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Hydroxychloroquine Works on Virus, Unemployment Explodes, Economy Plunges

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 425 4.3.2020)  

I keep yelling at the TV to give sick people hydroxychloroquine every time I see medical experts concentrating on pleading for masks, hospital beds and ventilators to combat the coronavirus. Why give hydroxychloroquine? It has been proven in small tests around the world that it works with little to no side effects. In countries like China and Turkey, it is given at the first sign of trouble, and their results are clear—it works and actually removes the China virus. (more…)

The Real Crash – Inflationary Implosion of Bond Market – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Michael Pento has long warned the global financial system was “not sustainable or viable” because of record debt creation. Pento has also long said, “This was the biggest debt bubble in history, and it is going to pop someday.” That day has arrived. Now, Pento says, “This is a global depression just like we had in the 1930’s combined with a 2008 style credit crisis. That’s what it is. I was on your program about three months ago, and I predicted a global recession. That was wrong. It is a global depression. . . . We have learned that the S&P 500 earnings will decrease by 10% in the second quarter. (more…)

Epic Gold, Silver Rise & Markets Plunge in April –Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted a market crash in the stock market on February 9, 2020. A few weeks later, it nosedived 36% in the fastest crash in the history of the markets. Is it over? Not according to Polny. He contends, “When gold was shooting up into the $1,600 range in February along with silver and mining stocks, I said don’t get too excited because the market was going to top out the end of February, and then gold and silver will have a down cycle in the month of March. That’s what happened. Why did I schedule the interview at the end of March? The end of March is a final entry point to get in on gold and silver positions. Once April comes, gold and silver will do the opposite. Again, please understand my words, they will do the opposite of what they did in March.  (more…)

China Virus Overblown, Debt Driven Bailout, Crash Not Over

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 424 3.27.2020)

A dozen top medical and research professionals around the world are questioning the extreme response around the globe to the so-called coronavirus. One top research microbiologist calls the China virus response “self-destructive” and “suicide based on nothing but a spook.” The death numbers turned out to be a lot less than what was predicted in the beginning of the crisis, and that may be why President Trump wants to “open up the country again,” possibly by Easter.


Greatest Depression Already Started – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s

Gerald Celente, a top trends researcher and Publisher of The Trends Journal, says the world is already in an economic depression. Celente explains, “Never in the history of the world has the whole world, or most of the world, been shut down by politicians destroying people’s lives and their businesses. People are going to go bankrupt. You are going to see suicide rates increase. You are going to see crime escalate and people OD’ing on drugs because of depression. . . . Our leaders are totally closing down the economy. Again, this has never been done before. It’s not only Wall Street going down, Main Street went down simultaneously. That is unprecedented. Usually, the markets go down and then the ripple effects start hitting Main Street. This time–boom, they are both down. . . . It’s going to be worse than the Great Depression. It’s going to be the Greatest Depression.” (more…)

Global Financial System Broken & Bankrupt – Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) operates the largest private gold vault in the world in Switzerland. More than a year and a half ago, EvG warned here on that “risk is exponential and unmeasurable” because of the estimated two quadrillion of derivatives and debt in the global financial system. He also warned that “at some point, all hell will break loose.” Looks like hell has indeed broken loose because of the China virus, and now EvG contends, “The system is bankrupt. . . . The system is broken and bankrupt. This did not start now with the Coronavirus. (more…)

China Virus Treatments Coming, Economic Damage Done, Ponzi Ending

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 423 3.20.2020)

Looks like there is good news to report on effective treatments for the “China Virus” coming to the public. One is in the form of the anti-malaria drug — Chloroquine. It has been scientifically proven to be effective in treating this virus. There are also a few others, and President Trump is cutting red tape at the FDA to get them approved fast. (more…)

Biggest Move in History Coming Soon for Gold & Silver – Bill Murphy

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Bill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), says don’t worry about the recent price drop forced on the markets by the gold cartel with naked short selling. It’s not going to keep prices down for long. Murphy contends, “We have been trying to expose what this gold cartel has been doing. The bullion banks, the Fed, the Treasury, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) and what they have done is to suppress the price. What has happened after all these years is the gold cartels have run out of enough physical gold to do what they have done. They are lost. They have blown up really. They can act in the paper market, but since May, gold has made one new high after another. . . . (more…)

