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Terror Grips World, House Votes No to Refugees, Obama Care Disaster


By Greg Hunter’s (Weekly News Wrap-Up 217 11.20.15)

The attack in France is a game changer, not just for France, but for the world. France is clamping down, and the President of France is now turning hard core. This is in part due to fear and outrage from the carnage, but President Holland is also afraid that his number one political adversary is pointing out the attack happened on Holland’s watch. There is no telling who is coming into Europe with the revelation that fake passports are being used by terrorists. (more…)

Bond Bust Will Be Biggest Crash in History-Mike Maloney

1By Greg Hunter’s

Precious metals expert Mike Maloney says we are experiencing a “rollercoaster crash.” Maloney explains, “The second half of the economic storm that started in 2007 and crashed in 2008, we’ve been in the eye of the hurricane from 2009 until today.  The second half of this economic storm is about to start.  I believe in 2016, we are going to see something happen, and 2017 will probably be pretty bad for the general economy.  . . . If we have a currency crisis, a recession, and this changing monetary system all together, it will be absolute chaos.”


World Getting Ready for War-Warren Pollock

4By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock warns, “The world is getting ready for war.” Pollock says the signs are everywhere, including the recent and very public missile launch off the coast of California. Pollock explains, “They are firing them in the direction of China. What is so amazing is the ocean is a vast place. They could have chosen anywhere to launch these missiles from and, instead, they launched them right next to a metropolitan area. So, really, they are sending a message to the people in the United States. More so than that, they are sending a message to the people in China. It’s definitely not directed at Russia. What the government wants you to see is the U.S. is this big powerful military strength type of country. It is in control of the world, and the reserve currency is worth something. We are a strong military power and, really, on a conventional sense, the emperor has no clothing. This use of a last resort weapon, the demonstration of it, is really a sign of impotence.”


World War Threats, Clinton Email Probe Widens, Confused Fed, Bad Economy

4 jpeg.pngBy Greg Hunter’s (WNW 216 11.13.15)

It seems the world is preparing for war with threats of military action from around the globe. There is the recent incident of the U.S. Air Force flying a B-52 bomber close to man-made islands claimed by China in the South China Sea. Russia “leaked” plans for a nuclear torpedo that could be sent into a harbor and exploded. This is in response to the U.S. putting missile defense in Europe. Meanwhile, ISIS is threatening Russia in Syria and making a video saying “soon very soon Blood Will Spill Like Ocean.” Meanwhile, ISIS is making threats to Israel from the Sinai Peninsula. This is the same ISIS group that took credit for planting a bomb in the Russian passenger jet that murdered 224 people. I have Warren Pollock on next, and he says, “Everybody, including the U.S. Pentagon, see’s what’s coming and getting ready for global war.” Pollock has a very interesting take on things from war and what countries will be allies to internet surveillance that is used against you.


Huge Fraud at COMEX Covering Up Huge Demand for Gold-Craig Hemke

13By Greg Hunter’s

Financial expert Craig Hemke says not only is the 300 to 1 leverage at COMEX “extreme fraud,” but it also is a sign of record demand for physical gold. Hemke explains, “We have been at this number now for a couple of months. . . . Meaning that for every one physical ounce of supply in the vaults of COMEX, there are 300 beneficial owners. 300 paper ounces have been created. That leverage, that stress is telling us something. You get the anecdotal stories about the empty vaults of London and the stress of the gold that is flowing out of the vaults of London and out of the U.S., out of the UK and into Switzerland. There are stories of the refiners running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, taking the old 400 ounce gold bar and . . . recasting them into kilo bars and shipping them to the East where the demand is. . . . It’s huge fraud to cover up huge demand. There is no doubt about it.”


US is Broke and By Far the Biggest Issue-Eric Sprott

4By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Renowned money manager Eric Sprott is still very bullish on physical gold and silver. Why? Sprott proclaims, “The U.S. is broke. We know they’re broke. . . . About a thousand professors have signed up and told Congress you’ve got to deal with this issue, and it is immediately ignored, but it is by far the biggest issue. It’s not just government. It’s corporate pension plans, and state pension plans and all these unfunded obligations where everyone thinks they are going to receive something only to find out that they are not going to receive something. . . . The math is pretty simple. The U.S. is broke, and I don’t want to single out the U.S. Lots of countries are broke. I am sure Japan is broke, and I am sure there are European countries that are broke. We can’t keep extending and pretending and suggesting everything is great. Unfortunately, someone is going to pay the price, and I am not sure when the price is going to be paid. The analogy I use is we all knew ten years ago that Detroit was broke. . . . It was so mathematically certain that you knew what was going to happen. The same thing will happen to the United States.”


Russia & China War Update, Dec Fed Rate Hike, Tanking Economy Continues

4By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 215 11.6.15)

The U.S. is sending a dozen F-15’s to Turkey. The F-15 specialize in air-to-air combat. The Pentagon officially says the jets are to “ensure the safety” of NATO allies, but there is much speculation that the jets could also offer protection to the Kurds and the recently announced Special Ops Forces going to help “train” the Kurds. There is also the fear that these jets could meet Russian jet fighters in air-to-air combat either on purpose or accident. They have plenty of other U.S. Airforce firepower in Turkey such as the F-16, F-22 and B-1 bombers, to name a few.


