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MSM Trump Fact Checking Totally Unfair, No Recovery Economic Update, US, Russia, China, War
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 243 6.24.16)
The mainstream media (MSM) calls their latest unfair coverage of Presidential GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump “fact checking.” In reality, it’s a way for the MSM to hide the fact it is unobjective, totally unfair, and only out to destroy Trump in favor of the candidate and party they’re in the tank for, Democrat Hillary Clinton. The only candidate the MSM is “fact checking” is Trump. Meanwhile, every week, there is a new angle to the Clinton private server scandal, or her so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation, which some say is a huge charity fraud, or allegations of influence peddling while she was Secretary of State in the first Obama Administration. There are no teams of reporters and producers on this ongoing story. There is only “fact checking” by the clearly biased MSM on the candidate and party they hate.
Massive Defaults & Dramatic Increase in Gold-Nick Barisheff
By Greg Hunter’s
Gold expert Nick Barisheff wrote a book titled “$10,000 Gold” in 2013. According to Barisheff, that number is even more possible today. Barisheff contends, “It’s hard to believe when I wrote the book three years ago, and I talked about the issues that would lead to $10,000 gold are still there and have gotten much worse. None of the issues have been solved, and now we are in multiple bubbles, a lot of them surrounding debt, and it keeps growing all over the world, and that’s the main correlation to the price of gold.”
Jim Sinclair-Next Crash Will Look Like Mad Max
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair says recent dire predictions from Wall Street icons are more than a warning. They are telegraphing their trading positions. Sinclair explains, “They are preparing for what they believe. They talk their own positions. So, it’s more than a warning. They are telling you exactly what they have done. They are not out to save the man in the street. They are out to make money in a huge short position, probably in over-the-counter derivatives. . . . They’re not looking for a market tic down. They are looking for a market with a character of backing up to an open to an elevator with no elevator there. . . . We’ve got no volume, fake prices, and we’ve got the biggest money in the world short the market. We’ve also got a Fed with no tools, and now we have a Fed whose primary indicator is starting to have a heart attack. . . . When this thing comes down, it’s going to be a free fall.”
Dems Disarm America in Face of Terror, Economy Bad to Worse, Trump Fights MSM
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 242, 6.17.16)
There is no wonder why Democrats want to talk about gun control. The Islamic terror is increasing, and the Democrats provide lip service. Now, the Democrats want to disarm America in the face of rising violence from radical Islam. The Obama Administration would like you to believe that these terrorists are “self-radicalized.” In many cases, that is not the true story. There is a percentage of mosques in the U.S., according to the FBI, that teach and encourage violence and jihad. According to several different whistleblowers and reports, the Obama Administration has been shutting down investigations into radical Islam and, in some cases, scrubbing suspected terrorists from data bases. President Obama has repeatedly said that ISIS is on “defense,” but his own CIA director, John Brennan, said in Congress, this week, ISIS is “formidable and resilient.” Brennan warns that ISIS is not only training more fighters to attack America, but ISIS will likely get into the country posing as refugees from Syria.
All Signs Point to Big Financial Crash in 2016-Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer Bill Holter says there are many signs that are signaling big trouble. Holter’s list starts with the troubled banking giant Deutsche Bank and says it is his top candidate for the next Lehman style financial meltdown. Holter explains, “It would make sense that they are the candidate because, as you know, they had a recent settlement in the gold and silver fix. So, they may get thrown under the bus. The only problem is if they get thrown under the bus, there’s going to be a bomb that blows up the whole bus.”
Right Now It’s About Keeping the Whole System from Collapsing-Andy Hoffman
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release)
Financial writer Andy Hoffman says the real endgame is upon us, and big money people like “Bond King” Bill Gross know it. Hoffman explains, “He has said some pretty alarming things that are pretty well in line with what all the other ‘big money,’ . . . people have has been saying lately. We’re talking about the biggest debt explosion in history on top of the already biggest debt edifice in history. He also is . . . talking about Japan’s endgame is to forgive their debt. Forgive means default. It means the collapse of the major Western currencies. It means the domino game, that started 40 years ago when they got rid of the gold standard, must end as all fiat currency standards end in shambles.”
Reporting on Trump Continues to be Unfair, Economy Getting Worse and South China Sea War Drums
By Greg Hunter’s
(WNW 241 6.10.16)
The mainstream media (MSM) continues to largely ignore the ongoing FBI investigation and not ask Clinton about it. Here’s a question that is fair. Will Ms. Clinton step down if she is indicted? The MSM doesn’t even bring up the point and is waiting for Clinton to hold a press conference. It’s been more than six months since she has held one. You can always ask the questions on the fly and get the reporter asking the question, and a non-answer is still an answer. Let me remind you, this is the First-Ever presumptive Presidential nominee with an ongoing FBI criminal investigation for either party–FIRST EVER!!!! For politics, this is like not covering the first time man walked on the moon. There should be teams of people on this at every network, and instead, we hear crickets, nada, zip!!!
