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Unstoppable Crash Worse than 2008 Coming – James Rickards
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Six-time, best-selling financial author James Rickards says the upcoming book “Sold Out” lays out the case why a huge crash is already a certainty sometime in 2023. In a nutshell, broken supply chains have already caused big inflation, and the Fed is raising rates to tamp it back down. On top of the perfect storm of inflation and prolonged supply problems, we have the recent meltdown of the FTX crypto currency exchange. Rickards says, “It is definitely going to cause sequential collapses in the crypto world, but will it jump the fence into the broader financial world? My expectation is it will, (more…)
Trump Runs, Biden Investigated, Deepening Economic Collapse
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 556 11.18.22)
There was a huge political news story this week, but you would not have known it if you listened to the Lying Legacy Media (LLM). They simply did not cover Donald J. Trump’s announcement to run for President again in 2024 on Tuesday, 11/15/22. That’s not big news? Of course, it is no matter if you like him or not. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the so-called “news” organizations are in the tank for the globalist cabal, and that includes leadership of BOTH parties. (more…)
FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir
By Greg Hunter’s
According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded, it took with it billions of dollars of investments. It now has more than a million creditors both big and small. Weir says it is the tip of the iceberg in a dying over-indebted system. Weir contends it is orders of magnitude worse than the Lehman Brothers meltdown that caused the Great Recession in 2008. (more…)
We Are in End Times – Michael Snyder
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Journalist and popular author Michael Snyder says in his new book we are in “End Times.” Few Christians would disagree. So, where are we and what are we facing? Snyder explains, “I believe we are living at the very end of a timeline. I believe Jesus is coming back soon. . . .The Bible describes the End Times, the time just before Jesus comes back, as the most chaotic in all of human history. In fact, Jesus told us there has never been a time like this before, and there will never be a time like this again. Things are eventually going to get so bad that it is going to be the worst times in all of human history. I also believe it will be the best time for the people of God. There is no other time in human history that I would have rather lived than right now. . . . (more…)
Election Psyop, Trump WON, Economy Still Tanking
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 555 11/11/22)
If you listen only to the lying legacy media (LLM) you would think the 2022 Midterm Election was a huge loss for President Donald Trump. Trump won big despite the cheating, glitches ballot drops (for losing Dems) and the huge psyop that carried on after election day. If you question the cheating, which few do on the LLM, you are an “election denier.” How dare anyone question or object to the massive cheating that has been taken to a well-oiled art form. The “Swamp” or “Uni-party” consisting of Communist Democrats and RINO Republicans work together for a common goal. The two parties just take turns ripping us off. (more…)
Live Coverage of 2022 Mid-term Election Tonight 11/8/22
Join Greg Hunter of and Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal, as they team up to cover the 2022 Mid-term Election. Coverage starts at 8:30p EST Tuesday Nov. 8 and lasts until around 12m.
There May Not Be a 2024 Election – Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The cheating in the midterm election next week is going to be so great that it is almost impossible to make a prediction. . . . In a fair midterm election, the Republicans would win the House and the Senate.” (more…)
Voting, Vax & Economy Frauds Will End Quickly
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 554 11.4.22)
As an investigative reporter for two TV stations and two networks (ABC and CNN), I did a lot of financial stories that centered around some sort of fraud. The biggest thing I learned is that frauds end quickly. I use Bernie Madoff as an example. Madoff conducted a $60 billion Ponzi hedge fund for 20 years. It all ended Thursday, December 11, 2008, when Madoff was arrested, and he died in prison. As Forrest Gump said, “And then one day it was over, just like that.” The gigantic voting fraud scheme that put Biden into office is showing signs it is falling apart. How much fraud do Democrats have to commit when the leader of their party has about a 10% approval rating. That is a record my sources say going back all the way to the Civil War. (more…)
$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – Egon von Greyerz
By Greg Hunter’s
Egon von Greyerz (EvG) stores gold for clients at the biggest private gold vault in the world buried deep in the Swiss Alps. EvG is a financial and precious metals expert. EvG is a former Swiss banker and an expert in risk. He says the risk in the global markets has never been this high.
