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Final 2016 Presidential Election Update Before Voting Ends

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s

America faces the biggest election in the history of the country. The outcome will have huge implications for the rest of our lives.  The desperation is so thick, with the Democrats and the Clinton campaign, you can’t cut it with a hacksaw.  President Obama is telling illegal aliens to illegally vote.  James Comey is doubling down on making the FBI look like buffoons by reclosing the investigation he reopened a week ago with, once again, no charges for Hillary Clinton.  (more…)

Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair Get Ready-Crash After Election

1cBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Recently, I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Jim Sinclair and Bill Holter at They wanted to get my take on the state of journalism, or the propaganda mainstream media.  They also wanted to get a read on what many of my guests have been saying over the past several months about what is coming for the economy.


WikiLeaks Documents Coming From US Intelligence Not Russia, MSM & Democrat Party Dying

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 260 11.4.16)

There are numerous reports on the alternative media of documents being given to WikiLeaks to counter the corruption and lawlessness of the Obamas and Clintons. AG Loretta Lynch has been reportedly blocking an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation that many say is a “global charity fraud” and a “huge criminal conspiracy.”  The leaked emails and documents show corruption between the Justice Department and Hillary Clinton.  These documents and emails also show a grand cover-up of the true treason that has taken place in the highest offices of the U.S. government.


Money Riots Possible in Next Economic Crash-James Rickards

trtr-author-dust-jacket-002By Greg Hunter’s 

Three time best-selling author James Rickards says the next economic crash will lock you out of your money. Rickards has a new book titled “The Road To Ruin.”  Rickards paints a scary possible scenario for what is coming and contends, “The global elites have a secret plan for the next financial crisis.” Rickards goes on to explain, “They are going to lock down the system when the crisis hits.  In 1998, everybody wanted their money back, and they printed the money.  In 2008, everybody wanted their money back, and they printed the money.  In 2018 or sooner, everyone is going to want their money back, but they are not going to print the money.  They are going to tell you that can’t have it.  They are going to lock down the system and close the banks.  Money market funds are going to suspend redemptions.  Stock exchanges are going to be closed, and they’ll say it’s ‘temporary.’  That’s what Nixon said when he closed the gold window in 1971. . . . They will do it to buy time until they can flood the market with SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights IMF currency).”


Trump Wins By Landslide-Polls 100% Manufactured-Clif High

clif-highBy Greg Hunter’s

Internet data mining expert Clif High says the “naked data” on the Internet shows Trump winning the 2016 Presidential election by a “landslide.” High explains, “You can do a search on YouTube that brings back a list of primary speeches by both candidates.  I am not talking about Fred Smith’s copy of a video he made of Trump.  I am talking about a speech took officially of Trump, and they released it officially.  If you take just those, you can see you’ve got Hillary Clinton on one side with 2,165 views, and Trump on the other side with 775,653 views.  So, that is not anecdotal. This is a very crude level of statistical analysis, but it is nonetheless statistical analysis, and it is very pointed because it is extremely self-selecting.  There is nobody watching you when you choose to watch something on YouTube.  So, there is no peer pressure or external person polling you. . . . It’s what I call a very naked data set because there is no pressure on an emotional level on people.”


USA Actually Bankrupt Now-Laurence Kotlikoff

kotlikoffBy Greg Hunter’s

Renowned Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff is running for President with a write-in campaign. He says we need an economic expert, not a politician, to fix our severe financial problems.  Dr. Kotlikoff explains, “Our democracy is in trouble.  We have 14% of the electorate who have chosen Hillary Clinton for us to vote for, and a different 14% have chosen Trump to vote for.  The vast majority of the population realizes neither Clinton nor Trump are qualified.  Just on the economic front, these folks have no idea how fiscally sick our country is.  (more…)

Trump is Molotov Cocktail You Can Throw on Crooked System-Catherine Austin Fitts

7By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts is backing Donald Trump. Fitts explains, “Michael Moore said in an interview that Donald Trump is a Molotov cocktail you can throw on the system.  Interestingly enough, if you look at the federal system, it has a negative return on investment to taxpayers.  If you believe you can never fix that, then throwing a Molotov cocktail into the middle of that is the most intelligent thing you can do for productivity.  It was when I wrote the theme for productivity for the second quarter wrap-up I realized . . . I may have profound disagreements with Trump’s style, but I can throw the Molotov cocktail (voting for Trump). . . . I was going to vote for Gary Johnson, but in the second debate when Trump said I will appoint a special prosecutor, I stood up and cheered.  (more…)

MSM Lies for Hillary, Russia US Closer to War, Economic Update

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 259 10.21.16)

The mainstream media (MSM) is totally lying to the public about everything from voter fraud to Wiki Leaks. There are many current examples of possible voter fraud such as the recent revelation by the Pew Center that 24 million U.S. voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate.” Pew Center also says there are 1.8 million dead people still on the voter rolls. The other part of the MSM lie is done by omission. The MSM is simply not covering major news stories that are negative to the Clinton campaign. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is pure fraud on shareholders and the public by so-called news organizations that are really functioning as Democrat propaganda shills.