Dire Financial Warnings and Debt Jubilee-David Morgan
By Greg Hunter’s
Finance and economy writer David Morgan says there has been a noticeable increase in dire warnings from some of the biggest names in the investing world. Why are the elite sounding the alarm on another financial meltdown? Morgan says, “One reason is they see it’s rather imminent . . . so, could it be this year? Absolutely. I have been kind of right and wrong on this. I am right about the deterioration in the economy, the money supply and the inability to directly address the problem. Where you pinpoint it is more difficult. I said 2015 would be the year that most sleepy Americans would wake up and see the economy isn’t really recovering. . . . I think it’s going to be 2016.”
Dow 5,000-Big One Starts in 2017-Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release)
Charles Nenner, renowned financial and geopolitical analyst, says a major top in the stock market has been made, and it’s downhill from here. Nenner explains, “I still think big up moves should be used to sell equities. We are going slowly to a major sell-off. I still look for Dow Jones 5,000. I think the second half of 2016 is going to be a bad situation for stocks, but it’s not going to be the big one. The big one will start the third quarter of 2017 ending in 2020 or 2021.
Reporting on Trump Continues to be Unfair, Economy Getting Worse and South China Sea War Drums
By Greg Hunter’s (6.3.16 WNW 240)
It was trash Trump week as far as the mainstream media (MSM) is concerned. It covered the Trump University lawsuit wall to wall but not a peep about the ongoing criminal investigation on Hillary Clinton and her unprotected private server. One of the big stories ignored this week by the MSM is former Bill Clinton advisor and pollster Doug Schoen penning a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed piece titled “Clinton Might not be the Nominee.” The title says it all, and yet the MSM ignored this huge red flag raised by a top Democratic insider about Hillary Clinton’s viability as a Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.
Housing Market Hyper-Bubble-Fabian Calvo
By Greg Hunter’s
Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says cheap money flooding into the housing market means we are nearing the end of the road for the current housing boom. Calvo explains, “What they have come up with now, through the Obama Administration and many other projects, is they have these down payment assistance programs, which is the federal government giving money to these local agencies. So, in essence, it is a no-money-down loan to fuel this housing bubble, which is really starting to verge on a ‘hyper-bubble’ like we see in the stock market today. It’s amazing to see what is happening and see it all repeat again. It’s going to spill over into this election year, and we will continue to see prices go up. We have these cheap interest rates and cheap money that has no value that is creating this artificial boom. . . . We are at the last and final stage of this current housing cycle, and that’s where the prices will take off exponentially as will the access to cheap money.”
No Stopping Mother of all Collapses-Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino says you better be protecting yourself for what is coming in the financial markets. Mannarino explains, “It’s just a matter of time. Who knows when this actually rolls over–days, hours, months, who knows? . . . . There is no stopping it. All they are attempting to do is sustain it a little bit longer, and it’s only going to make this worse. The whole correction to fair value is going to seem like the mother of all collapses. It’s not a collapse in that sense. It is a correction to fair value because everything is just out of the realm of reality. There is no price discovery mechanism on anything—anything.”
Clinton Email Trouble Deepens, Bill Gross Economic Warning, Bathroom Gender Endgame
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 239 5.27.16)
A new report by the Inspector General (IG) of the State Department puts Hillary Clinton in even deeper trouble over her unprotected email server that was installed in the bathroom of her home. The mainstream press finally picked up this story, even though it has largely ignored this latest Clinton scandal. The IG report says that Clinton broke the rules when she installed the private server without permission. The report also claims Ms. Clinton disregarded security policy with her private server. The Clinton camp says her use of a personal email account “was not unique,” but others criticized Clinton for endangering national security. (more…)
Criminal Bankers Threaten Entire World Economy-Helen Chaitman
By Greg Hunter’s
Helen Davis Chaitman was the lead attorney representing the victims of the $65 billion Bernie Madoff scam. Madoff had help form JP Morgan Chase Bank, and what she found out was stunning. Chaitman explains, “JP Morgan Chase was the subject of a criminal complaint . . . it was charged with a criminal violation of the Bank Secrecy Act, which is a felony violation. JP Morgan Chase disgorged a small percentage of the profits it made on the Madoff relationship, and the government called it quits. Nobody was fired. Nobody disgorged bonuses, they just went on doing other crimes.”
All Electronic Assets Wiped Out in Fall Crash
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial analyst Bix Weir has laid out a timeline for the next financial collapse that he says is underway. Bix explains, “It’s happening now, and it has been happening since the beginning of the year. Some of the big things on the time line and one of the bigger things to watch is the Deutsche Bank (DB) implosion. That’s going to be gigantic because Deutsche Bank is the largest derivative holder in the world. Their stock is plummeting, and they are begging for tier 1 capital. It’s all happening right now. The question is what is the day that Deutsche Bank throws up its arms and says we’re insolvent? We are many times insolvent, and that would just destroy the European markets. It will also destroy the U.S. markets because our biggest banks are invested in the sovereign debt of European countries. (more…)