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GMO Food Laced with Weed Killer and Bail-ins-Ellen Brown

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Author/journalist Ellen Brown is constantly warning the public about the harm banks and corporations are causing.  Her latest warning involves GMO foods (Genetically Modified Organisms) laced with a weed killer.  Brown says, “We’re not allowed to know our food is GMO . . . Glyphosate inhibits your enzymes to digest food  . . . it’s been linked to 40 different diseases.”  Brown says GMO food and many other things are part of the latest trade agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP.  Brown says, “It is supposedly a free trade agreement, but it is not really free trade.  It is more like a restrictive trade agreement.  In other words, it is imposing corporate monopolies on other countries and on us.”  


Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.29.13

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Top story this week is the so-called “historic deal” reached with world powers and Iran over curbing Iran’s nuclear program.  Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, called it an “historic mistake.”  It is not just the Israelis who are upset.  Most of the Sunni Arab world is also not happy with the deal that doesn’t stop Iran’s nuclear program.  (more…)

We’re in the Very End Stages of this System-Jeff Berwick

Jeff Berwick: Editor of on Bitcoins, Gold and SilverBy Greg Hunter’s 

Financial editor Jeff Berwick predicts what is coming to the world is “the end of the monetary system as we know it.”  Berwick contends, “We’re in the very end stages of this system because of the amount of U.S. government debt.  The debt is going up over $1 trillion a year.  If actually accounted for properly, it is really going up more than $5 trillion a year.”  (more…)

Bubble Inflating All Around Us-David Stockman

Stockman, David NEW (cr. Caryl Englander)By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Former White House Budget Director David Stockman says, “Much of the mainstream media is caught up inside the bubble . . . They have an extreme case of ‘recency bias.’  They can’t remember the events of a few years ago.”  Stockman, whose latest book is called “The Great Deformation,” goes on to say, “Look at this bubble inflating all around us. . . . The Russell 2000 is trading at 75 times reported earnings.  People seem to forget that’s exactly where we were in 2007 and 2008.”  Stockman has a grim assessment of the current economy.  Stockman contends, “You are in a crony capitalism bankrupting mess.  That is very disconcerting news to people inside the bubble.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.22.13

Negotiations Over Iran’s Nuclear Program, JP Morgan to Pay $13 Billion and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s

The big story is coming out of the Middle East, and it’s all about negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. Talks in Geneva with world powers to halt Iran’s nuclear program are not going well. In a nutshell, the West wants Iran to stop its program because it fears it will build a bomb. Iran contends it has the right to have nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Neither side is backing down. (more…)

Next Great Wave of Economic Crisis Rapidly Approaching-Michael Snyder

Michael Snyder: Author of  "The Beginning of the End" and Founder of TheEconomicCollapseBlog.comBy Greg Hunter’s 

Investigative reporter Michael Snyder says, “The only way they got the unemployment rate to go down is pretending that millions, upon millions, upon millions, of Americans don’t want to work anymore. . . . If the labor force participation rate was exactly the same as it was when Obama was first elected, the unemployment rate would be 11%, and everybody would be talking about an economic depression.”  (more…)

End of the Road Rush to Hard Assets-Fabian Calvo

Fabian CalvoBy Greg Hunter’s 

Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says, “Is real estate a manipulated market that will eventually go bust and collapse?  Yes, it will . . . but these guys talking economic collapse are buying real estate because they know it’s the end of the road rush to hard assets.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.15.13

ObamaCare and the President’s Turnaround and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

The top story is Obama Care and the President’s turnaround and make good on his promise, If you like your healthcare policy, you can keep it.  Period.”  President Obama has taken it upon himself to now allow insurance companies to keep selling those so-called “substandard plans.”     The President is making a political move here that will have little bearing on millions of people losing their healthcare coverage.  (more…)

U.S. Dollar and Treasury Bonds are Dead-Dr. Jim Willie

Dr. Jim Willie: The Treasury Bond Will be Phased Out & Gold Phased InBy Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Jim Willie, financial writer and Editor of the Hat Trick Letter, says, “I’ve been getting overwhelmed in the last month or two at the plethora, the litany of signals the financial system is imploding.  U.S. dollar is in a sell-off.  Treasury bonds are rapidly losing their integrity . . . and both banking and military sectors losing their global leadership.”    (more…)

Fed Will Increase Money Printing Sooner than Later-Gregory Mannarino

Greg MannarinoBy Greg Hunter’s

Financial analyst and trader Gregory Mannarino says, “There will be no Fed taper . . . the Fed is the $85 billion a month gorilla in the room, and this will be increased sooner than later.”  Mannarino contends, “The Fed will not allow the dollar to be strong . . . They have no recourse.  There is no recovery here in the United States.  There is no economic recovery over in Europe.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.08.13

Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) Problems, Iran Nuke Deal and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

Obama Care is the top story, and the problems keep piling up for folks losing their insurance.  One reader on the USAWatchdog site told me his family plan doubled to more than $1,600 a month with much higher deductibles and co-pays.  I have not had a single person on the site write me and tell me they are paying less.  (more…)

Headed for Total Complete Chaos in Health Care-Kerry Lutz

Kerry Lutz: Obamacare Will Lead to Complete Chaos in Health CareBy Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer and radio host Kerry Lutz predicted six months ago the ObamaCare website would be a train wreck.   Lutz says, “Hospitals wouldn’t know, insurance companies wouldn’t know if you had insurance or not.  This thing was going to be total chaos, and that’s what we’re headed for–total complete chaos in health care.”  (more…)

Fate of Dollar is the Fate of U.S. Power-Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The fate of the dollar is the fate of United States Power.”  Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “The whole question of the dollar’s longevity depends on the willingness of other countries to continue holding dollars and dollar denominated assets while the Federal Reserve prints a trillion dollars a year to prop up the big banks and to finance the federal budget deficit.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.1.13

Obama’s Approval Rating, Israels Warning to Iran, Fed Money Printing and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

My top story this week is Israel and the warning it issued late last week about Iran’s nuclear program.  A report says Iran may have enough nuclear material to produce a bomb in as little as a month.  Iran has repeatedly said its program is for the peaceful production of energy, but many countries in the West, including Israel, don’t buy it.  (more…)

Annihilation of U.S. Dollar Coming-Jim Sinclair

Gold Expert Jim Sinclair: $50,000 Gold, US Dollar Collapse, Hyperinflation and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s  (Revised)

Renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair says financial calamity is just around the corner for America.  Sinclair contends, “We are facing the annihilation of currency.  We are facing the shift of America as the leading and most influential nation of the world to some form of banana republic. . . . If it wasn’t for food stamps, we would be facing long lines of people waiting for free food.”  (more…)