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Dollar Debasement Makes Gold and Silver Shine – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted last year (about this time) that silver was headed way up.  It was up more than 45% for 2020 and was one of the best performing assets of the year.  Now, Hemke is predicting “another 45% rise for silver” and a nice ride up for gold, too.  Hemke explains, “Look at all of the commodities here.  Lumber is up five times.  Iron ore is at new all-time highs.  Soybeans are at new multi-decade highs.  Corn, which goes into everything . . . and all these commodities are taking off, which is, in large part, a dollar debasement story. . . . (more…)

Israel Attacks Hamas, Inflation Everywhere, Vaccine Push, US Drought Increasing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 480 5.14.21)

Inflation is everywhere, but the Federal Reserve is not worried about it.  Fed Head Jay Powell keeps telling us “inflation is transitory,” meaning it will be short lived.  The investment community is not so sure about that.  As a matter of fact, many are worried and downright skeptical that inflation will be transitory but entrenched and sticking around for a long time.  And why wouldn’t they be?  With gas shortages that pop up out of nowhere and expensive commodity prices spiking everywhere, there is good reason to be alarmed. (more…)

Confronted with a Nightmare Scenario – John Rubino 5.8.2021

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess the United States has created for itself.  Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, “Now, inflation is starting to spread. . . . Look at lumber.  If you are trying to build a house, it’s $35,000 more now than it was two years ago just because of lumber.  Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we’ve got inflation going on.  (more…)

The Big Lie Uncovered, Unemployment Canceled, Inflation is Here

By Greg Hunter’s WNW 479 5.7.21)

President Trump is now calling the fraud of the 2020 Election “The Big Lie.”  It’s much bigger than the Russia collusion hoax, impeachment #1 and #2 combined.  It’s all in the process of being unraveled in the ongoing audit in Arizona.  The Democrats are frantically trying to stop the audit.  If they cannot stop it, they will simply discredit it.  Even the DOJ is threatening to get involved as it might break federal election laws in a pre-crime kind of move.  This is the biggest story out there because if the Maricopa County Arizona audit uncovers fraud, it will be just the first election audit domino to fall.  The Democrats are watching all their power slip away as the audit progresses.  Keep your eyes on Arizona. (more…)

Absolute Interference Documentary by Mike Lindell

By Greg Hunter’s

Nobody is doing more to reveal and draw attention to the massive election fraud of 2020 than My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.  His second documentary on this profound national security disaster is brought out in “Absolute Interference.”  If you want to be informed, this is a must watch video.  This is a free download that I am running to help draw attention to an issue that affects all Americans here on  This is a 2 hour documentary packed with information about how the 2020 Election was hacked by foreign players. (more…)

USA Gangster Government – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (5.1.2021 Saturday Post)

Journalist Alex Newman says the rule of law is disappearing in America.  You can see it in the thug tactics of raiding the office of the President’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani to the election audit finally underway in Arizona that is sure to reveal massive ballot fraud.  Newman contends, “This is one of the biggest stories out there, which is why you won’t find much of it on legacy propaganda media. . . .  Arizona is ground zero. . . . (more…)

AZ Election Audit Continues, Biden Anti-Unity, Drought & Food Prices

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 477 4.30.21)

The Arizona 2020 Election audit in of 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona, is going to continue–for now.  Is the Biden gangster DOJ or FBI going to shut down the audit before the results are totally revealed?  Let’s hope not, but if it does continue, I think it’s going to reveal hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots and mistakes.  This, alone, will not put Trump back in office as the rightful winner of the 2020 Election, but I think Dem Senator Mark Kelly is toast and will be recalled by the Arizona legislature. (more…)

Covid Lies Cost 100,000 Lives –Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s

Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed more than three years ago, there was $21 trillion in what he called “Missing Money” from government books.  He’s doing some new number crunching surrounding public policy and the effects on the Covid 19 (CV19) pandemic.  It’s all laid out in a brand new report.  What he found is appalling.  One big fact his research revealed is up to 100,000 lives could have been saved by using Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). (more…)

Election Panic Coming in 2022 – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

According to a recent poll, 51% of Americans think Joe Biden cheated to get into the White House.  The breakdown is 74% Republicans and an astounding 30% Democrats think cheating played at least a part of the 2020 Election outcome.  In Arizona, the 2020 Election ballots are finally being audited as court battles to stop it continue.  Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting an election “panic in 2022.”  (more…)

Chauvin Appeal, 2020 Election Audits, Masks Don’t Work

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 476 4.22.2021)  (Updated and corrected)

It looks like Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin will get an appeal on the murder conviction of George Floyd.  You can thank VP Biden and Maxine Waters for that.  They made negative and violent public statements that affected the jury voting to convict Chauvin even though the evidence showed no crime was committed.  It’s textbook jury tampering on a huge scale.  Famed Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “They didn’t put a thumb on the scale against Chauvin, they put an elbow on it.”  It’s not over. (more…)

They Convicted an Innocent Man – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Tuesday afternoon, a jury convicted former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin of three counts of murder and manslaughter of George Floyd.  Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says, “This was a show trial essentially. . . .  Chauvin did not have a fair trial. . . . The media convicted an innocent man, and the jury was too fearful to stand on the evidence, and that was the story of the trial.” (more…)

Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post 4.17.2021)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and the vaccines to cure it are more about control than depopulation.  Fitts explains, “I think the bankers are trying to chip us.  Moderna describes their injection, gene therapy as an ‘operating system.’  I agree with them.  I think they are trying to download an operating system into our bodies.  I don’t think it was an accident . . . the man President Trump appointed as head of ‘Operation Warp Speed’ was an expert at Brain-Machine interface. . . . (more…)

Russia War Coming, CNN Admits Propaganda, More Vaccines?

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 475 4.16.2021)

Is the USA and Russia headed for war?  The Russians are building up 40,000 troops on Ukraine’s Eastern border.  There are also some 40,000 Russian troops in Crimea that Russia annexed in 2014.  There are warnings from people like former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of nuclear war that would cause dire consequences for all Americans.  Some say Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine, but Russia says no, it is not.  My question is: Why is all this flaring up now?  Is it the weak dollar?  Is the election fraud of 2020 about to get broken wide open?  Who knows, but something is up behind the scenes. (more…)

Must Watch Absolute Interference Trailer from Mike Lindell 4.13.2021

By Greg Hunter’s

Earlier this year, Mike Lindell came out with a documentary that exposed massive election fraud in the 2020 Election.  It was called “Absolute Proof.”  Lindell says, “150 million people watched it.”  The Deep State never counted on somebody like Lindell, who is spending millions of dollars exposing what he calls the biggest fraud in history, and I agree.  (more…)

Election Fraud Proof Puts Trump Back in Office – Mike Lindell

By Greg Hunter’s 4.8.21 (This replaces WNW 4/9/21 & Saturday Night Post 4/10/21 – Yes, I think it’s that good!!)

There is no one working harder on the massive 2020 election and voter fraud than My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.  The voter and election fraud has been documented in many ways, and it was used to steal the election from President Donald Trump.  Insiders from the Deep State swamp, Democrats and Republicans worked together, along with foreign countries, in the biggest fraud in history.  (more…)