Fed Fearful About What It Has Done-Gregory Mannarino

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says don’t be fooled by the recent surge in the markets. Mannarino explains, “I think the Federal Reserve is legitimately becoming fearful of what they have done. There is no recovery here whatsoever. All you have to do is look at two metrics and two metrics only. The Labor Force Participation Rate remains near record lows. The money velocity, that’s the rate the money is moving through our economy, is remaining at record lows. Without these two metrics moving higher, you cannot have a recovery. What we have here is a debt bubble, and everything is being inflated right now on the back of that debt bubble. (more…)

All Paper Will Burn-Rob Kirby


By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has wealthy global connections. He says forget about the recent takedown in precious metals because his sources don’t think anything paper will survive the upcoming financial meltdown.  Kirby explains, “The commentary that I get from people with much higher pay grades than me is that, in the end, the only thing that will stand is physical metal gold and silver. They say all paper will burn.” Kirby goes on to confirm that “stocks, bonds and pensions” will be toast.


MSM Committing Massive Fraud, Economic Red Alert, WWIII Update


By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 258 10.14.16)

The Wiki Leaks slimy revelations about the DNC and the Clintons’ emails prove the mainstream media (MSM) is committing massive fraud on shareholders and the public. Organizations such as the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CNBC, Politico, The Boston Globe and many others hold themselves out as news organizations and fair arbiters of the truth, when they are really just one sided political hacks.  I predict the public will reject the MSM in droves, and share prices will plunge.  Look out for shareholder lawsuits in 2017.


Deutsche Bank Walking Dead-Bill Holter

22By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer Bill Holter says if you want to know how bad the global financial problems are in the world, start with Germany’s Deutsche Bank (DB). The problems keep mounting, and it’s been all downhill since June when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deemed DB as the most systemically dangerous bank in the world.  Holter warns, “Deutsche Bank is dead.  It’s a walking dead institution. . . .Just the fact that there is a debate, whether or not there’s a problem, means they’re dead.  Once you start talking about a financial institution and whether or not they are solvent or not, it doesn’t matter.  The sharks are going to come into the water.”


Worst Crash of All Coming-Mike Maloney

mike-maloneyBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Gold and silver expert Mike Maloney has been producing an internet series called “The Hidden Secrets of Money.” His latest is episode seven in this ongoing series, and it gives a stark warning about “The USA’s Day of Reckoning.” Maloney explains, “Watch episode seven if you want to see the future.  I was very accurate in predicting the crash of 2008 and the consequences of it.  I believe the rest of my predictions that did not come true have not come true—yet.  They are about to.  Episode seven is the USA’s day of reckoning. . . . It’s going to be devastating for most people. . . . I believe there is going to be an enormous wealth transfer. It is up to every individual whether that wealth is transferred away from them or towards them.  Sometimes the wealth transfer goes from 100 people to one or 1,000 people to one.  This time, it’s going to be hundreds of thousands to one.  There are going to be very few big winners and a whole lot of losers.”


US/Russia Very Close to War, Global Debt Out of Control says IMF and MSM Political Hacks

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 257 10.7.16)

The U.S. and Russia are a lot closer to war in Syria than the mainstream media (MSM) would like you to think. One top U.S general said that war would be “extremely lethal and fast” and he said it was “almost guaranteed.”  Russia threatened to “shoot down U.S. aircraft over Syria.  Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry has broken off all diplomatic relations with Russia in Syria.


Controlled Demolition Coming-Not a Crash-Catherine Austin Fitts

7By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says there is $9.3 trillion missing from the Department of Defense in 2015 alone. Fitts explains, “This is a phenomenal number and a phenomenal amount of money.  This is the cut and run.  All this money has been disappearing from the federal government. . . . I’ve been demanding to know what banks and contractors are liable for the systems.  We are talking about transactions that are in violation of the Constitution and the laws related to financial management. . . . As I have described many times, they’re using financial securities fraud, both mortgage securities and, I believe, government securities to basically shift all the assets out (of the country). I think you’ve got a game going on, and the Fed is accommodating all sorts of securities fraud.  Then, the money is being pulled out in a variety of ways.”
