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Pfizer CV19 Bioweapon Vax Public Enemy #1 – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands the contracts, patents and laws that Big Pharma deals with in bringing new drugs to market. Kingston also researches and analyzes many

Petrodollar Death, Davos Demons, Brace for Economic Crash

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 565 1.20.23) There was big global news coming out of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, and it’s not the usual tyrannical pompous crap you are used to hearing about.  The finance minister of

Fed Never Correctly Predicts Big Downturns – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted at the beginning of 2022, “This is going to be a wild, unpredictable year.  It will be volatile.”  Looks like Hemke was correct.  The S&P was

God Will Act Against Worldwide Swamp – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has made many freakishly correct predictions.  One of his biggest was in February of 2020 when Polny said the whole world was about to

Biden Doc Doo Doo, Ukraine Sucking, Fed Interest Increase

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 564 1.13.23)  Vice President Joe Biden is now in doo doo after government documents have been discovered at one of his homes.  They say the documents could be planted, stolen, a national security threat or just

Fed Confetti Party Will End Rudely & Abruptly – John Titus

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Lawyer John Titus is an ardent Fed watcher.  He has some of the most popular videos on the internet explaining complicated Federal Reserve actions and policies.  Titus says the Fed is in a dangerous

McCarthy Fails Big, Bioweapon/Vax Awakening, Gold Shining in 2023

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 563 1.6.23) (Updated) Minority House Leader in the GOP, Kevin McCarthy, finally was elected to Speaker of the House on the 15th vote.  Looks like the back-room deals, threats and pleas did work for RINO McCarthy.

Desperate Deep State Planning Intense Chaos in 2023 – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s  Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” says the world is waking up fast to the global genocide caused by the CV19 bioweapon passed off as a vaccine.  Because of this public awakening,

Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court – Brunson v. Adams

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)  Loy Brunson and his three brothers have a case before the Supreme Court right now that could be both groundbreaking and earth shaking.  Many on both sides of the aisle think the case is

Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 562 12.30.22)  President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week.  It looks like Trump has waded into the vax quicksand, and it’s going to take him under if

Jonathan Cahn Deep Dives on Gay Marriage and Joe Biden

Greg Hunter’s 12.27.22 I got an email this evening from my friend, brother, six-time, best-selling author and renowned Bible expert Jonathan Cahn.  Here is what it said, “Hi Greg, I hope you’re doing great. We just posted this today – Message

FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines.  It’s now become obvious, with dramatically rising death and

More Money for War, CV19 Vax Mass Awakening, Autos & Economy Plunge

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 561 12.23.22) The money for more war in Ukraine keeps flowing out of the U.S. Congress.  The Senate passed a monster pork spending package called the Omnibus bill.  It was nearly $1.7 trillion.  In that pork

US Government in Full Scale Implosion Because of Corruption – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the U.S. government is so fraudulent that it will self-destruct much sooner than later.  CAF predicts, “If you

Nightmare Fall of United States – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said just before the 2022 midterm elections that voter fraud and cheating will set up a very troubling 2023.  Armstrong is predicting “a major turning point