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Forced Vax Desperation, CV19 Vax Bioweapon, Economic Systemic Risk

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 490 7.30.21)

Looks like VP Joe Biden is taking the gloves off and is now trying to force more people into this experimental gene therapy so-called vaccine.  He’s wanting federal employees to get the injection or face mandatory Covid tests.  Well, almost all federal employees.  The Post Office, who helped Biden cheat his way into office, has been exempted from the executive vax order.  (more…)

Satellite Phone Store Asks Are You Prepared?

Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post

USAWatchdog’s newest sponsor Satellite Phone Store says this is the best way to be prepared for a national disaster or a vicious attack on our infrastructure that could shut down large swaths of internet and cell phone communications. (more…)

Confronted with a Nightmare Scenario – John Rubino 5.8.2021

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess the United States has created for itself.  Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, “Now, inflation is starting to spread. . . . Look at lumber.  If you are trying to build a house, it’s $35,000 more now than it was two years ago just because of lumber.  Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we’ve got inflation going on.  (more…)

Financial System Fake La La Land – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed three years ago there was $21 trillion in what he called “Missing Money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  To hide what was going on with the federal books, Congress made all government accounting a national security issue, making it impossible to get real accounting of money “We the People” pay in taxes.  Now, even more unofficial and unaccounted for cash has been revealed from the DOD.  It’s an eye popping $94 trillion from the years 2017 to 2019.  So, add in the $30 trillion in official debt, and that means there is at least $145 trillion in overt and covert money floating around in the federal government, not counting Social Security and Medicare commitments.  (more…)

Aristocrats vs “We the People” – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says massive unpayable debt has already bankrupted America, and when this happens, politics are also massively corrupted.  Rubino explains, “When you bankrupt your country, your politics are inherently corrupted by that bankruptcy, and that’s what is happening to us.  We created a financial system . . . that is run by an aristocracy.  It’s not a Right/Left, liberal, socialist or conservative aristocracy.  Look at JPMorgan Chase, Google and General Dynamics.  Look at Mitch McConnell, the big Republicans and the big Democrats.  They are not socialists, and they are not capitalists–they’re aristocrats.  They are mainly interested in a system where the rules apply to you and me but do not apply to them. . . . You need to view those guys as Dukes and Duchesses whose main job is to maintain power over the peasants, then their behavior makes complete sense. . . . Seeing them that way makes their motivation and behavior pretty much crystal clear.” (more…)

2021 A Year of Mass Bankruptcy – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

 Financial writer John Rubino says, “2021 is going to be a pivotal year” in the debt markets.  Rubino says lots of debt will either be bailed out or defaulted on in some way.  Because of CV19, there is no getting around this.  The debt clock has been pushed forward by years.  One too huge to hide debt problem are heavily indebted U.S. states and cities.  Rubino says, “You have to call this a scam because years ago, they decided to offer wildly over generous pensions to public sector unions.  (more…)

Trump Wins Debate Big, Voters Turning Red, Economy Needs Help

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 451 10.02.2020)

Despite the unfairness of the debate between President Trump and former VP Joe Biden, Trump still destroyed Dem candidate Biden.  This was despite the fact that moderator Chris Wallace was also debating President Trump on behalf of Biden.  Also, Trump’s microphone was noticeably turned down compared to Biden and Wallace.  There is no doubt about this as you can go back and listen to it and measure it on a meter.  This is too stupid to be stupid, and it is simply a dirty trick to try subtly minimize Trump in the debate.  There is also speculation that Biden got the questions ahead of time and that he had help by wearing an earpiece and special contact lenses that would act as a teleprompter.  This may or may not be true, but who cares.  Trump won and Biden got beat.  (more…)

World on Verge of Spinning Out of Control – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer John Rubino says gold is at new all-time highs, silver is vaulting upward and there is no end in sight for the massive money printing around the world.  Rubino say’s if you look deeper, you can see the “real message” in the unfolding events.  Rubino explains, “It’s fun to be a gold bug and see your stacks getting more valuable, but the real message here is the world is on the verge of spinning out of control.  That’s what gold and silver are signaling.  (more…)

