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Mass Medical Bankruptcy & Collapse Coming – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

By Greg Hunter’s 

In May, Dr. Elizabeth Eads revealed the CV19 vax was causing extreme disease.  Few doctors were sounding the alarm on the death and carnage from the bioweapon injections, and it’s going to get much worse before it’s over.  Dr. Eads says, “Worldwide there are 10,000 deaths from these Covid vaccines daily.  That’s a culmination of data . . . collected from Israel, UK, Canada, the U.S. and Brazil.  So,10,000 a day and they are estimating we are already up to 12 million deaths worldwide.”   Dr. Eads thinks the death and injuries from the CV19 bioweapon will be orders of magnitude higher in the next five years. (more…)

Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads is now seeing first-hand Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS.  Let that sink in.  Dr. Eads explains, “Yes, we are seeing vaccine related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxed. . . . It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this.  We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it. . . . .We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse or calamity of this immune collapse.  It’s very stunning.” (more…)

Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Murder CV19 Patients – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is back to update us from the front lines of medicine. Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.” Dr. Eads is witnessing the horror stories of treating the unvaxed who have been made sick by the “Fully Vaccinated.” The carnage continued after the vaxed and unvaxed got together for Thanksgiving. They showed up in her North Florida emergency rooms the next day with all sorts of trouble from the injections that Eads simply calls “bioweapons.” (more…)

CV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

By Greg Hunter’s           

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the front line of medicine treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads has 25 years of experience in North East Florida hospitals.  Dr. Eads contends the injections (or jabs) are not vaccines.  They are “bioweapons,” and the jabs are not medicine that is intended to help or cure people.  Dr. Eads says, “We are seeing from the jabs all kinds of under-reported side effects.  We are seeing infertility in women.  We are seeing miscarriages.  We are seeing myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary embolisms and blood clots everywhere in the body.  We are seeing swollen lymph nodes and swollen testicles.  Dr. Ryan Cole has reported an increase of cancers, and we are seeing that as well in the hospitals.  We are seeing blood clots and strokes and hemorrhagic strokes, dementias and strokes and blood clots in young people too.” (more…)

CV19 Vaxed and Unvaxed Need Treatment Now – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax since the beginning of Covid from infection to injection.  She warned about AIDS, infertility, turbo cancers, heart disease, blood clots and many other problems caused by the CV19 bioweapon injection.  Dr. Eads was right every single time.  Now, Dr. Eads is saying everyone needs treatment whether you are CV19 vaxed or unvaxed.  Dr. Eads explains, “We are getting transmission from the vaxed to the unvaxed.  We are getting chemtrails.  They are putting the mRNA in our food.  People have to understand, people need to detox and protect yourself whether you are vaxed or not.  I contend everybody should be taking some Ivermectin.” (more…)

CV19 Vaxed are Sick Superspreaders – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s

 Dr. Betsy Eads warned about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  She was one of a handful of doctors who told the truth and said everything about CV19 from infection to injection was a lie.  She has been proven 100% correct.  Now, the evil murderous Deep State globalist monsters have a fresh CV19 psyop.  They are pushing a new round of deadly and debilitating injections.  The real story is the CV19 vaxed are the real problem, and we have a “pandemic of the vaccinated.”  There is new evidence that the CV19 vaxed are the “superspreaders” of sickness and disease.  Dr. Eads explains, “There is no new pandemic.  Covid 19 was never proven to exist.  In fact, it’s a bioweapon.  (more…)

Cancer is Exploding because of CV19 Vax – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning for more than a year about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  Dr. Eads has been punished by the medical community for being a CV19 vax truth warrior.  Everything she predicted has happened, and it is guaranteed to get worse—much worse.  Using fresh data just on breast cancers alone posted by the American Cancer Society on, Dr. Eads explains, “From in the year 2019, for those women under 45 years old (with breast cancer), it was 26,660.  It 2020, it was 26,500.  In 2021 when the CV19 vax rolled out, it was 26,561. . . . Cancer was not seen in the initial rollout because it took some time for the spike protein delivery.  So, in 2022, those numbers went from 26,561 to 47,000.  That is a two-fold increase.  That’s a direct result of the mRNA (CV19) shots.  In 2023, it went up six-fold to 297,000 breast cancer cases, and we are not even done with 2023.  (more…)

