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Mathematically, Financial System Is Going Down – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter warned in August of financial trouble coming to America sooner than later.  He gave a long list that now includes a global war. Even without war, there is no stopping the financial fall that is coming. Central banks are, once again, the biggest buyers of gold this year. What is going on? Holter says, “The central banks fully understand the math behind the financial system of the West is broken.  The Western financial system cannot survive the math. . . (more…)

CV19 Bioweapon/Vax an Extinction Level Event – Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) is a Medical Doctor who also holds a PhD in pathology.  Dr. Ana has been examining the blood of both the CV19 “vaccinated” and the unvaccinated.  She calls the CV19 vax a bioweapon and points out she is finding nano technology, heavy metals and all sorts of biotech garbage in many people she examines.  Dr. Ana sees this as an unfolding catastrophe for all of humanity because of the CV19 bioweapon vax that people were tricked, coerced or forced to take.  Dr. Ana explains, “The Epoch Times just ran a story where 17 million people’s deaths with all-cause mortality have been attributed to these shots.  This is just the beginning because this is a slow kill. . . . (more…)

CV19 Vax Humanitarian Catastrophe being Turbocharged without Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory has run a full-time CV19 vaccine injury practice for two years.  What Dr. Kory is seeing first hand in terms of injuries is frightening.  Dr. Kory explains, “It’s been insane for two years plus.  The world has gone mad. . . . There is a simple reason the world has gone mad.  It’s from unrelenting censorship and propaganda. . . . Ed Dowd has brought forth the most compelling information on the CV19 vax out of anyone because it comes out of actuarial data, it comes out of labor statistics, and it comes out of the CDC.  He is using their own data to show that we have a humanitarian catastrophe that occurred in the wake of this CV19 global vaccine campaign.  We have countless record setting numbers of young people dying, employed white collar young people dying in droves.  Yet, nobody wants to talk about it.” (more…)

CV19 Vax Catastrophe is Murder – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s 

World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is now running a full-time CV19 vaccine injury practice.   With more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections in America alone, he has a lifetime of work ahead of him.  Kory says, “We live in a country where there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding, and it’s being kept a secret. . . . Most of society is just humming along thinking vaccines are ‘safe and effective,’ and they don’t understand that these vaccines were a humanitarian catastrophe.  It really affected the health and the survival of us as a country. (more…)

Dollar Finished – America in Danger – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles are going up.  Nenner also predicted a few years back that, at some point, the U.S. dollar cycle would be headed down—way down.  The future is here, and Nenner explains, “We have known each other for many years, and I said the dollar is going to hold up, but not anymore, not anymore.  It is really in trouble.  There is actually no reason to be in the dollar.  They especially underestimate this BRICS situation, and all the countries will be forming an anti-dollar. . . . Saudi Arabia is coming onboard, and that means the end of the dollar as the reserve currency.” (more…)

Inventor of Completely Untraceable Communication – Tanner Haas

By Greg Hunter’s (Sponsored Post)

These days, privacy with your smart phone is virtually non-existent.  Everybody knows Big Tech spies on us, but did you know virtually every piece of information about you is sucked up and sold off?  “Even your address book and full contact list” is taken off your phone by some social media sites.  Tanner Haas invented a new app that he calls “the future of privacy,” and it cuts the spying and data harvesting off completely.  It’s called Converso, and as the slogan says, it is “Completely Untraceable Communication.”  Haas says, “It gives you the peace of mind that everything you say is between you and the intended recipient. . . . If we are talking, the conversation is only on your phone and my phone.  I can also ‘Unsend a Message.’  This means if I ‘Unsend a Message,’ it is off your phone, it was never on a server and it is gone forever.” (more…)

Proven Safe Ion Virus & Germ Killing Tech Blocked by Dark Powers – Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Scientist and inventor Weston Warren has been developing germ killing and air purifying technology for the better part of two decades.  Why have you not heard about or been able to buy this technology in the age of Covid?  Dark powers do not want “We the People” to have cheap and efficient technology to kill germs and make your home safe from viruses.  Warren explains, “The CarryiOn is the world’s first 5-volt portable, battery-operated device.  What it does is produce cold plasma bipolar ions.  This technology is producing positive and negative oxygen ions simultaneously.  The hydrogen oxygen ion, in a charged state. . . any virus, bacteria, mold or mildew this comes in contact with neutralizes or kills the pathogen instantly. (more…)

People are Dying from the CV19 Vax & It’s Preventable – Dr. Pierre Kory

By Greg Hunter’s 

World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is fast becoming one of the top CV19 vaccine injury experts in the country.  It’s not only injuries Dr. Kory is concerned about, but it is the huge amount of death from these bioweapon injections.  The dark powers did not tell you the dangers of the CV19 so-called vaccines, and now, they are covering up and ignoring lifesaving therapies to combat it.  Dr. Kory explains, “Every day it’s just endless reports in the newspapers and all around us of young people dying.  (more…)

