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Putin War Warning, Syria Update, Benghazi Lie, Economy Not Good and Market Rally
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 213 10.23.15) The biggest headline this week came from Sochi, Russia, and it plays right along the increasing war theme. Vladimir Putting is worried that the chances of a wider global war are increasing and not
Negative Rates for Next 10 Years-Buy Gold-Axel Merk
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Axel Merk says you simply must own physical gold in this risky environment. Merk explains, “Many people say why invest in a brick that doesn’t pay interest? When you look at cash paying negative interest
War Cycle Means Worldwide Trouble-Charles Nenner
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter ( Early Sunday Release) Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner says the war cycle that started in 2014 will take years to play out. Nenner explains, “When cycles in war and peace show we are going
Middle East & South China Sea Heating Up, Dem Debate, Economy Sinking
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 212 10.16.15) It looks like the war hot spots in the world are getting hotter. Russia continues to punish anything or anyone that is against Bashar al-Assad. Russia’s top goal is to keep the Assad regime
Financial Collapse to Wipe Away All the Lies-Rick Ackerman
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Rick Ackerman says the mother of all market meltdowns is a sure thing. It is just a question of when, and when it starts, it will simply implode at a stunning pace. Ackerman explains, “We’re
We’re in a New Recession-John Williams
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) At the beginning of 2015, economist John Williams predicted the U.S. economy would continue to slow down to stall speed, but it is much worse than that. Williams explains, “I’ll contend we’re in a
Syria War Escalates, Economic Data Getting Worse, Hillary Email Scandal Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Wrap-Up (WNW 211 10.09.15) The Russians are putting on a clinic on how to destroy terrorists. They are pulling off a well-planned takedown of just about anyone who stands in the way of the Assad
We Are Entering the Time of Financial Collapse Point-V the Guerrilla Economist
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s “V, the Guerrilla Economist” says we have reached the point of no return in the global financial system. “V” explains, “We are entering a time which I call the collapse point. At the collapse point, there is
Fed Plan is Print Money Until System Blows-Bix Weir
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and analyst Bix Weir is not surprised by the Federal Reserve’s policies because it is all part of the long term plan. Weir explains, “The goal, since we went off the gold
Middle East Chaos &War, Clinton Email Woes, Planned Parenthood Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 210 10.02.15) The Middle East is spiraling into chaos and war at an alarming rate. It went from a war of words between President Obama and President Putin at the UN on Monday to the Russians
Magnitude of Correction Will Eclipse Them All-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says what is going on in the stock market is way worse than a so-called “correction.” Mannarino explains, “We are definitely going lower. Everything I look at, and there is a lot of material,
Fed Scared to Raise Rates-Nomi Prins
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former top Wall Street banker Nomi Prins says forget about a Fed Rate Hike in December. It’s not going to happen. Prins explains, “They are not going to raise rates in December. I didn’t
Politician Pope, China US Visit, Russia in Syria, Hillary’s Email Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 209 9.25.15) On his first visit to the U.S., the Pope is acting more like a left wing politician than a messenger of Christ. He has scolded Congress on everything from global warming to immigration. Most
Global Economy Imploding Now-Warren Pollock
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Warren Pollock warns the global economy is headed for a brick wall. Pollock explains, “It’s good you are using the term brick because that’s the part of the economy which is crashing first, the emerging markets, the
Fed Has Lost Control-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer Bill Holter contends the recent announcement of the Federal Reserve not to raise rates means the “Fed has Lost Control.” Holter explains, “Whatever the Fed does is wrong. The reason I say