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Biden Impeachment, Increasing War, CV19 Vax Keeps Killing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 587 6.23.23)

Many House GOP members want to impeach President Biden for taking bribes from foreign countries.  The U.S. Constitution clearly states this is a reason to kick a President out of the White House.    The FBI and DOJ have not been slow walking their investigations into the Biden grifting family, they have been moon walking them backwards.  Speaker Kevin McCarthy is blocking the impeachment of President Biden, but he is in for a fight from his own party on what many say is obvious bribe taking in the millions of dollars for Biden and his clan. (more…)

Great Reset or Great Awakening – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has been saying for many months the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year.  With the reported rollout of the new BRICS currency (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on August 22, 2023, it looks like that is going to happen.  Polny explains, “There are two agendas here that you can lay on the table. . . . It’s the ‘Great Reset,’ the Klaus Schwab ‘Great Reset’ plan.  Then, it’s the ‘Great Awakening’ possibility.  They are polar opposites because in the ‘Great Reset’ they are trying to bring on central bank digital currency (CBCD).  Basically, they are trying to bring on a one world government, and they are trying to bring on the ‘Mark of the Beast’ system.  That’s the ‘Great Reset.’  The ‘Great Awakening’ is the other side of the coin.  Is there evil in the world or is there a God? . . . (more…)

Lying Legacy Media Helped Murder Millions – Mark Crispin Miller

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) teaches media studies at New York University (NYU) and is an expert in propaganda.  Dr. Miller says just about everything concerning Covid was a “propaganda masterpiece.”  This masterpiece was a murder, disability and sterilization program with more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon injections in America alone, according to the CDC.  Could they have pulled off the murder of millions with the CV19 bioweapon/vax without the Lying Legacy Media (LLM)?  Dr. Miller says, “Oh, absolutely not. . . . Let me quibble a little bit the term the ‘legacy media’ by which you mean the New York Times, the Washington Post, the TV networks and so on.  It’s what we often call the mainstream media or maybe it’s better to call them the corporate media because they are less and less mainstream and more and more eccentric.  It isn’t only those outlets that were all unanimous in pushing the Corona virus panic, the masking cult, the vaccination drive and so on, but also the ‘Left’ Press.  I wrote for them years ago and appeared on ‘Democracy Now’ as a guest.  The ‘Left’ Press has been almost impossible to distinguish from the New York Times and the rest of them.  This helps us understand why and how so many people fell for this.” (more…)

Trump Surrounded, War Closer, Dollar Trouble

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 586 6.16.23)

Donald Trump has been charged with 37 felony counts in the infamous “Classified Documents Case” brought by the Biden Department of Justice.  Trump appears to be surrounded by evil.  It is more of “get Trump at any cost” because the Democrats, let alone Joe Biden, cannot beat Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election.  As I have said many times before, the real Biden approval rating is just 9%, not the 40% you hear of from the Lying Legacy Media (LLM).  A 9% approval number might make it impossible to cheat Biden in.  So, it looks like the Democrats are going to get the GOP front-runner, Donald Trump, any way they can.  Trump is ahead of the field by a very wide margin.  By the way, the LLM made sure you did not hear from Donald Trump after this historic indictment because they cut him off.  The LLM is non-news that lies by omission.   (more…)

Gang of Criminals Trying Trump – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary and international award-winning journalist, is worried about freedom and liberty.  PCR says with the latest arrest and prosecution of President Trump, freedom and liberty is dead in America.  PCR explains, “What they do makes it clear they have no claim that they are representatives of justice holding lawbreakers responsible.  They are the lawbreakers — they themselves.  You go to trial and it’s the criminals who are trying you, and that’s what’s happened in the United States.  This is happening to President Trump.  This is exactly what is happening to him.  The Department of Justice, which is a gang of criminals, is trying Trump, and they are getting away with it. (more…)

CV19 – A Propaganda Masterpiece – Mark Crispin Miller

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Professor Mark Crispin Miller teaches media studies at New York University (NYU) and is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says just about everything concerning Covid was simply an elaborate exercise in propaganda. Dr. Miller explains, “The propaganda dimension is crucial to our understanding of what went down. Some people like to say this is a result of a number of ‘blunders’ by the health authorities and the government. ‘Blunders.’ No, these are not ‘blunders.’ (more…)

Another Trump Witch Hunt Indictment, Biden Bribes, War Closer

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 585 6.9.23)

