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Weather Warfare in Texas – Snow That Doesn’t Melt – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the big snow storm that hit Texas and much of the south is nothing short of weather warfare.  Look at the snow that won’t burn in video after video.  It’s synthetic, but the mainstream media (MSM) is telling you this is a “hoax”.  This is anything but normal.  Wigington says, “The bottom line in regard to the flash freeze that Texas was just hit with, we can debate the agenda behind these operations, but the fact that this was not an act of nature is beyond scientific question. . . . (more…)

Rule of Law Collapsed in USA – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Replaces WNW for 2.26.2021)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says now that the stolen election is over, get ready for lawlessness to reign.  We start with the Supreme Court that refused to hear the Trump case on Pennsylvania voting fraud.  There are three more 2020 Election voter fraud cases pending at the nation’s highest court.  Armstrong says, “I don’t think they are going to take any of them.  Look, the rule of law has absolutely collapsed in the United States.  It’s just a joke at this point. . . . (more…)

Building a Bitcoin Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (2.20.2021)

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says you have to be careful and fully understand Bitcoin.  Fitts explains, “We do know they want to go to an all-digital system with central bank cryptos.  The easiest way to build the prison is to get freedom lovers everywhere to build the prison for you.  To me, Bitcoin has always been the prototype on the way to building the all-digital crypto system that they would love to put into place.  You have $400 trillion in fiat (currency) and it needs a place to go.  If you are trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail.  They want to shift them into crypto and get them to build the crypto train tracks.  In a funny kind of way, it’s brilliant. (more…)

Big Tech Censors, 2020 Election Still Stolen, Economy Fragile

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 469 2.19.2021)

 YouTube is censoring people like never before. was the latest causality in  Big Tech’s quest to silence any narrative it does not want.  USAW was abruptly taken off YouTube last week for good without reason other than Community Guidelines were broken for the third time.  The channel had more than 260,000 subscribers and more than 90 million video views.  The three main narratives you cannot talk about or even question are the massive election fraud that stole a landslide win from President Trump, Covid lies and vaccine questions, and any challenge to the official Climate Change narrative. has questioned them all and will continue to do so with or without YouTube. (more…)

Currencies Will Be Worthless, Buy Precious Metals – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal and a renowned trends researcher, is back to talk about the recent Bitcoin boom and many other trends coming in 2021. On Bitcoin and its recent price explosion, Celente says, “Why is Bitcoin going back up? It’s going back up because everybody with a brain bigger than a pea knows that the central banks are doing nothing but pumping all this fake money into the economies to artificially prop them up. This is young people’s gold, and they are the ones that began it. . . . (more…)

Impeachment Lies, More Election Fraud Uncovered, Unemployment Rising

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 468 2.12.2021)

Another day of the impeachment trial of President Trump, more massive lies by Democrat prosecutors.  The case for impeachment is so weak that the Democrats have to lie in some way at every turn.  They edit out phrases President Trump said such as “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” to try to make Donald Trump look like he incited a riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.  (more…)

No Upper Limit to Bitcoin – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst, professional trader and financial writer Rick Ackerman says buckle up because Bitcoin is going to go much higher in price. Elon Musk is the latest in a line of billionaire investors that have bought the crypto currency that is now in the mid $40,000 range per unit. Ackerman says, “Bitcoin is pure speculation, and we are in a phase right now where the big players absolutely know they can’t lose. Just buy it now and announce in four weeks, six week or two months that they bought it, and it just keeps going up. (more…)

Aristocrats vs “We the People” – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer John Rubino says massive unpayable debt has already bankrupted America, and when this happens, politics are also massively corrupted.  Rubino explains, “When you bankrupt your country, your politics are inherently corrupted by that bankruptcy, and that’s what is happening to us.  We created a financial system . . . that is run by an aristocracy.  It’s not a Right/Left, liberal, socialist or conservative aristocracy.  Look at JPMorgan Chase, Google and General Dynamics.  Look at Mitch McConnell, the big Republicans and the big Democrats.  They are not socialists, and they are not capitalists–they’re aristocrats.  They are mainly interested in a system where the rules apply to you and me but do not apply to them. . . . You need to view those guys as Dukes and Duchesses whose main job is to maintain power over the peasants, then their behavior makes complete sense. . . . Seeing them that way makes their motivation and behavior pretty much crystal clear.” (more…)