We Are Heading for a Depression – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner told his clients back in January 2020, “It was time to sell . . . . I am afraid they can lose 40% to the downside.” Well, we are more than halfway there, and Nenner warns it’s going to go lower—much lower. Nenner says, “You know it was all over the media, and they were always laughing at me that my long term target is 5,000 for the DOW Jones. They ask me how are we going to get there, and I say I don’t know. Now, this thing with the virus, there is no business anymore because the United States has stopped flights with Europe. So, maybe we can see how we get there.”

I think people have finally stopped laughing about Nenner’s  5,000 DOW call. (more…)

We Are Living in Biblical Times – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Filmmaker, book author and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says all the bizarre and violent global headlines are telling him we are living in Biblical times. Earthquakes, famine, war, persecution and plagues were all predicted by Jesus Christ in the “End of Days.” Quayle says, “Let’s just take the locust plague. It was the ninth plague of ancient Egypt. The locust plague now that is infecting, eating and devouring Africa and the Middle East, and it’s gone into China. . . . It’s eating its way across Asia. . . . The overview is when Jesus spoke about ‘wars and rumors of wars,’ he also talked about famine. He talked about pestilence. He talked about betrayal. He talked about people who will be persecuted, and people are being persecuted and murdered all over the world who are Christians. It’s now coming to the United States. So, there is a global persecution going on now.” (more…)

Virus Fears Cause Financial Crisis, Bernie Screwed Again, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 422 3.6.2020)

Who knows how bad the virus problem is going to get, but the financial fallout is real and getting worse. Hotels, airlines and restaurants are getting killed along with many other businesses around the world, and there is no end in sight. The only question now is how many businesses will go under before it’s all over?


Fed Going to Need Bigger Rate Cut –Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s

The stock market sold off nearly 800 points (Tuesday) on a day when the Federal Reserve gave the biggest interest rate cut since the 2008 financial crisis. It was a surprise .5% cut to a key rate that should have boosted stocks. Instead, the market tanked–hard. Economist and money manager Peter Schiff says, like in the movie “Jaws,” when they see the monster Great White shark they have been hunting, a freaked out crew member says, “We need a bigger boat.” Schiff says, like in Jaws, “The Fed needs a bigger rate cut,” to fight a monster economic problem. (more…)

Credit Meltdown Coming, Buy Gold & Silver Now – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter says forget about the relatively small sell-off in the gold and silver markets. The big worry shaking the markets is an enormous global credit problem. Holter explains, “Your protection about the credit market coming down is asset money, if you want to call it that. Gold and silver have no liability. They are not issued by a central bank, and there is no promise that has to be kept for it to perform. . . . Dollars, euros, bonds or what have you, those are all liabilities of a central bank or sovereign treasury. They all carry liability, and that’s what the problem is in today’s world. It’s a world completely awash in liability. . . . I think, ultimately, you are going to see a credit meltdown.” (more…)

DOW Pukes 4,000, Dem Lose/Lose, Fake Everything Revealed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 421 2.28.2020)

In four days this past week, the market sold off nearly 4,000 points and wiped out four months of gains. Bo Polny warned of a coming market crash on February 8 on Polny was ridiculed after the market went to new record highs, but that was short lived, and now Polny says it’s going to get worse. (more…)

China Virus Accelerating End Stage of Fiat Currency Disease – Wayne Jett

By Greg Hunter’s

Wayne Jett is an accomplished lawyer who has argued cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Jett is also an expert on the Federal Reserve and says all the signs he sees say we are nearing the end of the line for the debt based monetary system. Jett explains, “We are at the end stage of the fiat currency disease, which means they always go to zero. It’s just a matter of how long can they extend it in terms of the way they are able to acquire more hard assets with their worthless currency before it goes to zero for the rest of us. . . . I believe the Trump Administration is on the course towards turning to sound currency, meaning an end to the Fed and meaning something in return to something like a gold standard. (more…)