Greg Hunter does a news wrap-up every Friday. It takes him all week to compile and analyze dozens of news stories he finds online and in local and national newspapers. Greg covers what he thinks are the most important stories of the week. They come from around the country or around the world, from Main Street to Wall Street, America to China and Europe to the Middle East. Everything important is on the radar of the Weekly News Wrap-Up. Don’t expect to find entertainment news here. The biggest sin the mainstream media (MSM) commits every week is the lie of omission.
Sometimes it’s not what the MSM tells you that is important, but what it leaves out. Greg Hunter fills in the blanks. The motto is “Analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what is really going on.” This section exposes the truths you need to make good life decisions. The Weekly News Wrap-up on exposes the lies of Wall Street and the hypocrisy of our politicians.
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 360 11/16/18) The Recount has hit a whole new level for the 2018 Midterm elections in voter fraud prone Florida. It looks like Ron DeSantis will be the next governor, but the race between Scott and
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 359 11.2.18) Whether it is the polls done by the mainstream media (MSM) or the phony pipe bombs with no explosives sent to prominent Democrats, this election looks like one giant PSYOP. Democrats have no platform
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 358 10.26.18) There have been nearly a dozen so-called bombs sent to top Democrats around the country mainly on the east coast. None of them were detonated. I say “so-called” because police are reporting that many
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 357 10.19.18) The stock and bond markets look like they are wobbling and signaling a warning. One day the stock market is up 500 points, and the next it’s down 800 points. Gregory Mannarino of
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 356 10.12.18) We have been told constantly that Russia is trying to undermine America, but, in fact, it is China by a very wide margin. China has been recruiting spies to work with prominent senators like Diane
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 355 10.05.18) The Presidential Alert was this week. It was a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Many are mocking the Trump Administration about the test, but according to the White House, several National
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 354 9.28.18) The circus that was supposed to be a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh ended this week. It could not be more obvious that the Dems are desperate to stop or
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 353 9.21.18) Today, I am doing something different for the Wrap-Up. I have brought in Dr. Dave Janda of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” to talk about the week’s top stories. The Wrap-Up is more
Greg Hunter’s (WNW 351 9.7.18) Panic is the word that comes to mind with the Democrats, Deep State and the mainstream media (MSM) with the shrill attacks on President Trump using only anonymous sources. They are trying to assassinate his
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 350 8.31.18) Bruce Ohr, the one time high ranking Department of Justice (DOJ) official, testified behind closed doors this week on Capitol Hill. In hours of sworn testimony Ohr, said that the Trump Dossier was basically
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 349 8.24.18) It’s a game of “look over here” and not at the real crimes that have been committed. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has gone hysterical on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 348, 8.17.18) Obama Administration CIA Director John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump. Brennan says it’s an attack on Trump’s critics. Others say it’s the beginning of punishment for being the “ringleader” of
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 347 8.10.18) Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani thinks the Russia probe by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is going to “blow up” on Mueller and his team. It has become apparent Mueller has not got a single charge
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 346 8.3.18) The mainstream media (MSM) refuses to acknowledge the fact the FBI and DOJ used phony research paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to get warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 345 7.27.18) President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen is revealing he taped Donald Trump discussing paying a former Playmate for her silence. Cohen is also claiming Trump knew about a meeting with a Russian informant that