Is US Debt Really $90 Trillion? – Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Three years ago, Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “Missing Money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This was a stunning revelation and the biggest auditing discovery in the history of accounting, but now this revelation comes in second with Dr. Skidmore’s latest update to the “Missing Money” question which is now the biggest in history by a long shot.  Skidmore’s research reveals the US Treasury market is rolling over $90 trillion to support the official debt of $22 trillion (2019).  Why do you need to churn $90 trillion in debt?  (more…)

China is Finished & So is Obama – Mark Taylor

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President more than a year before the 2016 election. Taylor made many other predictions, too, such as “China would be put in its place.” Look what is happening now with its economy, dissolving trade deals and tensions between China and the U.S. over the Wuhan virus. Taylor contends, “China is finished. It was a year and a half ago on, and at the time, it was Russia, Russia, Russia . . . and at the same time, I said Russia was not the enemy. (more…)

Suddenly Everything is Too Big to Fail – John Rubino

Greg Hunter’s

Everyone needs be looking past the Coronavirus crisis and at what governments are trying to do to counter the economic destruction and massive unemployment. Is the financial cure worse than the disease? Financial writer John Rubino says look at commercial real estate as an omen of what is to come. Rubino explains, “Sooner or later you’ve got to pay your bills, and if you don’t have anybody paying your bills to you, then you go bankrupt. Commercial real estate could just be a blood bath, which take us back to all the bailouts. You can’t let a big sector go bust in this world because suddenly everything is too big to fail. (more…)

Past Point of No Return –John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and book author John Rubino sees the world careening toward a debt reset at an increasing pace. Rubino explains, “The coming monetary reset and what that means for gold and what that means for the rest of the global financial system, you don’t need a war to bring that about because we are making enough financial mistakes that will get us there in no time flat now without geopolitical turmoil. If you add a big war in the Middle East into the equation, then anything can happen. A scenario right now that is very, very feasible is we start shooting in the Middle East and Russia and China is on the other side of this in one way or another. They help Iran, and we have our allies helping us, and we start using these next generation weapons that are breathtakingly powerful. Nobody has any idea what’s going to happen when we start throwing these things at each other. . . . (more…)

Obama Knew Everything – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s  

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book called “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become the 45th President of the United States long before anyone else. Taylor has also predicted that Barack Obama would be “ripped and stripped” of the Presidency. Yes, that can still happen even though he is no longer in office. How could that happen? Look no further than the Trump/Russia collusion hoax and orders to spy on everything Trump coming from President Obama in his last year in office. Taylor reads President Trump’s December 15th tweet and says, “As bad as the IG Report is for the FBI and others, and it is really bad, remember that I.G. Horowitz was appointed by Obama. There was tremendous bias and guilt exposed, so obvious, but Horowitz couldn’t get himself to say it. Big credibility loss. Obama knew everything!”


$21 Trillion in Missing Money Could Trigger Meltdown – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

About two years ago, Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This was a stunning revelation and the biggest auditing discovery in the history of accounting. Dr. Skidmore, who is an expert in public finance, along with a team of academics, used publicly available government accounting reports and revealed their results in late 2017.   In the accounting world, this is like discovering the “God Particle” or discovering a cure for cancer, and, yet, academia is largely silent and ignoring this discovery by Dr. Skidmore and his team. Dr. Skidmore explains, “It’s been pretty quiet. A few people have contacted me. . . . I have asked for professional opinion and have offered to pay for it, and I had one conversation and he never responded again. . . . Similarly, I have done that with other academics to work on this issue. (more…)

Russia to Impeachment One Big Coup – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says from the Russia collusion delusion to the sham impeachment, it’s all really just one big Deep State coup. At the center of the coup is billionaire George Soros, who hates American sovereignty and “America First” President Donald Trump. Shipp explains, “Soros has been funding attempts to overturn a U.S. election and remove a President of the United States. If he’s been funding that or advocating that in any other form, that is sedition. If it is connected to a foreign government or a foreign power, that would rise to the level of treason. This coup leads back to George Soros and his multi-tentacles connections. Now we know Victoria Nuland and the State Department were advocating Soros NGO’s at the time along with this so-called whistleblower who has been in contact with these Soros organizations as well. We are seeing the picture come out now. (more…)