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Biden Backlash, US Russia War, Economic Warning Signs

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 600 9.22.23) This is the number that explains it all — 9.5% Biden approval rating.  No, the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) will not tell you this, but the people at the top know the real approval

Petrodollar Runs Out of Gas in 2023 – Expect Chaos – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst Bo Polny has been predicting hard times coming to America and the world for sometime.  Polny contends it’s finally about to start at the end of this

Dr. Fauci Admits Vax Failure, Pushing Nuke War, Inflation Rising

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 599 9.15.23) The death and disabilities from the failed CV19 bioweapon vax must be getting obvious to the general public because Dr. Anthony Fauci just admitted the CV19 so-called vaccine can cause severe heart problems.  We

Weston Scientific Combats Superspreader Covid19 Variant – Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s (Sponsored Post) Scientist and inventor Weston Warren is briskly selling his germ killing and air purifying technology in the wake of global wildfires and a new CV19 variant.  It took nearly 20 years to perfect this air

CV19 Vaxed are Sick Superspreaders – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s  Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  She was one of a handful of doctors who told the truth and said everything about CV19 from infection to injection was

More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 598 9.8.23) Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of

Deflation & Barter Economy Coming – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)  Analyst, financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman is forecasting a “deflationary end” to our debt-bloated financial system.  Ackerman contends, “I think everybody agrees we have more debt than we can ever repay.  So,

Election Rigging 2024, Lahaina Cover-Up, Deflation Destroys

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 597 9.1.23) All the trouble Donald Trump is facing comes down to one simple thing that scares the heck out of the “Deep State” globalists.  Trump could win, and win big in 2024—period, the end.   A

Maui, Mayhem, Murder & Supernatural Evil – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s  Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of very hard times coming for America.  The Maui incineration is just another sign that hard times and evil have come to

Civilization & Dollar are Going to End – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)  Financial writer John Rubino warned two weeks ago that whatever came out of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) meeting this past week would be bad for the dollar.  The dollar

Moronic & Demonic Indictment, BRICS in Business, CV19 Horror Returns

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 596 8.25.23) It’s Donald Trump’s fourth indictment for more made-up crimes and political persecution that no other American President in history has had to endure.  This time it is a host of Georgia RICO charges, but

Deep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for Control – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

By Greg Hunter’s  Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is still on the frontlines of truth sounding the alarm on the CV19 “vaccine” and the death and disability from injecting it into billions of people around the world.  It looks like a new

Lahaina Incineration is Deadly Weather Warfare – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the total incineration of Lahaina in Hawaii was caused by man-made weather modification called geoengineering. Wigington says this is really an attack using “weather warfare.” According to Wigington,

91 Trump Felonies, NATO Ukraine Disaster, Murdered Suddenly

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 595 8.18.23) There are now 4 separate cases and a total of 91 felonies charged to President Donald J. Trump.  It has become a ridiculous cartoon prosecution of the former President that is anything but funny. 

New BRICS Currency Bad for Dollar – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s  Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has a new warning about the fate of the U.S. dollar with the announcement next week (Aug 22–24) of the new BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) currency.  There