EvG explains, “Credit has increased dramatically through derivatives. All instruments being issued now by banks, pension funds, stock funds, it’s all synthetic. There is no real underlying payments in anything almost. Therefore, my estimate for derivatives would be at least $2 quadrillion, and I think that is probably conservative. Then, we have debt on top of that of $300 trillion, and we also have a couple hundred trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities. So, we are talking about $2.5 quadrillion, and that’s with a global GDP of $80 trillion. (more…)
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
By Greg Hunter’s Saturday Night Post)
World renowned microbiologist and virologist professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers. Dr. Bhakdi was one of the first top global doctors to warn about the deadly and debilitating effects of the CV19 vax. He was right. Dr. Bhakdi says there is proof that if the injections reach the heart or the brain, they will be damaged beyond repair. Dr. Bhakdi brings up one autopsy that found this and explains, “In multiple parts of the brain in this deceased man, the doctor found the same thing. . . . He found the damned spike proteins in the smallest capillaries of the brain. . . There is no repair because what the doctor found was these small vessels were attacked by the immune system and destroyed. The doctor found irrefutable evidence of brain cell damage of cells that are dead and dying. (more…)
No Peace More Nukes, Dem Vote Fraud, Economy Falling
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 553 10.28.22)
The Pentagon is now moving to use nuclear weapons even if the other side does not have them or does not use them. No peace talks are being scheduled by either side in the Ukraine war. Both Russia and the USA are holding nuclear armed missile exercises simultaneously. This is the sort of thing that happened at the height of the cold war. There is no end in sight to the tensions, and the US military testing new hypersonic weapons this week is not going to help lower them. (more…)
CV19 AI Bioweapon from Infection to Injection -Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter’s
Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines. Her long-standing position is the entire CV19 plandemic was, in fact, a manmade bioweapon from infection to injection. Kingston has now found all the patents to prove that the CV19 vaccines are made to destroy humanity. Kinston is back again with a mind-blowing update on extremely advanced medical technology that has already been injected 600 million times alone into unsuspecting Americans. Kingston explains, “This is an AI (artificial intelligence) bioweapon. It is part technology and part biology. (more…)
Ancient Artifacts Prove Human Genetic Destruction by Satan – Steve Quayle
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post)
Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says evil satanic globalists want you to believe there is no God the Father and no Jesus the Son. Instead, they want you to believe that aliens made humankind. Quayle, who is privately funding expeditions to dig up artifacts thousands of years old, says the narrative that aliens created humans is a huge lie. Quayle and his team have recently dug up ancient Egyptian artifacts from Mexico and Central America to prove his point. Quayle says, “I want to share this. There are 27 forms of incredibly ugly creatures. We have panels and photographs that others have excavated in the late 1950’s that show the aliens sexually encountering human females and giving birth to some ‘its.’ In no place is there any indication that the aliens created humans, but there is every indication they messed with the DNA. . . . (more…)
More War, More Vax Deaths, More Dem Problems & More Economic Problems
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 552 10.21.22)
Russia wants to end the war in Ukraine, but it is simply not going to happen. Ukraine wants all their land back the way it was in 1991. Russia annexed a large chunk of southeast Ukraine and is not giving it back. Meanwhile, the west keeps funding the Ukraine war that is going to get much more painful for Ukrainians. No more parties in Kiev when the power and water is turned off. Martin Armstrong says the west wants a war because the debt is defaulting, and they need someone to blame it on. The satanic globalists say they want to “build back better,” but there may not be much left when it’s all over. (more…)
Weeks Away from Whole Shithouse Coming Down – Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said in June it was “game over, they’re pulling the plug.” The Fed went on an aggressive interest rate raising policy and is still raising rates. Now, the economy is staggering. Holter explains, “For sure, we are already in a recession. We are now in the third quarter of negative growth. I think it is laughable that people put odds on whether or not we are going to go into a recession because it is obvious–we are already in a recession. Rates rising have absolutely frozen the real estate market. (more…)