Another witch hunt indictment for Donald Trump for what looks like yet another made-up crime to get rid of the top 2024 presidential contender.  Trump calls this “election interference at the highest level.”  Trump says he is “innocent,” but prosecutors charged him with seven crimes anyway.  The only good news is the federal case against Trump is in Florida.  So, a convicting jury pool is going to be hard to corral. (more…)

CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Beginning of Transhumanism – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston warns the mRNA technology in the CV19 bioweapon injections is just the beginning of forcing a transhuman agenda onto an unsuspecting public.  If the technology (which is also called a “synthetic pathogen”) in the CV19 bioweapon/vax is not stopped, there would be “no flesh would be saved” as Jesus warned more than 2,000 years ago.  (more…)

You Need a War Strategy – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “You’ve got people actually trying to kill you. . . . You don’t need an investment strategy, you need a war strategy because this is a war. . . . You cannot do business with criminals, in particular, criminals who are above the law and have sovereign immunity or the DOJ treats them like they have sovereign immunity.  We had the Durham Report, and it came out and they announced, oops, we had no evidence (on President  Trump) and we are not going to prosecute anybody.  That is sovereign immunity. . . . (more…)

Debt Ceiling Explodes, Banks Implode and CV19 Bioweapon/vax Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 584 6.2.23)

The Senate passed the House debt ceiling bill that will keep record high spending for at least two more years.  Actually, there is no debt ceiling as this bill suspends it until 2025.  Let the money printing begin, and now with a turbo charger!!!  The hard part will be financing this pig of a debt deal.  No way the federal government will sell this debt, which sources say will be at least $4 trillion in new spending.  So, the Fed will be forced to monetize it.  Count on much bigger inflation coming soon. (more…)

CV19 Vax Catastrophe is Murder – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s 

World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is now running a full-time CV19 vaccine injury practice.   With more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections in America alone, he has a lifetime of work ahead of him.  Kory says, “We live in a country where there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding, and it’s being kept a secret. . . . Most of society is just humming along thinking vaccines are ‘safe and effective,’ and they don’t understand that these vaccines were a humanitarian catastrophe.  It really affected the health and the survival of us as a country. (more…)

Civil War, Nuke War & Financial War Destroy America – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of dark times coming for America and the world.  Quayle now warns of a specific time frame, “I can’t remember a more dangerous time than the month of June.” (more…)

DeSantis Runs, Trump Fights, Murdered Suddenly, Economic Gloom

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 583 5.26.23)

Ron DeSantis has announced he’s running for president in 2024 despite the fact he’s being creamed by President Trump in the polls.  Is the fix in to convict Trump and jail him in Washington D.C. with the hyped-up classified documents case?  Remember, Hillary Clinton won Washington D.C. with 96% of the vote in 2016.  So, the jury pool is nearly 100% Deep State Democrats.  A stacked jury would find it easy to convict their arch enemy, Donald Trump, on phony charges just like the totally false Russia collusion case.  Is DeSantis running revealing this is the RINO/Deep State Dem plan? (more…)

Federal Government Issuing Satellite Phones to Congress – Sponsored Post

It’s been reported this week (5/22/23) that satellite phones are being issued to members of Congress as a backup to the cell phone network.  CBS News reports, “. . . all 100 senators were offered the phones last month, and more than 50 accepted . . .” sources have independently confirmed this story.  Gateway Pundit reports, “The official line of reasoning behind offering the satellite phones was “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event.”  What “disruptive event” has not been identified, but the fact that sat phones have been issued should give the public the idea they might want to have some communication backup too.  The Satellite Phone Store can do this and cut you a deal on a free phone. (more…)

They’re Taking America and System Down – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter is looking at what is going on with the financial system and says there is not really an effort to save it.  Holter thinks the moves they are making are designed to take the financial system down, and along with it, they want America destroyed too.  Even though the overall economy is clearly sinking, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is calling for much higher interest rates.  Holter explains, “If you were looking at this with common sense, you would think the hiking of interest rates are done.  Financial analyst Zoltan Pozsar said recently that QT (Quantitative Tightening) has to stop, and QE (Quantitative Easing) has to start–now. . . . If those in control were not purposely trying to take the system down, I would say that is correct.  At this point, my guess is they are purposely trying to take the system down.  So, we are not going to see an easing until something really big breaks.” (more…)