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Truck Killers will Cause EU to Vote Out Leaders, Trump Gets Ready for War, Merry Christmas

By Greg Hunters (WNW 265 12.23.16) Terrorists have stuck again by using a truck to mow down Christmas shoppers. The latest attack was committed by an Islamic terrorist who is aligned with ISIS.  This is one of the many reasons

Early 2017 Record Scam Stock Market Going to Blow Up-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says don’t get too comfortable with the record highs in the stock market. Pento warns, “In December of 2015, the Fed raised rates. It was the first time in a decade. From the

Inflation, Stagflation, Hyperinflation & Deflation-All at the Same Time-Egon von Greyerz

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says, “Bond markets around the world are in the biggest bubble in history.” EvG thinks when it blows up, we are going to get hit with everything in

Interest Rate Explosion, Russia Did NOT Hack Elections, Facebook Fake News Police?

By Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 264 12.12.16) The Federal Reserve just raised a key interest rate a quarter of a point.  This was only the second time in 10 years the Fed raised rates, but the market had already beaten the Fed to

Trump Honeymoon in Markets Will End in 2017-Mike Maloney

By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert Mike Maloney says the rise you have seen in the stock market since Trump was elected will end sooner than later. Maloney explains, “Trump is probably, in the long term, going to be better

Financial Black Hole Will Be Filled-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says the bond market and stock market are way out of kilter and look for a big correction. Mannarino explains, “Something has to give here.  Either a lot of cash has

MSM Makes Trump a Devil, Stocks Are Sky High-Again, US Drought Moves East

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 263, 12.09.16) Time Magazine chose President-Elect Donald Trump as the “Person of the Year.” Is that the mainstream media (MSM) trying to make amends for the way they treated Trump?  Maybe, but it appears Trump has

Massive Dollar Selling Ahead-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s  Economist John Williams has been forecasting a dollar selloff for a few years. It now looks like the manipulators are running out of options to keep propping up the U.S. dollar.  Williams explains, “I think we are

We Have Killed Capitalism-Jim Sinclair

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Saturday Release) (Programming note:  I am releasing this now (Saturday 12/3/16) because I think it is the most important interview of the year on Legendary gold and market expert Jim Sinclair says, “Markets do not exist

NATO’s Turkey Starting War in Syria, Interest Rates Spike, New Wounded Warrior Book

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 262 12.2.16) Turkey is invading Syria to force the Assad regime out. Could Turkey, a NATO member, drag the U.S. and NATO into a wider war in Syria?  The answer is yes.  The biggest threat is

Fake News List Death Knell for MSM-Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s Economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks the recent publication of the so-called ‘fake news” list recently published by the Washington Post signals a major turning point for all of the mainstream media (MSM). Dr.

Short-Term Negative Long-Term Positive-Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts sums up what happened with the election of Donald Trump by saying, “It’s amazing because if you look at the faction that wanted to sacrifice the United States for

Greg Hunter’s 2016 Thanksgiving Message

By Greg Hunter’s Greg Hunter gives a short wrap-up and his thoughts on why he is grateful on this Thanksgiving holiday.  Enjoy:

Record Run into Gold and Silver Coming-David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s  Precious metals expert David Morgan says trillions of dollars of negative interest rate paying bonds is a sign we are getting close to another financial calamity bigger than the last. Morgan explains, “Now, as everyone knows, we

2017 Predictions for MSM, Markets and Gold-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Top trends researcher Gerald Celente started forecasting back in May 2016 that Trump would win. He was spot-on. What are the big trends and predictions in store for 2017? Mr. Celente gives us three