Impeachment 2.0, Swamp Revealed, Incompetent Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 467 2.5.2021)

Impeachment 2.0 is gearing up for the trial in the Senate next week.  The Democrats want Donald Trump to testify, and his lawyers say–not going to happen.  They have to prove their case, and they ain’t going to be able to do it says the Trump impeachment tag team of lawyers.  This is another phony impeachment for a guy no longer in office.  The country burns while the Senate fiddles. (more…)

Markets Will Correct Heavily – Alasdair Macleod

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Finance and economic expert Alasdair Macleod says watch interest rates and the U.S. dollar set the direction for the markets in 2021.  Macleod explains, “You can see how, through interest rates, the future of the dollar is actually tied to the future of financial asset markets.  If you get a pop in the bubble, and there is no doubt equity prices are wildly overvalued compared to the economic outlook. . . . Quite honestly, there is no alternative but for markets to correct very, very heavily.  When that happens, you are going to have portfolio outflows out of the dollar. . . . The effect of that will be to take the dollar down along with financial asset prices. . . . We can get the collapse of the dollar happening very, very rapidly.” (more…)

Illegitimate Government, Impeachment Backfire, Economy Tanking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 466 1.29.2021)

Both establishment Democrats and RINO Republicans are wanting Trump voters, and this includes many Democrats, to publicly say that Joe Biden won the 2020 Election legitimately, even though the evidence and numbers say otherwise. Why? Is it because the Fraud is so big it will never go away. Is it because the Deep State wants the Biden Administration to be seen as legitimate, even though many think the government is, in fact, illegitimate. (more…)

Establishment War Against “We the People” – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says the country has changed dramatically since the massively fraudulent and rigged 2020 Election that put Joe Biden in the White House.  Dr. PCR says, “First, consider there is now an organized war by the establishment against anyone who takes exception to their explanation of the election.  We see, for example, free speech is now dead.  Many of the institutions in the United States no longer believe in it.  (more…)

Cheater in Chief, Political Persecution, Biden Tanks Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (1.22.21 WNW 465)

 Joe Biden was sworn in as 46th President of the United States, but many still believe that he cheated his way in.  Many also think there is no way Biden, who largely did not campaign, received more votes than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  There is lots of evidence of massive cheating in the 2020 Election, and, yet, the mainstream media, Democrats and key Republicans tell the public there was no cheating at all.  Also, the outgoing Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe reported that China did, in fact, interfere with the 2020 Election.  This is even more evidence of cheating, and this data was covered up by senior CIA officials who sat on this stunning proof.  Maybe this is why CIA Director Gina Haspel resigned abruptly this past week in disgrace. (more…)

Pray, Pray, Pray, Special Report 1.17.2021

By Greg Hunter’s 

It’s official.  I received my first channel strike from YouTube after 10 years.  I am not allowed to upload content until after Inauguration Day.  I had two recent videos removed from my YouTube channel this week because YouTube said I “violated community guidelines.”  I am not sure what these “guidelines” are, and YouTube does not make this clear either.  In my mind, if anybody calls the Biden election a huge fraud and treasonous attack on our constitutional republic (with the help of foreign powers), then you are not welcome in big tech world. (more…)

Fed Will Drive Gold to New All-Time Highs in 2021 – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s

About this time last year, financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted the Fed would encourage inflation and gold would finish the year at around $1,800 per ounce.  It finished at a little more than $1,900 per ounce.  Hemke was spot on.  So, what is Hemke predicting this year?  Hemke says, “In my annual forecast that I just published last week, one of my themes was ‘don’t fight the Fed.’  If you have been a stock market investor, I am sure you have heard that term used before, and it works for the precious metals this year as well.  The Fed will take some significant actions over the course of this year, and that will drive gold and silver higher.  Gold will go to new all-time highs at some point, and silver is going to participate too.” (more…)