At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a “Tsunami of ‘vaccine’ deaths coming in the next two years.”  The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is increasing.  That is no surprise with 600 million CV19 injections being administered in America alone.  There have been about 13 billion CV19 injections given worldwide.  The estimation of dead and permanently disabled is stunning and criminal.  Dr. Eads explains, “In my personal opinion that a billion people will either die or be permanently disabled.  A new “Expose” article shows 5,162% increase in deaths (in Australia) from this bioweapon shot since 2020. . . . (more…)

How Do I Buy Gold and Silver?

How to Buy Gold and Silver

By Greg Hunter’s

I often get many questions about how to buy gold and silver:

  • How do you buy gold and silver?
  • Why should I buy gold and silver?
  • What kind of gold and silver should I buy?
  • What is the difference between numismatic and bullion coins?
  • Which of these should I buy?
  • Where can I buy gold and silver?

Including the following important questions:

  • Will the government confiscate my gold and silver?
  • Can the government make owning gold illegal?
  • How do I know if my gold and silver dealer is reputable?
  • Do buyers get some kind of confirmation that what they are buying from these shops is real and certified?

These are just some of the questions I will try to answer in this post.

Why You Should Own Gold and Silver
First off, why should you own precious metals?  Read this:

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the “hidden” confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.”

Who do you think this was written by?  If you guessed former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan, you would be correct.  It is titled “Gold and Economic Freedom,” and it was originally published in 1966.  (Click here to read the entire Greenspan article.) After reading this, it is hard to believe he was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve for nearly 20 years.  Gold is the antithesis of the Federal Reserve Note.

Greenspan’s article is the time tested reason for owning gold.  For more current reasons, look no further than “The Seven “Ds” of the Developing Disaster,” written by gold expert Alf Field.  In short:

  • Deficits
  • Dollar
  • Devaluations
  • Debt
  • Demographics
  • Derivatives (this is the big one)
  • Devolution

The above are the reasons why Field says gold and silver are bound to rise over the long term.  (Click here to read the complete article from Field.)

Video Explanation for How and Why to Buy Gold and Silver

For an explanation on how and why to buy precious metals, we turn to world famous gold expert Jim Sinclair.  Below is a video interview posted on in February 2021.  Gold is simple form of wealth protection from a declining U.S. dollar.  Listen to one of the top gold experts in the world for why you should own physical precious metals.

Gold and Silver Numismatic or Bullion?
When you are buying physical gold or silver, you can buy numismatic or just plain bullion.  Numismatic coins are for experienced coin collectors.  There are numismatic gold coins and silver coins.  The value is determined on things such as date it was issued, rarity, condition and even the mint where it was produced.

There is a great learning curve to be an investor in numismatic coins. You must also have a trusted and knowledgeable coin dealer to work with.  If you are a beginner or if you are just trying to protect your wealth and buying power of your money, then invest in bullion.  There are two main types of bullion products:  bars and coins.  I prefer gold eagle coins and silver eagle coins the best when buying bullion.  Let me explain why.

First, let’s just talk about bullion in coin form.  A coin is a universally recognized unit of weight, and many consider gold and silver coins to be money.  No, you cannot go to the supermarket with a gold or silver coin and buy groceries, but coins are the most liquid way to own bullion.  Unlike jewelry, you know the exact amount of gold or silver in the coin.  It is minted by a government, and that makes it very difficult to counterfeit.  These features make gold coins and silver coins easy to cash in and trade.

Gold Bars and Silver Bars
I don’t recommend gold bars or silver bars of any kind.  Bars can range from a few grams to 600 ounces.  Small bars do not carry the same prestige as a minted coin.  Multiple ounce bars cannot be broken up, and you are forced to sell the entire bar if you want to liquidate it.  Large bars are usually for extremely wealthy people investing large amounts of money.  The only advantage to buying gold or silver in bars is you pay smaller premiums (or commissions) per ounce.  Don’t get me wrong, gold and silver bars are valuable, but they are not as easy to sell or trade as coins.

Depending on the market and supply and demand, premiums (or commissions) can range from a few percent to 10 percent of the spot value of the quantity of gold sold.   (If the mint shuts down, or there is some severe shortage in bullion, or there is systemic financial failure, then all bets are off and the sky is the limit on bullion commissions.) The spot value is the raw market price of refined gold or silver. Premiums are charged in addition to spot gold prices and silver prices.  The price of gold and the price of silver can fluctuate every second of every business day on the open market.  Many experts say to worry less about the commission you pay and more about the product you are buying.

