single line spaced proposal to you personally, confidentially for an advanced review in advance of a planned conference at your facility.

    J Embry is the preferred confidential FINANCIER, and thus he is in the cross hairs, sort of speak, and is why I am writing you now. Mr J Embry and E Sprott would want to see a polished English plan of taking JPM completely out of the bullion space, as a first strike on destroying the Gold Cartel.

    So, if you desire, accordingly, I am available after 6/30/2013, any time.
    Sincerely, It is an honor to be your obedient servant Derrick Michael Reid, BS JD Laguna Beach California, [email protected]
    For your reference:
    http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/ http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/2013/06/03/usa_nova_slang.thtml http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/2013/05/29/freedom_v_tbtf_tbtj_greehttp://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/2013/06/06/usa_strike_on_the_evil_ehttp://www.tfmetalsreport.com/users/silversurfers http://forum.astroempires.com/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=111935 http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/4710/broader-perspective?page=10 https://usawatchdog.com/us-back-to-a-gold-standard-catherine-austin-fitts/ http://lemetropolecafe.com/CFFORUM/viewmessages.cfm?forum=7&topic=2221

    Plaintiffs, Experts and Consultants

    There are many Gold Notables. Plaintiffs include service providers, retailers and wholesalers. Service providers provide URL cites with members who can regularly post comments as a private club of members. The two preferred service providers are TFMetalsreport and Lemetropolecafe. Plaintiffs preferably number six and have been identified in the dream team. Other unknown service providers can be listed as possible plaintiffs. Two retailers have been identified in the dream team. Other retailers can be listed possible plaintiffs. Two wholesalers have been identified in the dream team. Other wholesalers can be listed possible plaintiffs.

    There are nine listed PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY EXPERTS. Other possible experts can be listed as standby experts, and be used as replacement or supporting experts. Others in the field can be listed as consultants to the case. These possible plaintiffs, standby experts and consultants generally have specific expertise within the field. Possible Plaintiffs and Standby Experts may be interviewed with supporting declarations prepared as supporting members of the TEAM and acts as replacements or added TEAM members to add weight to the cause. Consultants are behind the scene supporting experts, out of the lime light, and their names and roles kept confidential, but can be used to provide input to support the case.

    List of Supporting TEAM members
    Plaintiffs, named complainers of Record
    Possible Plaintiffs, replacement Plaintiffs and Experts
    Experts, named experts of Record
    Standby Experts, replacement Experts and Supporting Experts
    Consultants, Confidential Experts for Case Supports
    Plaintiffs, Counsel, and Experts share in any settlement
    only when officially made of record in the case.
    If you are a “Gold Notable” and would qualify as an expert in the bullion space,
    volunteers are gladly accepted.
    There is no reason why we cant be civil.

  91. Derrick Michael Reid

    ============= Dream Team has been Notified.
    Eric King ————— Broadcaster
    Chris Powell ———— Broadcaster
    Greg Hunter ————- Broadcaster
    Bill Murphy ————- Plaintiff Dream Team
    Turd Ferguson ———– Plaintiff Dream Team
    Bill Haynes ————- Plaintiff Dream Team
    Thor Gjerdrum ———– Plaintiff Dream Team
    James Hausman ———– Plaintiff Dream Tean
    Brian Crumbaker ——— Plaintiff Dream Team
    Dave In Denver ———- Expert Dream Team
    Richard Guthrie ——— Expert Dream Team
    James G Rickards ——– Expert Dream Team
    Grant Williams ———- Expert Dream Team
    Eric Sprott ————- Expert Dream Team
    Ben Davies ————– Expert Dream Team
    William Kaye ———— Expert Dream Team
    Sandeep Jaitly ———- Expert Dream Team
    Andrew McGuire ———- Expert Dream Team

