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Greg Hunter Thanksgiving Message 2015
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s There is not going to be a Weekly News Wrap-Up this week. I am taking some time off for the holiday. That said, I do have a short message for supporters of Happy Thanksgiving, my message
The Goal Is War-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trader and analyst Gregory Mannarino says the governments and bankers want war. Mannarino explains, “War is the goal. People need to understand here the goal of the world central banks is to bring us to war. So,
Real Danger Is Violence and War-Catherine Austin Fitts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has long said before there is another big financial crash, there will be a big war. Fitts explains, “If you look at how fragile the geopolitics are, the danger, as
Terror Grips World, House Votes No to Refugees, Obama Care Disaster
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Weekly News Wrap-Up 217 11.20.15) The attack in France is a game changer, not just for France, but for the world. France is clamping down, and the President of France is now turning hard core. This is
Bond Bust Will Be Biggest Crash in History-Mike Maloney
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert Mike Maloney says we are experiencing a “rollercoaster crash.” Maloney explains, “The second half of the economic storm that started in 2007 and crashed in 2008, we’ve been in the eye of the hurricane from
World Getting Ready for War-Warren Pollock
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock warns, “The world is getting ready for war.” Pollock says the signs are everywhere, including the recent and very public missile launch off the coast of California. Pollock
World War Threats, Clinton Email Probe Widens, Confused Fed, Bad Economy
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 216 11.13.15) It seems the world is preparing for war with threats of military action from around the globe. There is the recent incident of the U.S. Air Force flying a B-52 bomber close to man-made
Huge Fraud at COMEX Covering Up Huge Demand for Gold-Craig Hemke
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial expert Craig Hemke says not only is the 300 to 1 leverage at COMEX “extreme fraud,” but it also is a sign of record demand for physical gold. Hemke explains, “We have been at this number
US is Broke and By Far the Biggest Issue-Eric Sprott
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Renowned money manager Eric Sprott is still very bullish on physical gold and silver. Why? Sprott proclaims, “The U.S. is broke. We know they’re broke. . . . About a thousand professors have signed
Russia & China War Update, Dec Fed Rate Hike, Tanking Economy Continues
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 215 11.6.15) The U.S. is sending a dozen F-15’s to Turkey. The F-15 specialize in air-to-air combat. The Pentagon officially says the jets are to “ensure the safety” of NATO allies, but there is much speculation
China Could Reprice Gold to $100,000 per Ounce-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter contends China has enormous debt problems, but a very good plan B. Holter explains, “China used fiat debt to build real infrastructure, and when the system blows up, the fiat
Bigger Financial Meltdown Starts Before End of Year-Doug Casey
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author and economic expert Doug Casey says another financial meltdown worse than the last one is coming soon. Casey says, “I was saying in 2007 that we were going into a gigantic financial hurricane.
Syria War Update, Economy Tanking, No Fed Rate Hike, MSM Dem Super-Pac
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (WNW 214 10.30.15) The U.S. Middle East policy is getting more confusing and more dangerous. They are talking peace while sending more troops to Iraq and Syria. Iran is now also invited to the peace table in Vienna
Going to be a Horrible Christmas-Peter Schiff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t fall for the lies the Fed is telling about the so-called “recovery.” Schiff explains, “Everybody is brainwashed. They believe the Fed propaganda. The Fed has been talking about how great the
Uncovered Government Docs Prove Chemtrails Real-Dane Wigington
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Lead researcher Dane Wigington for the global climate engineering informational website,, says newly discovered U.S. government documents prove global climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is real. Not only that, but the