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Illegitimate Government, Impeachment Backfire, Economy Tanking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 466 1.29.2021) Both establishment Democrats and RINO Republicans are wanting Trump voters, and this includes many Democrats, to publicly say that Joe Biden won the 2020 Election legitimately, even though the evidence and numbers say otherwise.

Establishment War Against “We the People” – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says the country has changed dramatically since the massively fraudulent and rigged 2020 Election that put Joe Biden in the White

Cheater in Chief, Political Persecution, Biden Tanks Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (1.22.21 WNW 465)  Joe Biden was sworn in as 46th President of the United States, but many still believe that he cheated his way in.  Many also think there is no way Biden, who largely did not

Pray, Pray, Pray, Special Report 1.17.2021

By Greg Hunter’s  It’s official.  I received my first channel strike from YouTube after 10 years.  I am not allowed to upload content until after Inauguration Day.  I had two recent videos removed from my YouTube channel this week because

Fed Will Drive Gold to New All-Time Highs in 2021 – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s About this time last year, financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted the Fed would encourage inflation and gold would finish the year at around $1,800 per ounce.  It finished at a little

Expect the System to Go Down – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter says be prepared for major financial instability.  Holter contends, “This is the biggest financial bubble in all of history by far, by orders of magnitude.  So, it doesn’t matter

Dark Day for America – Will Trump Strike Back? – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (This post takes the place of the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 1/8/2021) Journalist Alex Newman says if you think the certification of Joe Biden as President means it’s over, you are wrong. It is not over, and

New Great Depression Coming in 2021 – Jim Rickards

By Greg Hunter’s Five time. best-selling financial author James Rickards contends all this money printing to retard the effects of CV19 is not going to produce inflation—just the opposite.  Rickards explains, “Let’s say I go out to dinner and I

More Voter Fraud Revealed, Election Not Over, 2021 Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 464 1.1.2021) More this week on the 2020 election fraud, this time in Georgia, and, yes, there was more proof and lots of it.  We find that Georgia voting machines were sending information to China, ballots

Deep State Freaked Out Trump Not Giving Up – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Journalist Alex Newman says don’t let all the calls for President Trump to step down fool you into thinking Trump is a one term President.  The Deep State Democrat globalists never imagined Trump would

Trump Election Battle Continues, Christmas Message 2020

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 463 12.25.2020) The election fraud battle is far from over, and President Trump does not look like a man who is ready to give up–quite the contrary.  If you want an excellent summation of all the

Governed by Demonic Spirit or Divine Intelligence – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the so-called “reset” is here, and this means the old system has to be destroyed.  The number one goal of reset architects is

Election PR Battle, Supreme Court MIA, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 462 12.18.2020) The election battle is as much about public relations (PR) as it is about actual evidence.  Massive amounts of evidence have come out about things like voting machines flipping votes, huge drops of ballots

Everything Will Come Tumbling Down – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Analyst, professional trader and financial writer Rick Ackerman says don’t expect the trillions of dollars of borrowed money given away in government stimulus to save the economy. It will not. Ackerman explains, “For every

YouTube Censors, Texas Sues & Unemployment Jumps

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 461 12.11.2020) In a surprising move, YouTube is telling its users that it will “. . . remove videos questioning the Biden election victory.”  This to me seems like a panicked reaction to the mounting evidence