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Crash of All Crashes Coming-Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)  Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says the vote by the UK (Brexit) to leave the European Union is a big turning point. Polny says, “Brexit is England and part of the cycle and I

Special Report on Brexit/Fantasy Meets Reality

By Greg Hunter’s (Addendum to the WNW ) Do not believe the mainstream media that the Brexit vote crashed the global markets. The real reason why all markets tanked is record debt levels around the world that will never be

MSM Trump Fact Checking Totally Unfair, No Recovery Economic Update, US, Russia, China, War

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 243 6.24.16)  The mainstream media (MSM) calls their latest unfair coverage of Presidential GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump “fact checking.” In reality, it’s a way for the MSM to hide the fact it is unobjective, totally

Massive Defaults & Dramatic Increase in Gold-Nick Barisheff

By Greg Hunter’s Gold expert Nick Barisheff wrote a book titled “$10,000 Gold” in 2013. According to Barisheff, that number is even more possible today.  Barisheff contends, “It’s hard to believe when I wrote the book three years ago, and

Jim Sinclair-Next Crash Will Look Like Mad Max

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair says recent dire predictions from Wall Street icons are more than a warning. They are telegraphing their trading positions.  Sinclair explains, “They are preparing for what they

Dems Disarm America in Face of Terror, Economy Bad to Worse, Trump Fights MSM

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 242, 6.17.16) There is no wonder why Democrats want to talk about gun control. The Islamic terror is increasing, and the Democrats provide lip service.  Now, the Democrats want to disarm America in the face of

All Signs Point to Big Financial Crash in 2016-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer Bill Holter says there are many signs that are signaling big trouble. Holter’s list starts with the troubled banking giant Deutsche Bank and says it is his top candidate for the next Lehman style financial

Right Now It’s About Keeping the Whole System from Collapsing-Andy Hoffman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release) Financial writer Andy Hoffman says the real endgame is upon us, and big money people like “Bond King” Bill Gross know it. Hoffman explains, “He has said some pretty alarming things that are pretty

Reporting on Trump Continues to be Unfair, Economy Getting Worse and South China Sea War Drums

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 241 6.10.16) The mainstream media (MSM) continues to largely ignore the ongoing FBI investigation and not ask Clinton about it. Here’s a question that is fair.  Will Ms. Clinton step down if she is indicted?  The

Dire Financial Warnings and Debt Jubilee-David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s Finance and economy writer David Morgan says there has been a noticeable increase in dire warnings from some of the biggest names in the investing world. Why are the elite sounding the alarm on another financial meltdown? 

Dow 5,000-Big One Starts in 2017-Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release) Charles Nenner, renowned financial and geopolitical analyst, says a major top in the stock market has been made, and it’s downhill from here. Nenner explains, “I still think big up moves should be used to

Reporting on Trump Continues to be Unfair, Economy Getting Worse and South China Sea War Drums

By Greg Hunter’s (6.3.16 WNW 240) It was trash Trump week as far as the mainstream media (MSM) is concerned. It covered the Trump University lawsuit wall to wall but not a peep about the ongoing criminal investigation on Hillary

Housing Market Hyper-Bubble-Fabian Calvo

By Greg Hunter’s Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says cheap money flooding into the housing market means we are nearing the end of the road for the current housing boom. Calvo explains, “What they have come up with now, through

No Stopping Mother of all Collapses-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says you better be protecting yourself for what is coming in the financial markets. Mannarino explains, “It’s just a matter of time.  Who knows when this actually rolls over–days, hours, months,

Clinton Email Trouble Deepens, Bill Gross Economic Warning, Bathroom Gender Endgame

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 239 5.27.16) A new report by the Inspector General (IG) of the State Department puts Hillary Clinton in even deeper trouble over her unprotected email server that was installed in the bathroom of her home. The