  92. Derrick Michael Reid

    The Dream Team Final.
    Eric King =============== Broadcaster
    Chris Powell ============ Broadcaster
    Greg Hunter ============= Broadcaster
    Bill Murphy ============= Plaintiff Dream Team Lemetropolecafe
    Turd Ferguson =========== Plaintiff Dream Team TFMetalsreport
    Bill Haynes ============= Plaintiff Dream Team CMI
    Thor Gjerdrum =========== Plaintiff Dream Team AMark
    James Hausman =========== Plaintiff Dream Team Gold Center
    Brian Crumbaker ========= Plaintiff Dream Team Goldline
    James Turk ============== Expert Dream Team
    Richard Guthrie ========= Expert Dream Team
    James G Rickards ======== Expert Dream Team
    Grant Williams ========== Expert Dream Team
    Eric Sprott ============= Expert Dream Team
    Ben Davies ============== Expert Dream Team
    William Kaye ============ Expert Dream Team
    Sandeep Jaitly ========== Expert Dream Team
    Andrew McGuire ========== Expert Dream Team
    The Rock Star Show

  93. Derrick Michael Reid

    Sunday, should have ed 4 of attack plan, then fund raising. An Intro:
    ========================= The Dream Team ==================
    Eric King =============== Broadcaster Dream Team
    Chris Powell ============ Broadcaster Dream Team
    Greg Hunter ============= Broadcaster Dream Team
    Bill Murphy ============= Plaintiff Dream Team Lemetropolecafe
    Turd Ferguson =========== Plaintiff Dream Team TFMetalsreport
    Bill Haynes ============= Plaintiff Dream Team CMI Gold&Silver
    Thor Gjerdrum =========== Plaintiff Dream Team AMark
    James Hausman =========== Plaintiff Dream Team Gold Center
    Brian Crumbaker ========= Plaintiff Dream Team Goldline
    James Turk ============== Expert Dream Team
    Richard Guthrie ========= Expert Dream Team
    James Rickards ========== Expert Dream Team
    Grant Williams ========== Expert Dream Team
    Eric Sprott ============= Expert Dream Team
    Ben Davies ============== Expert Dream Team
    William Kaye ============ Expert Dream Team
    Sandeep Jaitly ========== Expert Dream Team
    Andrew McGuire ========== Expert Dream Team
    Cover Page
    A Proposal to Terminate Bullion Manipulation
    A Plan for Ridding from the Bullion Space,
    the mob boss JPM and the Gold Cartel, for
    Terminating Bullion Price Manipulation.
    Confidential Copyright Derrick Michael Reid 2013 4th Edition
    Table of Contents
    Cover Page, Ending Manipulation —————- Page 1
    Table of Contents —————————— Page 2
    Title Page, The Dream Team, Tentative ———- Page 3
    Overview, Injunction Strategy —————— Page 4
    Case Caption, Brief Form ———————– Page 5
    Complaint Body, Brief Form ——————— Page 6
    List of Characters, Tentative —————— Pages 7-10
    Table of Aspects, Generally Stated ————- Pages 11-144
    Appendix, Posted Comments of REID ————– Attached
    Title Page
    A Proposal to Terminate Bullion Manipulation
    The Dream Team

    Turd Ferguson Bill Haynes Thor Gjerdrum
    Plaintiff Plaintiff Plaintiff
    tfmetalsreport.com CMI Gold & Silver AMark

    William Murphy Brian Crumbaker James Hausman
    Plaintiff Plaintiff Plaintiff
    lemetropolecafre.com GoldLine Gold Center

    Derrick Michael Reid Attorney Attorney
    Of Counsel Proximal Counsel Distal Counsel
    totalcontrol.com Not Selected Preferably Selected

    Primary Counsel Secondary Counsel Tertiary Counsel
    Chicago Law Firm Chicago Law Firm Chicago Law Firm
    Not Selected Not Selected Not Selected

    Andrew McGuire William Kaye James Turk
    Coghan Capital Pacific Group Gold Money
    Primary Expert Primary Expert Primary Expert

    Sandeep Jaitly Ben Davies Richard Guthrie
    Bullion Basis Hindsight Capital LeMetropoleCafe
    Secondary Expert Secondary Expert Secondary Expert

    William Grant James Rickards Eric Sprott
    Things that go Hmm Tagent Capital Sprott Assets
    Tertiary Expert Tertiary Expert Tertiary Expert

