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Criminal Bankers Threaten Entire World Economy-Helen Chaitman

By Greg Hunter’s Helen Davis Chaitman was the lead attorney representing the victims of the $65 billion Bernie Madoff scam. Madoff had help form JP Morgan Chase Bank, and what she found out was stunning.  Chaitman explains, “JP Morgan Chase

All Electronic Assets Wiped Out in Fall Crash

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Financial analyst Bix Weir has laid out a timeline for the next financial collapse that he says is underway. Bix explains, “It’s happening now, and it has been happening since the beginning of the

Saudi Financial Trouble Means US Financial Trouble, Fed Rate Hike Fake-Out, Bernie Beats Clinton-Again

By Greg Hunter’s 5.20.16 (WNW 238)  Saudi Arabia is in deep financial trouble, and that spells financial trouble for the U.S. Let’s connect the dots. Shall we?  The Senate just passed a bill that releases 28 secret pages from the

Global Elite Making Preparations for Post-Dollar World-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says his rich clients around the planet are bracing for an inevitable economic calamity. Kirby explains, “The people I know, that I would say are at the higher level of the food chain

Multiple Collapse Triggers Everywhere-V the Guerilla Economist

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) “V” the “Guerilla Economist” fears another global financial collapse “every day and every night.” “V” explains, “Economically speaking . . . What I see is it’s not one event. There are multiple triggers everywhere.  If Deutsche

Global War Tensions Rise, Economy Getting Worse and MSM Totally Unfair to Trump

Greg Hunter Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.13.16 (WNW 237)  There was a new missile defense system installed in Romania. The U.S. says it is to protect Europe from an attack from a “rogue state.”  Russia says this new missile defense site

Trump is Free to Throw Mud on Clinton-Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s  Former Bush Administration (41) Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, says this presidential election will be most painful for Hillary Clinton. Fitts explains, “Here’s the thing, Clinton has never had to answer for the real deal

Silent Coup Beginning to Overtake America Now-Larry Nichols

By Greg Hunter’s  Former Clinton insider Larry Nichols has worked with, and now against, the Clintons. Nichols has some of the top political and financial connections on the planet.  Nichols hopes the public is finally realizing the enormous power struggle

Most Dangerous Stock Market in History-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager and financial expert Michael Pento says every corner of the globe is in economic trouble. Pento contends, “I think we are going to have a global synchronized collapse amongst the developed world economies: Europe, Japan,

Very Big Correction for All Markets Coming-Alasdair Macleod

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Alasdair Macleod says the most important economic news concerns the U.S. dollar. Macleod explains, “I think the most important point is actually the dollar has turned.  The panic move into the dollar

Economy Rotten-Like Apple Sales, Russia US Moving Towards Conflict, MSM Unfair to Trump

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 236 4.29.16) The economy is rotten just like Apple iPhone sales numbers. For the first time in 10 years, Apple reported its first quarterly sales drop for their popular iPhone. No, it’s not the end of

Dollar Selling Panic Coming-John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s  Economist John Williams has long predicted the $16 trillion in U.S. dollar assets held outside of America will be sold in a panic. The time draws near for that scenario to unfold, and Williams explains, “When people

COMEX Default Is Coming Soon-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Special Release) According to financial writer Bill Holter, we are getting to the end of the gold and silver price suppression game. Holter contends, “Because the inventories are so small, silver and gold registered categories (at COMEX)

Saudi Arabia US Friction, Economic Update, China Gold Fix and Fraud Ignored by MSM

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 235 4.22.16) The President was in Saudi Arabia in what the White House claims was a trip to “clear the air.” I really don’t know how you clear the air with the friction between the U.S.

Biggest Financial Bubble in History Will Engulf World-Gregory Mannarino

Greg Hunter’s  Financial analyst and stock trader Gregory Mannarino says pay no attention to the rising stock market because it is “fake.” Mannarino says, “The manipulation is absolutely epic.  We have never seen anything like it.  There is going to