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Fed Will Be Forced to Print & Kill Dollar-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Economist John Williams warned last year the U.S. economy never really recovered, and it was going to turn down again. That downturn happened Friday when the latest GDP figures came in below 2% growth

Trump’s Busy First Week, Voter Fraud is Real, Updates on War and Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 269 1.27.17) Donald Trump had a very busy first week in office. He started work on the day he was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.  First thing he did was sign

Clinton Charity is Massive Global Swamp-Charles Ortel

By Greg Hunter’s  Wall Street financial analyst Charles Ortel has applied the same research skills he does to see if a company has sound solvent accounting to the Clinton charity machine. Ortel has called the Clintons the “Bonnie and Clyde”

Why Are World Leaders Visiting Antarctica?-Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) In the last few months, the world’s political and religious leaders have been making trips to the continent at the bottom of the world—Antarctica. Author of “Empire Beneath the Ice” (second edition December 2016). 

Paid Protesters Try to Stop Trump Inauguration, Dem Party Collapsing, More Fake News from MSM

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 268 1.20.17) 250,000 protesters, many of them paid and bussed in, are going to Washington D.C. to try to disrupt or stop Donald Trump from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. 

End of 2017 Gold Up & Dollar Down-Nomi Prins

By Greg Hunter’s Best-selling author Nomi Prins says two of the big wild cards are Donald Trump and Europe. Prins explains, “The biggest wild card is a combination. Trump is a wild card, but so is Europe. Right now, the

Charles Nenner-2017 Prediction-Global War Cycle Coming into Danger Zone

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner correctly predicted there would be no market crash in 2016. 2017 is going to be a very different story.  Nenner explains, “There are going to be some

CNN and MSM Fake News, War Drums Beat in Europe, Israel Under Global Attack

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 267 1.13.17) The USA Today publishes a front page story on Trump’s press conference, but passes off opinion as unbiased reporting. CNN reports on intelligence briefing to Donald Trump but does not say material in the

Banks Not Going Broke, They Are Broke-Rick Rule

By Greg Hunter’s Rick Rule is an expert on investing in all sorts of natural resources, and that includes gold and silver. He thinks it won’t take a “catastrophic event” to move prices higher in precious metals.  Rule explains, “You

In 2017 Trump will be Presiding Over a Bankruptcy-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s Sunday Release 1.9.17) Financial writer Bill Holter says 2017 will be “the year of the Truth Bomb.” Holter explains, “I have been talking about ‘Truth Bombs’ for about a year and a half. I think what is

Still No Proof of Russia Hacking, Attempt to Delegitimize Trump Win, Audit the Fed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 267 1.6.17) The Senate held hearings with top intelligence chiefs, and there is still no proof that Russia had an influence on the 2016 Presidential Election. Now, the story changes again, and the charge is a third

Grave Danger Elite Bankers Might Make Trump Fail-Lior Gantz

By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert Lior Gantz says there is good news and bad news for the economy with the election of Donald Trump. Gantz explains, “If he changes the equation, it could cause a lot of inflation in the

2017 Predictions on Trump, Gold, Silver, Housing, Stocks, Bonds & Antarctica-Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Internet data mining expert Clif High says forget about the rumors and predictions of Donald Trump being blocked from taking office. High says Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President and explains,

Obama Chaos Before Leaving Office, Obama Punishes Russia Hacking & Economic Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 266 12.30.16) The Obama Administration basically stabbed Israel, its top U.S. Middle East ally, in the back by not stopping a UN resolution that makes the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory. It also makes building Israeli

Trump Inherits Political and Economic Titanic-Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s   Analyst and financial expert Warren Pollock says Donald Trump has been dealt a horrendous hand when it comes to the political environment and the economy. Pollock explains, “Trump inherited the Titanic or a nuclear reactor that is