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Iran & North Korea Missile Tests, Trump Trashed by MSM, Fed Economic Fraud
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 230 3.11.16) Iran is back in the news for testing ballistic missiles with the words “Israel should be wiped off the Earth.” It is widely reported that Iran has test fired two ballistic missiles. Iran says
Market Meltdown Already Underway-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says forget about the recent market rally, the markets “have nowhere to go but down.” Mannarino explains, “According to the charts, something big has already begun. This is not a ‘maybe this will happen,’
Pyramid of Lies Could Implode-Catherine Austin Fitts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has correctly predicted no financial collapse year after year. Now, she is not so sure one can be avoided. Fitts explains, “In theory, it is easily possible to manage
We the Cronies vs. We the People, Hillary Aid Granted Immunity, How MSM Lies to Help Establishment
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (WNW 229 3.4.16) The attacks on Donald Trump come down to one simple fight. It’s “We the People” against “We the Criminal Crony Class.” Forget calling them the “establishment” because they are, in fact, a bunch of law breaking
World Economy Has Never Been Worse-Andy Hoffman
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer Andy Hoffman says we are getting to the end of the road for the fantasy economy. Hoffman explains, “I shy away from predictions as much as possible and . . . when things will happen.
Default on Global Monetary System Coming-Bix Weir
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial analyst Bix Weir says the mother of all money meltdowns is a sure thing. Weir contends there is one big question everybody should be asking. Weir says, “What’s the dollar going to be
Syria Cease-Fire & Safe Zone-Not, South China Sea Heats Up, Apple & DOJ Spar Over Unlocking I-Phone
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 228 2.26.16) A cease-fire is supposed to begin on Syria Saturday. Many geopolitical experts are skeptical that it will ever take place. It was negotiated by the U.S and Russia. With Secretary of State John Kerry
Perfect Storm of Financial Collapse and WWIII-Michael Snyder
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Journalist and book author Michael Snyder says the collapse is not an event, but a “process.” Snyder explains, “I believe it is already in the process of coming apart. . . . One fifth of global stock
Cash Ban is All about Control-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer Bill Holter says there is a good reason some are pushing the idea of doing away with cash. Holter contends, “It’s not about the drug trade. It’s not about tax evasion. It’s really about
Could WWIII in Middle East Start Soon, Even MSM Knows Economy Tanking, Trump vs Pope
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 227 2.19.16) The top story is the Middle East and the possibility of WWIII. I am not exaggerating here as both Saudi Arabia and Turkey have strongly suggested that their countries would invade Syria. Saudi Arabia
2016 Reveals Banks Shaky & Gold Solid-James Turk
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Gold expert James Turk says the banks are in trouble again. One of the biggest troubled institutions is Germany’s Deutsche Bank, and Turk contends, “It is quite alarming the shares of the stock are basically where they
Stocks Cut in Half & Gold Doubles in 2016-Bo Polny
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says stocks are going to take a beating, and gold is going to shine in 2016. Polny contends, “What we’ve seen happen so far in gold is just a warm
Elites Know Economy in Deep Trouble, ISIS Will Attack US, Election Update
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s (WNW 226 2.12.16) The economy is in deep trouble and elites know it. I think it’s so dire that it’s safe to say the trouble coming is going to be unlike anything we have seen. It will be
Gold Will Smell Blood of Negative Rates-Peter Schiff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says forget about the Fed raising interest rates. The next move is down. Schiff explains, “I think there is a pretty good chance we’re going to get 0% interest rates before the end
DOW 6,000 Extreme Sell-Off Coming-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino called the top of the DOW in May 2015. The market was well over 18,000 then and currently more than 2,000 points lower. Mannarino now says the Dow is going to