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“Myths” Paul Krugman Does Not Want To Talk About

  By Greg Hunter’s  I have been telling you for months there is going to be a double dip in the economy.  Nobel Prize Winning economist Paul Krugman also thinks the economy is so bad we need to keep on stimulating

Greg Hunter On The Edge With Max Keiser

By Greg Hunter’ I was interviewed by Max Keiser in Europe last week.  For the 4th of July holiday on Monday the 5th, I am posting part three of a three part interview. 

Another Sign on the Road to a Devalued Dollar

By Greg Hunter’s The President gave a speech on immigration reform yesterday.  One of the most outrageous things the President said, “The southern border is more secure today than at any time in the past 20 years.” Please, Mr. President,

Stealth Austerity Already Hitting the U.S.

By Greg Hunter’s    Last week, at the G20 meeting in Toronto, there was much discussion about money printing for bailouts and cutbacks for austerity.  These were the two main options talked about to deal with the economic malaise facing the

Financial Reform Bill Will Not Stop the Next Meltdown

By Greg Hunter’s    The much awaited financial reform bill was finished up in an overnight marathon House and Senate committee session last week.  Now it appears there is a holdup in the Senate because of the $19 billion bank tax

Double Dips Coming Everywhere

By Greg Hunter’s  Respected banking analyst Meredith Whitney dropped a bomb on CNBC at the beginning of the week by saying, “Unequivocally, I see a double-dip in housing.  There’s no doubt about it . . . prices are going down

Pedro’s Nightmare BP Scenario

By Greg Hunter’s The possibility of a BP bankruptcy because of the ongoing Gulf oil spill is very real.  Since the oil spill disaster on April 20, the company’s share price has been cut in half.  BP has lost $90 billion

The U.S. Dollar Falls by Fall

By Greg Hunter’s Last week, three stories acted as signposts for the direction of the U.S. Dollar value.  The first is about a letter President Obama sent to members of the G20 (Group of 20 major industrial countries) in advance of

Limited Fed Audits Will be Part of Financial Reform

By Greg Hunter’s    It’s not exactly the kind of audit Congressmen Ron Paul and Alan Grayson wanted in their original legislation, but it looks like their wish to peel away some of the Federal Reserve’s secret deals in lending and

Obama Gulf Speech Takes a Wrong Turn

By Greg Hunter’s Last night, President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office in the White House on the Gulf oil disaster.  He got off to a great start by saying, “Already, this oil spill is the worst environmental

Recovery Hype and Fed Audit

Greg Hunter’s  It seems everyday I watch mainstream media there is a discussion about the ongoing so- called “recovery.”  Yesterday was no exception.  I was watching an anchor on MSNBC ask a guest why the “recovery” is so uneven and

Do the Opposite of Ben Bernanke

By Greg Hunter’s   Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave testimony to the U.S. House Budget Committee a couple of days ago.  His preposterous statements seemed to go unquestioned by the Committee.  So, I am going to tackle the highlights, ask a

Gold’s Flashing Warning Sign

By Greg Hunter’s  Gold hit another all-time high yesterday!  According to gold website, “. . . investors continue to seek out the precious yellow metal as a safe-haven asset amid heightened financial, economic and geopolitical uncertainty. One market watcher

Downturn Coming, Not Recovery

By Greg Hunter’s  A buddy of mine, who is a business broker, recently told me, “I have never in my life seen more broke people.”  I told that little quote to a car salesman I was talking with over the

The Job Picture Is Not Improving as Much as You Think (Updated)

By Greg Hunter’s    There was a lot of talk this week about an improving job market.  It seems everybody is talking up a turnaround in the labor market.  Some CNBC anchors, yesterday, put their usual optimistic spin on the topic