China Could Reprice Gold to $100,000 per Ounce-Bill Holter

22By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter contends China has enormous debt problems, but a very good plan B. Holter explains, “China used fiat debt to build real infrastructure, and when the system blows up, the fiat debt blows away and they are left with infrastructure. Do they have 20% bad loans? They very well could and probably do. If it is true that they are going to have a debt blow up, don’t forget China has been importing big tonnage of gold for years now. Over the last five years, they have imported 9,000 tons of gold. Their way out is the old way out. The old way out was to revalue gold higher. They could revalue gold and step up and say they will pay $50,000 or $100,000 per ounce for any and all ounces for sale. You can’t say there is not enough gold. What you can say is that it’s not priced correctly to support the system. If they have an implosion of debt which leaves their balance sheets impaired, the way to recapitalize the balance sheets is to revalue the price of gold higher. It creates capital, in other words.”


Bigger Financial Meltdown Starts Before End of Year-Doug Casey

17Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Best-selling author and economic expert Doug Casey says another financial meltdown worse than the last one is coming soon. Casey says, “I was saying in 2007 that we were going into a gigantic financial hurricane. It hit in 2008 and 2009. For the last few years, we have been in the eye of the storm of this gigantic hurricane. Now, as we speak, we are entering the trailing edge of this hurricane, and it’s going to be much worse and much longer lasting and much different than what we saw in 2008 and 2009, and that was ugly.”


Syria War Update, Economy Tanking, No Fed Rate Hike, MSM Dem Super-Pac

19Greg Hunter’s (WNW 214 10.30.15)

The U.S. Middle East policy is getting more confusing and more dangerous. They are talking peace while sending more troops to Iraq and Syria. Iran is now also invited to the peace table in Vienna to try and find a solution to the five year Syrian civil war. The Iranians and Russians are backing Bashar al-Assad, and the U.S. wants him gone. I don’t see how this will happen peacefully when it hasn’t been done with force and more than 250,000 dead in the crisis. Is John Kerry just going to talk Assad out of power now that Russia is clearly keeping him in power by force? He’s not leaving.


Going to be a Horrible Christmas-Peter Schiff

th_PeterCutoutBy Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t fall for the lies the Fed is telling about the so-called “recovery.” Schiff explains, “Everybody is brainwashed. They believe the Fed propaganda. The Fed has been talking about how great the recovery is and that they are getting ready to raise interest rates. None of that is true. There is no recovery, thanks to the Fed. All there is is a gigantic bubble that has prevented a recovery from taking place. The only reason the Fed is pretending to raise rates is so they can pretend the economy is strong enough to withstand that. The Fed basically can’t do that. They are going to do more quantitative easing (QE). They are going to do QE4, and all that is going to do is weaken the economy further. The economy is in worse shape than prior to the financial crisis (of 2008) thanks to the Fed.”


Uncovered Government Docs Prove Chemtrails Real-Dane Wigington

Screen Shot 2014-05-10 at 6 22 41 PM (2)By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Lead researcher Dane Wigington for the global climate engineering informational website,, says newly discovered U.S. government documents prove global climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is real. Not only that, but the document, that originated in the U.S. Senate, also proves weather manipulation has been going on around the world for decades. The exponential damage it is doing continues today, and Wigington explains, “With the 750 page document, how much proof do people need? In this document, it describes the need for global cooperation between nations. There are some 50 or 60 countries named in the document involved with the programs, as well, even between nations that would otherwise have hostilities between them. . . . The document also names about 10 federal agencies, about 12 major universities, and it describes the need for complete immunity from liabilities created for all those involved in these programs. They have complete immunity for the damage they have done, basically. It is an extremely damning document. How big does the elephant in the room have to be? . . . There is no question these programs are real and ongoing.”


Putin War Warning, Syria Update, Benghazi Lie, Economy Not Good and Market Rally

12By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 213 10.23.15)

The biggest headline this week came from Sochi, Russia, and it plays right along the increasing war theme. Vladimir Putting is worried that the chances of a wider global war are increasing and not decreasing. At a global conference discussing war and peace prospects, Putin said, “We had the right to expect that work on development of US missile defense system would stop. But nothing like it happened, and it continues. This is a very dangerous scenario, harmful for all, including the United States itself. The deterrent of nuclear weapons has started to lose its value, and some have even got the illusion that a real victory of one of the sides can be achieved in a global conflict, without irreversible consequences for the winner itself – if there is a winner at all.”


Negative Rates for Next 10 Years-Buy Gold-Axel Merk

Alex MerkBy Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Axel Merk says you simply must own physical gold in this risky environment. Merk explains, “Many people say why invest in a brick that doesn’t pay interest? When you look at cash paying negative interest rates on a real basis, after inflation, then a brick suddenly doesn’t look so bad anymore. . . . I would allege the Fed is all but promising to be behind the curve. Even if the Fed is trying to raise rates, emphasis on trying, they will be behind inflation. Yes, they will raise rates, but net inflation, real interest rates are going to continue to be negative. If I look out a decade from now, I don’t see how the U.S., Europe, Japan, or any other country can afford positive real interest rates.”


War Cycle Means Worldwide Trouble-Charles Nenner

4Greg Hunter   ( Early Sunday Release)

Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner says the war cycle that started in 2014 will take years to play out. Nenner explains, “When cycles in war and peace show we are going to have wars, then everywhere in the world you are going to have trouble. I have been saying that the major war is going to be China and Japan about the islands over there (in the South China Sea). The news today goes in that direction. So, for now, we don’t have major wars, but I think it’s not going to be stable in the world, and we are going to end up in a big war (on the scale of a world war). We predicted it would start in 2014, and it will grow slowly until 2021. Why do I think it will be China and Japan? Because the aerospace industry went through the roof, and so something was cooking over there. So, China is preparing something. It should slowly get worse during the next two years.”
