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Global Elite Making Preparations for Post-Dollar World-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com17

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says his rich clients around the planet are bracing for an inevitable economic calamity. Kirby explains, “The people I know, that I would say are at the higher level of the food chain in the global world of finance, are hunkered down and making very serious preparations.  What I see on a macro level is people acting like squirrels preparing for winter.  They are burying nuts and gathering as much physical precious metals as they can. They are making preparations for a post-dollar world in terms of world reserve currency.”


Economic Collapse Happening Now-Rob Kirby

3bBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby’s predictions of a downward spiraling economy are coming true. Kirby contends, “I think the last time we spoke, it was in early December. I suggested that a window was opening where we were very likely to see some systemic breakdowns in our financial universe to likely start occurring. Low and behold, it looks like we are seeing the beginnings of exactly what we were speaking of. The reason why we are beginning to see these things start to unfold now is that everything we’ve been told by our financial elites . . . has basically been a lie or a false flag or fraudulent.”


Syria War Escalates, Economic Data Getting Worse, Hillary Email Scandal Update

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By Greg Hunter’s

Weekly News Wrap-Up (WNW 211 10.09.15)

The Russians are putting on a clinic on how to destroy terrorists. They are pulling off a well-planned takedown of just about anyone who stands in the way of the Assad regime. To the Russians, there are no so-called moderate rebels—just terrorists and non-terrorists. Only in the land of the “Wizard of Oz” are there good witches and bad witches. In the real world, witches are witches, and Russia sees things much the same way. They are spending big money and deploying many assets to destroy them. The latest show of force was launched from the Caspian Sea. Russian ships fired 26 cruise missiles into terror targets such as training camps and supply dumps. You can bet the missiles cost around $1 million each and have high explosive payloads that are measured by the ton. These are very big bombs, and they traveled across 900 miles and two countries to hit their targets in Eastern Syria. NATO is stunned, and President Obama looks weak and indecisive in the Middle East. This is bad news for America’s leadership role in the Middle East and bad news for the U.S. dollar.


America is Burning, More Money Printing Coming-Rob Kirby

Rob Kirby - America is Burning, More Money Printing ComingBy Greg Hunter’s

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says forget what you are hearing about the so-called “recovery.” The powers are hiding a coming collapse. The American economy is being propped up with fraud and crime and time is running out. Kirby explains, “The whole world is grading America and America is burning. When you are burning, it is really hard to put out a message or convince people that all is well. America is failing in spades at doing this. Rigging markets and acting in a sociopathic nature doesn’t make this job easier and doesn’t make it true because they say so. They have idiots making pronouncements that a weak jobs number is good tonic and a good basis for raising rates. It clearly isn’t. . . . We are living in “Alice in Wonderland” with the comments we are getting out of this administration.”


Major War Exploding Soon-Charles Nenner

4By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned analyst Charles Nenner says the biggest cycle he sees coming is the war cycle.  Nenner says, “For the last couple of years, I have been saying, in the second decade of the new century, we will have a big war.  Why, because there is a 100 year cycle.  If you go back 100 years to the first world war in 1914 to 1918, that led to the second world war.  That was actually one big war with peace in the middle.  It you go back 100 years before that, you get Napoleon. . . . (more…)

WNW 160-ME War, Economy Sours, US Ebola Threat

4By Greg Hunter’s 

We are headed for a much wider war in the Middle East, and headlines like this one are forecasting it.  Speaker of the House John Boehner lays out a case that “Airstrikes Not Enough” to defeat ISIS.  Boehner said, “At some point, somebody’s boots have to be on the ground.”  ISIS has half of Bagdad surrounded, and I predict the U.S. will send ground troops sooner than later.  (more…)

SIPC Insurance Scam from Fraud Street-Professor Laurence Kotlikoff


BY Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.  (Early Sunday Release)

Renowned economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff says SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) is an insurance scam from Fraud Street. Dr. Kotlikoff contends, “If you look at the history of their response as it’s been discovered, they (SIPC) have been fighting tooth and nail never to pay a dollar.  So, the situation is not that we don’t have any insurance for your brokerage account, it’s far worse. (more…)

Dollar Collapse Starts in Late 2014-Charles Nenner

44Charles Nenner: War is Coming and US Dollar Collapse in 2014By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned financial analyst Charles Nenner has been studying cycles to predict all major markets for the past three decades.  Does all the global manipulation in the markets make a difference to the timing of the cycles?  Nenner says, “It doesn’t . . . all these things have nothing to do with the way the markets behave.  They are part of the market behavior.”  (more…)

BLM Selling Out America-Fabian Calvo

Fabian CalvoBy Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Real estate expert Fabian Calvo thinks the recent standoff between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy is about much more than grazing rights.  Even though this standoff is over, we find out It’s really about sweetheart deals for federal land.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.26.12

4By Greg Hunter’s 

New news about the Boston bombing suspects, and it is not pretty.  It is reported that Russia contacted the U.S. government “multiple times” about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.  He’s the older brother that was killed in a shootout with police and FBI.  The FBI’s excuse for not taking Russian warnings seriously was the FBI thought Tsarnaev did not pose a threat.  (more…)

Is Silver Manipulation Case Being Dropped?

By Greg Hunter’s 

Lots of news out this week about the silver manipulation case being dropped by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with zero action.  The first of several stories was put out by the Financial Times on Monday.  (more…)

The Last Innings of a Very Bad Ball Game

By Greg Hunter’s

There is no way to characterize what is happening in the EU as positive.  The Euro-zone is a gigantic mess, and it is on the verge of falling apart.  There is no way the destruction of the European common currency (euro) will not cause huge problems here in the U.S.  If you watch the financial news channels, you would think that problems for the Western fiat monetary system is a long way off.  (more…)

Gold Will Win Money War

By Greg Hunter’s 

It was recently reported that countries like China and India are going to buy Iranian oil with gold.  Jim Sinclair of said this week, “The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold.”  (more…)

Consequences of Iran-Israel War

The latest headline proves, once again, Iran and Israel are moving closer to war.  The only question is when.  A headline, today, from said, “Tehran steps into US-Israel Iran row with threat of pre-emptive strike.”  The story goes on to say, “Deputy Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces Gen. Mohammad Hejazi issued a new threat Tuesday, Feb. 21: “Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests… we will act without waiting for their actions.” debkafile’s military sources report that an Iranian preemptive attack on Israel has been in the air for some weeks. (more…)

There is No Real Recovery in Economy

If the economy was doing so well, the Federal Reserve would not be announcing (last week) an extension of its zero interest rate policy until the end of 2014.  If the economy was truly in a real recovery the Fed would be hiking interest rates instead of giving away money for virtually nothing.  It is just not the U.S. that is doing badly, but the rest of the world is also tanking.  Just look shipping traffic around the globe. (more…)