Advantages of Owning Coins vs Bars
Still another advantage for coins–multiple ounce bars cannot be broken up.  You are forced to sell the entire bar if you want to liquidate—it’s all or nothing.  With coins, you can sell small, medium or large quantities when you want to cash out.

Yet another advantage of coins over bars is their acceptability. Once again, coins are better than bars because bars (small or large) do not carry the same prestige as a minted coin.  Even when prices rise dramatically, coins will likely be accepted without question or assay.   An assay is a scientific measurement of the amount of gold in a coin or bar.

In short, base your purchase on the future sale of the gold price or silver price, not saving a few bucks on premiums (or commissions) when you buy.  Here’s another way to look at it.  If you decided to sell some of your gold at $10,000 per ounce, what do you think would be more desirable: a Gold Eagle or a stamped 1 ounce bar?  The Gold Eagle will win out every time.  That does not mean that a 1 ounce bar is not valuable—it is.  It is just not as valuable or sellable as a 1 ounce coin.  Think of the “sell” when you buy, and pay a little more for quality.  If you are buying gold or silver–buy coins. (If you are a beginner, I do not recommend proof coins because it’s easy for the beginner to pay too much for them.)

Which Gold Coins Should You Buy?
So, which coins should you buy?  Let’s start with gold.  You should try to buy only 1 ounce coins.  The reason is if you buy what are called fractional coins (1/10, 1/4, 1/2 Troy Ounce), you are charged a premium, or commission, on each coin.  So, for example, if you bought 10  1/10  ounce coins compared to a single 1 ounce coin, you would have  exactly the same amount of gold.  However, your commission charges on the 10  1/10 ounce coins would be many times higher than the single 1 ounce coin.  Buy 1 ounce coins whenever you can, and only buy fractional bullion coins if you can manage to get them for the same commission as a 1 ounce coin.

So, which gold 1 ounce coins should you buy?  The 4 most popular coins to own are the

  • U.S. Gold Eagle
  • U.S. Buffalo
  • Canadian Maple Leaf
  • South African Krugerrand.

These 4 coins are the most popular and most recognized in the world.

There are other fine gold coins that are minted throughout the world. For example in Australia, China, Mexico and Europe. They are simply less popular, but are very much still valuable.

Buying Silver
When it comes to silver, there are two main ways to buy it.  Once again, you can purchase bars or coins and, once again, coins win out.  I’ll give you the same reasons as discussed above when I talked about gold.  Bars do not carry the same prestige as coins, and you cannot break them up.  There are two types of bullion coins you can buy to accumulate silver–one ounce silver coins and “Junk” silver coins.  First, let’s talk about one ounce silver coins.   One ounce minted coins are made by several governments including the U.S.  Most governments do not mint fractional silver coins.  I do not recommend non-government minted coins, only officially government minted silver coins.

The 2 most popular and recognized silver 1 ounce coins in the world are the:

  • U.S. Silver Eagle
  • Canadian Silver Maple Leaf

There are other very high quality official government minted silver coins, but the Silver Eagle, Maple Leaf  are the 2 most popular and well known ones in the world.

Junk Silver
Then, there is “Junk” silver.  “Junk” silver is any U.S. dime, quarter or half-dollar minted on or before 1964.   1964 and earlier  dimes, quarters and half-dollars had 90% silver content.  “Junk” is sold by face value of the coin.

The most popular way to buy “Junk” silver is a 55 pound bag.  A 55 pound bag is $1,000 in face value of the coins, but that also equals 715 ounces of silver.  So, for example, a bag of dimes may have a face value of $1,000, but you pay the same as you would if you paid for 715 ounces of silver.  You always pay the spot price of silver plus a commission.  The advantage of buying “Junk” silver is you pay less commission per ounce than a 1 ounce silver coin, but you still have coins.  It is the cheapest way to buy quality silver coins officially minted by the government.

You can also buy “Junk” silver in much smaller increments.  Just remember that $1.50 in change equals about an ounce.  So, 15 dimes of “Junk” silver is an ounce and so on.  This way, you can always figure out how much you are paying per ounce when you buy “Junk” silver.  The most desirable “Junk” from best to least are half-dollars, quarters and dimes.  There are a few later years of coins after 1964 (mostly Kennedy half-dollars)  that had 40% silver, but those are extremely bulky and are the least desirable “Junk” silver coins.

Gold or Silver Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
What about gold or silver Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)?  Are ETF’s as good as physical gold or silver? ETF’s are not just as good as physical gold or silver.  There have been questions about how much precious metals they actually hold.  Nothing is as safe as holding the physical metal in your possession.  If you are going to buy gold and silver mining stocks, you must do your homework.  You must also constantly keep track of the mining company.  Again, nothing is as good as physical gold or silver.

