This section gives political analysis for all sorts of subjects. Social unrest, the militarization of local law enforcement, poverty, wealth, survival, NSA spying, money laundering by the biggest banks, crime, global fraud, unpunished top bankers and the politicians that turn a blind eye to it will all be some of what is talked about here. From Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Communists, Socialists, the Tea Party and their effects on American life will be part of the conversation.
Some of the people lending their analysis here include former top HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former Treasury Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, best-selling authors Robert Wiedemer and John Perkins, $2 billion money manager Peter Schiff, hit documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, economist John Williams, futurist Chris Martenson and economic genius Martin Armstrong.
Politics often overlap with money issues. The views here are seldom brought to light in the mainstream media. Whether it’s from Main Street or the Middle East, you will get a unique perspective found only on
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says it looks like a “global recession is coming.” Is that going to cause the debt reset we’ve been hearing about for years?
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer John Rubino says no matter what country, the global debt has exploded to record highs, and it’s going to go even higher in the coming years. Rubino contends, “Government debt is going to soar going
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “I would say we are in a soft civil war, and the ones that are starting this civil war, and they have gotten more aggressive almost
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Host of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” Dr. Dave Janda comes on to talk about what has been going on and what’s coming in the fight with Deep State globalists to control America.
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Journalist Alex Newman says the mass migration you are seeing in Europe and on the U.S. Southern border is nothing more than weapon of the globalists who want one-world government in their sick New
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has said for years that the economy was not going to crash, but be on a “slow burn.” How long can they make this heavily indebted game last? Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says out of control wildfires are not just in California, but a global phenomenon and unlike ever before. Wigington explains, “Let’s look at the facts. This summer we had a state of
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was removed because he did not release declassified FISA documents before the midterm elections that were used to spy on Donald J. Trump. It
By Greg Hunter’s (This takes the place of the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 11.9.18) Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says what happened in the 2018 midterm elections is just the beginning of the coming “Red Tsunami”
By Greg Hunter’s Eric Eggers, author of “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” says election and voter fraud is being discovered before the 2018 midterm elections, and that is good news. Eggers explains, “I think what
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says a second civil war has been brewing in America for a quarter century. Quayle explains, “I believe the civil war is part of the fifth
By Greg Hunter’s (Earl Sunday Release) Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says everybody in Washington knows the next big crash is right around the corner. It’s been 10 years since the Fed reflated the last meltdown, and Dr. Janda says
By Greg Hunter’s Journalist Alex Newman says everywhere you look around the world, you see a “struggle for power” between “We the People” and the New World Order Globalists. Newman explains, “That’s right. What you have now is the Council
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” Mark Taylor says what is going on is all a setup for the coming military tribunals, which Taylor gave a prophecy for right after Donald Trump
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, predicts the global financial system “will take some big hits before the end of the year.” Fitts explains, “Right now, economists say the