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Weekly News Wrap-Up-Greg Hunter 11.18.16
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 261) The mainstream media (MSM) is in full panic mode as it realizes it is becoming irrelevant. Now there is a so-called list of “fake news” sites out and and are on the list.
Globalists Will Crash Markets and Blame it on Trump-Rob Kirby
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby explains the violent moves in the markets by saying, “We really do not have markets anymore. We have interventions, and we have massive fraud committed on a daily basis in what we call
Federal Reserve & Clintons Doomed-Clif High
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Internet data mining expert Clif High predicted that “Trump would win” the election and that Hillary Clinton would go “missing” after the election. Sure enough, Hillary was missing the night of her defeat. What
Trump Wins 2016 Presidential Election & Saves America
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s This is my take on the big Trump win that saves the country and the rule of law in America. We are going to get a market selloff, but at least we will only have to deal with
Final 2016 Presidential Election Update Before Voting Ends
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s America faces the biggest election in the history of the country. The outcome will have huge implications for the rest of our lives. The desperation is so thick, with the Democrats and the Clinton campaign, you can’t
Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair Get Ready-Crash After Election
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Recently, I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Jim Sinclair and Bill Holter at They wanted to get my take on the state of journalism, or the propaganda mainstream media. They also
WikiLeaks Documents Coming From US Intelligence Not Russia, MSM & Democrat Party Dying
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 260 11.4.16) There are numerous reports on the alternative media of documents being given to WikiLeaks to counter the corruption and lawlessness of the Obamas and Clintons. AG Loretta Lynch has been reportedly blocking an FBI
Money Riots Possible in Next Economic Crash-James Rickards
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Three time best-selling author James Rickards says the next economic crash will lock you out of your money. Rickards has a new book titled “The Road To Ruin.” Rickards paints a scary possible scenario for what is
Trump Wins By Landslide-Polls 100% Manufactured-Clif High
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Internet data mining expert Clif High says the “naked data” on the Internet shows Trump winning the 2016 Presidential election by a “landslide.” High explains, “You can do a search on YouTube that brings back a list
USA Actually Bankrupt Now-Laurence Kotlikoff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff is running for President with a write-in campaign. He says we need an economic expert, not a politician, to fix our severe financial problems. Dr. Kotlikoff explains, “Our democracy is in
Trump is Molotov Cocktail You Can Throw on Crooked System-Catherine Austin Fitts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts is backing Donald Trump. Fitts explains, “Michael Moore said in an interview that Donald Trump is a Molotov cocktail you can throw on the system. Interestingly enough, if you
MSM Lies for Hillary, Russia US Closer to War, Economic Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 259 10.21.16) The mainstream media (MSM) is totally lying to the public about everything from voter fraud to Wiki Leaks. There are many current examples of possible voter fraud such as the recent revelation by the
Fed Fearful About What It Has Done-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says don’t be fooled by the recent surge in the markets. Mannarino explains, “I think the Federal Reserve is legitimately becoming fearful of what they have done. There is no recovery here whatsoever. All
All Paper Will Burn-Rob Kirby
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has wealthy global connections. He says forget about the recent takedown in precious metals because his sources don’t think anything paper will survive the upcoming financial meltdown. Kirby explains, “The
MSM Committing Massive Fraud, Economic Red Alert, WWIII Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 258 10.14.16) The Wiki Leaks slimy revelations about the DNC and the Clintons’ emails prove the mainstream media (MSM) is committing massive fraud on shareholders and the public. Organizations such as the New York Times, Washington