Jewelery vs Owning Gold and Silver Coins
Is jewelry the same as owning gold or silver coins?  No, because there is no uniformity in jewelry.  It does not have a uniform weight or metal content.  Jewelry has to be melted down.  When most people trade in their gold jewelry, they commonly get 50% or less of the actual gold weight.  That is why coins are the preferred way to own gold.  They are uniform in weight and content.

Will Gold and Silver Be Confiscated?
Will the government confiscate my gold and silver?   The government can make owning gold illegal, but it probably won’t.  The last time it was confiscated, we actually used gold as currency. The $20 gold piece was used right up until 1933.  FDR confiscated them because he stopped the use of the coin and raised the price of gold to $35 per ounce.  It was a move that was supposed to help The Great Depression economy.  We do not use gold as currency today, so a confiscation is a lot less likely.  You will be required to report the gain when you sell, and you will be required to pay taxes. Also, make sure you save your receipts, because you will only have to pay taxes on the gains, not on the total purchase price of your precious metal coins.

Where to Buy Gold and Silver Coins
So, where do you buy gold or silver coins?  You can buy online or you can buy in your own hometown.  Do your research no matter where you buy.  Ask for recommendations from your friends, and you can also check online Internet sites and forums you trust.  When it comes to checking coin prices with commissions or premiums included, you can check by (clicking here.)   This page will give you a total price with spot price of the coin and commission.   You can also check Discount Gold and Silver Trading by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.  Please feel free to check other online sellers out there.  If you pay prices  like these  for your gold or silver, you can be assured you are getting a fair price and are not being ripped-off.

Gold and Silver Storage
When it comes to storage, you can use a bank safety deposit box.  Just be sure to check your bank’s rating on a regular basis.  Two of the best places to check your bank are (click here) and The (Click here) If your bank’s rating starts to fall, you will probably want to move your precious metals.  You can also buy a safe.  If this is your preference, do your homework on what kind of safe to buy and picking a secure place to install it.

Delivery of Gold and Silver
Finally, when buying silver or gold coins, you should always take physical delivery.  Do not let third parties hold your precious metals on a permanent basis. Your property is best held by you.  Be sure you know and understand exactly what you are buying, and you will do just fine.  Good luck and good fortune with your gold or silver coin purchase.

Free Gold and Silver Report
This page is supported in part by our friends at Discount Gold and Silver Trading. In turn, they also created a free report on the “12 Things you Need to Know Before You Order Gold and Silver from Anyone”. To contact Discount Gold and Silver Trading for more information or to get your FREE report – CLICK HERE or on the below banner (both links go to another page on

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    World Economic Forum a Failing Criminal Organization – Clif High

    By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

    Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” on the Internet to forecast future trends and events.  High has made freakishly accurate predictions such as saying, two months ahead of time, that Hillary Clinton would “go missing” on Election night in November of 2016.  She did.  High also said when Bitcoin was around $1 that it was going way up in the future.  Right again.  What is High predicting now for the New World Order globalists from the World Economic Forum (WEF) causing havoc around the world for their new so-called “reset”?  Everything the WEF is doing has a narrative that must be adhered to.  (more…)

    No War Biden Sanctions, Faster Financial Pain, CDC Scientific Fraud

    By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 517 2.25.22)

    The Biden/Obama Administration said today that “U.S. forces are not going to fight in Ukraine.” Neither are forces from France, UK, Italy or Germany.  There are going to be tough sanctions on Russia, and that is probably going to backfire on the west, which already has a tanking economy with mass amounts of unpayable debt.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said there would be “no shooting war” on this week.  The announcement on Thursday says that prediction has already been proven correct.  NATO and the U.S are not going to fight, at least not in metal-to-metal contact sense using their militaries.  Correct call, Dr. PCR!! (more…)

    Political and Spiritual Treason Surrounds Trump – Mark Taylor

    By Greg Hunter’s 

    Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President years before the 2016 Election.  Taylor made many other predictions and is now out with a dire and immediate warning for President Trump.  Taylor explains, “All of these spiritual advisors you see right now and the political advisors I believe have led President Trump astray. . . . (more…)

    Without Trust Markets Will Tank – John Rubino

    By Greg Hunter’s 

    It looks like we are on track for yet another global financial meltdown.  This time it is coming out of China in the form of a failed property development company called Evergrande.  It’s five times bigger than Lehman Brothers, whose failure cratered the global economy in 2008.  Will central banks, including the Fed, just let it all fail or will they print massive amounts of money trying to stop the fall?   If history is a guide, we should get ready for the most money creation ever.  In May, financial writer John Rubino said, “This is beyond the ability of any individual to fix.  We can’t save the system.” We sure can print a lot of money to try though. (more…)