At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a “Tsunami of ‘vaccine’ deaths coming in the next two years.”  The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is increasing.  That is no surprise with 600 million CV19 injections being administered in America alone.  There have been about 13 billion CV19 injections given worldwide.  The estimation of dead and permanently disabled is stunning and criminal.  Dr. Eads explains, “In my personal opinion that a billion people will either die or be permanently disabled.  A new “Expose” article shows 5,162% increase in deaths (in Australia) from this bioweapon shot since 2020. . . . (more…)

Tsunami of Vax Deaths Coming in Next Two Years – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Betsy Eads has been fighting to get the truth out about the debilitating and deadly CV19 bioweapon injections form the very beginning.  The truth is coming out showing Dr. Eads was right all along even though the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) was suppressing her life saving data and analysis.  In August, Dr. Eads predicted the human damage from the CV19 bioweapon was going to get far worse, and increasing numbers of vax deaths and injuries show she was right again.  Dr. Eads now predicts, “. . . We are in the millions (of vax deaths) in America right now, and I am projecting a tsunami of deaths coming in the next two years.  (more…)

CV19 Vax Causing Extreme Disease – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads is back to update us from the frontlines of medicine and the growing problems of CV19 vax induced AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).   Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines,” and new data is showing the injections are causing the explosion of many types of extreme disease.  We start with a recent patient Dr. Eads has that got her CV19 booster, and not long after that got cancer.  Dr. Eads says, “I basically told her this is most likely vaccine induced cancer.  We know cancers are up, according to Dr. Ryan Cole and several other pathologists . . . They are up close to  2,000%. . . . I told her to find an oncologist . . . who is awake to those types of aggressive cancers.  I am seeing a lot of unusual cancers, and so is Dr. Ryan Cole.” (more…)

White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads is back to update us on what she calls a “genocide.”   Dr. Eads continues to say the CV19 injections are not vaccines.  They are “bioweapons” being administered by evil medical professionals.  Dr. Eads explains, “We are in a complete ‘White Coat Mafia’ tyranny right now.  This is a depopulation agenda.  (more…)

Dark Winter Biden, Booster Push, Fed Lost Control

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 506 12/03/21)

Vice President Biden was out today describing his version of the “Dark Winter” he has mentioned in the past.  This time it’s in response to the new Omicron virus that the Globalists are hyping as a new way to scare you into getting another jab or booster.   It’s tough to convince people to get more of what doesn’t work.  Just ask the “Fully Vaccinated” Dallas Cowboys who have at least 9 players with, wait for it–Covid. (more…)

More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 598 9.8.23)

Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of the announcement that the Ukraine Army lost 66,000 soldiers in the past three months alone. Add that to the 300,000 Ukraine casualties, and it’s hard to understand why Blinken and others in the D.C. swamp constantly say this is the “most profitable investment.” My question: Is Blinken nuts or simply corrupt, cruel and demonic. Why are there no peace talks with this kind of defeat and carnage for Ukraine and NATO? Do they want nuclear war? (more…)

Constant Media Psyop, Can’t Stop Vax Deaths, Fed NOT Cutting

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW567 2.3.23)

The constant media psyop is falling apart on all fronts.  We were told Trump was colluding with the Russians.  That was a huge lie.  We were told Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.  That’s another huge lie.  We were told the CV19 vax was safe and effective, which is a double deadly monster lie.  These are just a few of the lies the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) continues to push.  As the old saying goes, “Don’t give up the con.”  We have been conned, and we are all paying for it.  The LLM will never recover. (more…)

Dem Desperate Disaster, More Ukraine Propaganda, Unstoppable Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 530 5.20.22)   

The DHS Disinformation Governance Board was put on pause this week as yet another disastrous desperate attempt to control the narrative falls apart for the Democrats in the Biden/Obama Administration.  A new person at the board has been appointed, and that is Michael Chertoff.  He is the former DHS Secretary in the Bush 43 Administration.  The former Disinformation Board leader Nina Jankowicz resigned in disgrace after, wait for it — too much disinformation.  (more…)