    J P Morgan Chase Inc.
    Jamie Diamond
    Blythe Masters
    Sir, It is time to fill the rooster. You may pass along as you desire. Anyone may pass this on to a lead or notable. Tally Ho! War has been declared on the Gold Cartel, and JPM is the prime target. This is war. We extend no courtesy, no mercy, and no pity, and take no prisoners, as we fly the black flag into battle. [email protected] is the HQ communications center.
    Thanks, Derrick Michael Reid
    Mr X CEO Sprott Global Carlsbad, California
    It has been two difficult months, since the 4/29/2013 brainwave, but I went public with it. If successful, it will solve J Embry and E Sprott problems, and will solve many others’ problems as well, mostly resolved by societal feedback loops. It took about 2 months, drafting the Coded Draft, perfecting marketing method implementations, and rewriting that coded draft into an English version. Next week the proposal is going to an editor for editing, so activation starts this July.

    Taking down JPM is something J Embry and E Sprott would want to hear about. But, I am sure they would like some screening up front, and you are selected for that purpose.

    So, the week after 6/30/2013, I could come down to Carlsbad for the entire day, as you deem fit and wish. The plan is fairly well organized and covers the bases. It would be best reviewed for rapid appraisal by one knowing the bullion space and a legal mind, and think it best you organize a team, as you wish, and send up a car to get me and take me to your Carlsbad facility, driving and thinking for me is a huge no no. The basic thrust is on line as a marketing tool for advance review and funding, but it lacks specifics necessary, but would give you and others attending an advance read and understanding. I would also transmit that 142 page, single line spaced proposal to you personally, confidentially for an advanced review in advance of a planned conference at your facility.

    J Embry is the preferred confidential FINANCIER, and thus he is in the cross hairs, sort of speak, and is why I am writing you now. Mr J Embry and E Sprott would want to see a polished English plan of taking JPM completely out of the bullion space, as a first strike on destroying the Gold Cartel.

    So, if you desire, accordingly, I am available after 6/30/2013, any time.
    Sincerely, It is an honor to be your obedient servant Derrick Michael Reid, BS JD Laguna Beach California, [email protected]
    For your reference:
    http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/ http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/2013/06/03/usa_nova_slang.thtml http://totalcontrol.blogtownhall.com/2013/06/12/usa_freedom_v_tbtf_tbtj_greedsters.thtml
    http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/users/silversurfers http://lemetropolecafe.com/CFFORUM/viewmessages.cfm?forum=7&topic=2221
    http://forum.astroempires.com/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=111935 http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/4710/broader-perspective?page=10 https://usawatchdog.com/us-back-to-a-gold-standard-catherine-austin-fitts/
    Plaintiffs, Experts and Consultants
    There are many Gold Notables. Plaintiffs include service providers, retailers and wholesalers. Service providers provide URL cites with members who can regularly post comments as a private club of members. The two preferred service providers are TFMetalsreport and Lemetropolecafe. Plaintiffs preferably number six and have been identified in the dream team. Other unknown service providers can be listed as possible plaintiffs. Two retailers have been identified in the dream team. Other retailers can be listed possible plaintiffs. Two wholesalers have been identified in the dream team. Other wholesalers can be listed possible plaintiffs.

