Market Analysis Archive

This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.

The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.

The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

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Simple Math says $50,000 to $87,500 Gold Price – Jim Sinclair

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary gold and market expert Jim Sinclair says the virus that originated in China may have, oddly enough, done some good. Sinclair explains, “The effect of the coronavirus was literally to shut down business

Interesting Depression & Period of Living Without – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says the economy is tanking, and there is no way to avoid an economic depression. Ackerman explains, “It’s going to be an interesting depression because we have

Kicking the Can Until It Blows Up – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s In October of 2019, former Assistant Treasury Secretary (in the Reagan Administration) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicted on that “The oligarchs of the New World Order (NWO) will do anything to boot President Trump out of

Disorderly Price Increases Coming for Gold & Silver – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says high demand coupled with low supply will unlock the price of precious metals. Hemke says, “Look, the system is a total fraud. This pricing scheme was devised in

The Real Crash – Inflationary Implosion of Bond Market – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento has long warned the global financial system was “not sustainable or viable” because of record debt creation. Pento has also long said, “This was the biggest debt bubble in history, and it is

Epic Gold, Silver Rise & Markets Plunge in April –Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted a market crash in the stock market on February 9, 2020. A few weeks later, it nosedived 36% in the fastest crash in the history of

Biggest Move in History Coming Soon for Gold & Silver – Bill Murphy

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Bill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says don’t worry about the recent price drop forced on the markets by the gold cartel with naked short selling. It’s not going to

We Are Heading for a Depression – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s  Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner told his clients back in January 2020, “It was time to sell . . . . I am afraid they can lose 40% to the downside.” Well, we are

Fed Going to Need Bigger Rate Cut –Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s The stock market sold off nearly 800 points (Tuesday) on a day when the Federal Reserve gave the biggest interest rate cut since the 2008 financial crisis. It was a surprise .5% cut to a key rate

Credit Meltdown Coming, Buy Gold & Silver Now – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter says forget about the relatively small sell-off in the gold and silver markets. The big worry shaking the markets is an enormous global credit problem. Holter

Maniac Money Printers Gone Mad Fighting China Virus – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release) Money manager Michael Pento has long warned about China’s rapid accumulation of debt that now stands at $40 trillion. The coronavirus coming out of China is only going to make China’s problems far worse.

Fed Flooding Market with Funny Money – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says silver is still 65% off its all-time high and is a much better value than gold. Morgan points out, “Relative to all asset classes, I can’t think of

God’s Trump Cycles Continue – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial analyst and cycle expert Bo Polny called for a big market crash by the end of 2019. It did not happen. There was a good reason why. Polny says, “Billions and billions of

Fed Cannot Stop Money Printing – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s A year ago, financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted the Fed would be forced to return to money printing. He was right. Hemke also predicted this would be bullish for gold and silver prices.

Market Will Go Down 40% – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his “stock market cycle has topped.” Look no further than the more than 400 point pounding on Monday for proof. Nenner says, “If we see a good close