    There are nine listed PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY EXPERTS. Other possible experts can be listed as standby experts, and be used as replacement or supporting experts. Others in the field can be listed as consultants to the case. These possible plaintiffs, standby experts and consultants generally have specific expertise within the field. Possible Plaintiffs and Standby Experts may be interviewed with supporting declarations prepared as supporting members of the TEAM and acts as replacements or added TEAM members to add weight to the cause. Consultants are behind the scene supporting experts, out of the lime light, and their names and roles kept confidential, but can be used to provide input to support the case.
    List of Supporting TEAM members
    Plaintiffs, named complainers of Record
    Possible Plaintiffs, replacement Plaintiffs and Experts
    Experts, named experts of Record
    Standby Experts, replacement Experts and Supporting Experts
    Consultants, Confidential Experts for Case Supports
    Plaintiffs, Counsel, and Experts share in any settlement
    only when officially made of record in the case.
    If you are a “Gold Notable” and would qualify as an expert in the bullion space, volunteers are most gladly accepted and welcome.
    There is no reason we cant be civil.
    Problems: Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Greed, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fraud, Immigration, Fascism, Electioneering, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, and More-Government, To-Much-Government, and Way-To-Much Government.
    Solutions: Abolish all Federal Social Programs, Federal Pay-and-Forget Sales Tax Exclusivity, State In-Rem Property Tax Exclusivity, Real Gold and Silver Coinage Money Exclusivity, Pay Off All Federal and State Present and Future Obligations with 100T FRNs, State Social Safety Nets, Out Law Federal and State Bonds, Out Law Federal and State Debt, Out Law Federal and State Fiscal Deficits, Abolish Paper Money, Abolish Federal Reserve Notes, Redeem FRNs at more than $1,000,000.00 per gold ounce, Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, Reward Productivity, Penalize Unproductivity, Free the People From Government, and Restore the Republic.
    The attack plan was devised, an attack plan to take down JPM in only six months, and it is characterized by a narrow front tort claim attack, in depth attack using six plaintiffs, brought in equity, using rapid fire filings, to end TBTF TBTJ Wall Street fascism over the US Government and its people, where morality is the key issue in play, totally outside the box and totally untraditional and unconventional, which is pretty ridiculous to traditional and conventional thinkers, like 99.999% of the people, and in so doing, solve nearly all of the country’s problems, lasting and long term. I tell all, it is a lonely world being a 3 sigma 5 hatter, and totally ridiculous, to conventional people. But hey, I know Im right, if not reactionary, and I wont stop believing.
    Journey-Dont Stop Believing (official song) with lyrics

  94. Derrick Michael Reid

    Pals at the local bridge club.
    So, do they all talk a good game? Let see.

    Thomas Peterffy
    David Siegal
    Steve Wynn
    Leon Cooperman
    Steve Schwarzman
    Sheldon Adelson
    Harold Simmons RIP
    Charles Koch
    B Wayne Hughes
    Kenneth Langone
    Rich Devos
    Joe Ricketts
    Bernard Marcus
    Mortimer Zuckerman
    Donald Trump
    Steve Forbes
    Gina Rinehart
    Larry Tisch
    Rob Walton
    Boone Pickens
    Meg Whitman
    Phil Anshutz
    Dan Cathy
    Mel Gibson
    Ruth Caleb
    Rupert Murdoch

    This is what you call pounding the payment in the 21st Century.

    Re: Stopping Socialism in America

    Do you want to stop the spread of socialism and all those who pander it? If so, do you know who, where, how and by whom to strike at the heart totalitarian socialism for immediate concrete results? If not, then I am your attack dog, who is seeking to do the same. Totalitarians enslave the people as tax mules or state dependents, by income taxes and printable paper money. Income tax changes are not politically feasible at this time. Printable paper money is vulnerable if the alternative real gold and silver money is freed from price manipulation. Real money use forces balance budgets and that is the route to stopping corrupting socialism and totalitarianism. I can end real money price manipulation and just need and am asking for a little help.

    Sincerely, Derrick Michael Reid BS JD

    Times up for snake and madusa,
    can anyone indicate if JPM went long Ag?
    yes or no? Ag did move up nicely today.

  95. Derrick Michael Reid

    Check out the pictures!

    GW Bush
    Submitted by Mad5Hatter on June 29, 2013 – 1:56am.

    George W Bush


    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: Derrick Michael Reid
    To: GOP USA
    Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:30 AM
    Subject: Stopping Socialism in America


    Frankly stated, you guys are the better of the two major political parties.
    I stood alone campaigning for Bush in 2004 in Laguna Beach CA. Its pay back time.
    If you want the senate back in 2014, throw some support my way.
    Your guys get to attend national rallies in consideration, for the hoopla, and for a congressional sweep.

  96. Derrick Michael Reid

    No Link for pictures. Find Mad5Hatter here for a look see.
    You will roll, LOL!!!


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