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Global Elite Making Preparations for Post-Dollar World-Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says his rich clients around the planet are bracing for an inevitable economic calamity. Kirby explains, “The people I know, that I would say are at the higher level of the food chain in the global world of finance, are hunkered down and making very serious preparations. What I see on a macro level is people acting like squirrels preparing for winter. They are burying nuts and gathering as much physical precious metals as they can. They are making preparations for a post-dollar world in terms of world reserve currency.”
Multiple Collapse Triggers Everywhere-V the Guerilla Economist
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
“V” the “Guerilla Economist” fears another global financial collapse “every day and every night.” “V” explains, “Economically speaking . . . What I see is it’s not one event. There are multiple triggers everywhere. If Deutsche Bank goes belly up tonight . . . that could send a cascade of bank failures throughout the euro zone, which will blow back right here through London to New York, and we will be in the absolute crap storm. We will be in the middle of it. It could happen at any time. If the Saudis decide to go nuts and decide to dump $750 billion . . . if they start dumping U.S. Treasuries, it can cause a run on the bond market. It could cause a massive fissure and a massive blow back. (more…)
Global War Tensions Rise, Economy Getting Worse and MSM Totally Unfair to Trump
Greg Hunter
Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.13.16 (WNW 237)
There was a new missile defense system installed in Romania. The U.S. says it is to protect Europe from an attack from a “rogue state.” Russia says this new missile defense site is a “direct threat to global and regional security.” Russia also says this is a “destructive action.” One Russian commentator said the missile deployment “. . . might even accelerate the slippery slope to nuclear war in a crisis.”
Trump is Free to Throw Mud on Clinton-Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Bush Administration (41) Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, says this presidential election will be most painful for Hillary Clinton. Fitts explains, “Here’s the thing, Clinton has never had to answer for the real deal issues and dirt on the Clintons. Here’s what’s interesting. One of the reasons the Clintons never had to answer is so much of it was done with the Bush family and the Republican establishment. They were really partners in many of the things they did. Before the campaign, Roger Stone came out with a book on the Bushes and a book on the Clintons. It was sort of a compendium on all the real deal dirt. That’s now in the body politic. The second thing we see is George H.W. Bush, W. Bush and Jeb Bush all come out and say they are not going to back Trump. That means Trump is free to throw the mud, and it will hit the Clintons, but it will splatter all over the Bushes. Now, Trump is free to go.”
Silent Coup Beginning to Overtake America Now-Larry Nichols
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Clinton insider Larry Nichols has worked with, and now against, the Clintons. Nichols has some of the top political and financial connections on the planet. Nichols hopes the public is finally realizing the enormous power struggle going on. Nichols explains, “There is no two-party system in the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. There is no two-party system, there is one. Part of it is a red team and part of it is a blue team. You think you have a choice, but as you know you only have a choice between the two they give you to vote for, but here comes Trump. Trump doesn’t need their money . . . he will bust up the system, and he will not only bust up the system for the Republican Party, but he will bust up the system (for both parties). So, there are many establishment Republicans that have said they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. . . . They must maintain status quo of the system for these power elite people to stay where they want to be.”
Most Dangerous Stock Market in History-Michael Pento
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager and financial expert Michael Pento says every corner of the globe is in economic trouble. Pento contends, “I think we are going to have a global synchronized collapse amongst the developed world economies: Europe, Japan, the United States and China, and you should be hedging against this market. Don’t forget, we have the most overvalued, most dangerous stock market in the history of the world. . . . Record valuations sit on top of an unprecedented earnings and revenue recession. The only thing we have left is the promise of ZIRP, QE and negative interest rates that don’t work. All they do is inflate asset prices. You should be short the market, and you should be long precious metals.”
Very Big Correction for All Markets Coming-Alasdair Macleod
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial expert Alasdair Macleod says the most important economic news concerns the U.S. dollar. Macleod explains, “I think the most important point is actually the dollar has turned. The panic move into the dollar by miners and producers of raw material . . . was driving the dollar up. That has now ceased. China has now started buying those raw materials, base metals, oil and so on and so forth. So, the result is the commodity crisis is over. That, actually, is the biggest driver of the dollar, which is pushing it down.”
Economy Rotten-Like Apple Sales, Russia US Moving Towards Conflict, MSM Unfair to Trump
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 236 4.29.16)
The economy is rotten just like Apple iPhone sales numbers. For the first time in 10 years, Apple reported its first quarterly sales drop for their popular iPhone. No, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s a sign there is trouble in the economy. Sure, Facebook beat its earnings projections, but they don’t make anything. Other bad news includes new home sales are down. Manufacturing numbers from the Dallas Fed are down. Consumer sentiment numbers from the University of Michigan are down. Spending is down. Retail sales are down. GDP in the first quarter came in at a paltry .5%. Economist John Williams says that number will be revised down and will probably turn negative. Williams says we are already in a recession or soon will be. Both Bo Polny and Greg Mannarino say the same thing: we are getting to a point where they can no longer hide the bad economy, and there really is no recovery after all.
Dollar Selling Panic Coming-John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s
Economist John Williams has long predicted the $16 trillion in U.S. dollar assets held outside of America will be sold in a panic. The time draws near for that scenario to unfold, and Williams explains, “When people start selling the dollar, or dollar denominated assets, you will see the value of the plunge. We have had a remarkable rally in the dollar since mid-2014, and it is up over 30%. It is going to be going down by more than that, and we are going to be headed to new lows. We have the waffling of the Fed and the beginnings of the perception that the economy is in serious trouble, which generally would be negative for the dollar. We have started to see selling pressure on the dollar. It has been inching lower. It’s down year to year now. . . . The selling is going to intensify, not only with large central banks, but with corporations that will be beginning to dump their Treasury holdings. . . . Nobody wants to be the last one out the door when you have a panic like this. It’s not a panic yet, but the potential certainly is there.”
COMEX Default Is Coming Soon-Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s (Special Release)
According to financial writer Bill Holter, we are getting to the end of the gold and silver price suppression game. Holter contends, “Because the inventories are so small, silver and gold registered categories (at COMEX) total about $1.2 billion. That’s nothing in today’s world. That’s less than one day’s interest the U.S. pays on its debt. I don’t see this going for a long time because inventories are so small. . . . This whole suppression game on gold and silver was brought about to protect the reserve currency, the dollar, because gold is a direct competitor with the dollar. If the silver market blows up, and I shouldn’t say if, it’s when the silver market blows up, that’s going to blow the gold market up, and that is basically going to expose the fact the West is a fraud, that the gold and silver markets were a fractional reserve Ponzi scheme. That’s going to blow confidence, and you are going to see derivatives blow up all over the world, and markets will be closed in a couple of days.”
Saudi Arabia US Friction, Economic Update, China Gold Fix and Fraud Ignored by MSM
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 235 4.22.16)
The President was in Saudi Arabia in what the White House claims was a trip to “clear the air.” I really don’t know how you clear the air with the friction between the U.S. and the Kingdom. There is ISIS, which the Saudis are funding along with the U.S, but that’s changing because it appears the U.S. is increasing its attacks on ISIS. There is the bi-partisan Senate bill that will release the missing 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report that supposedly implicates Saudi Arabia. It will also allow the families if the 9/11 attack to sue Saudi Arabia if it was involved. The Saudis said they would dump a trillion dollars in U.S. assets if that becomes law. President Obama says he will veto. The House and Senate may have enough votes in this election year to override that veto as big time people in both parties are pushing this. The President is also basically telling Arab allies in the Middle East that they should learn how to share the region with Iran. So, I really do not know how they can “clear the air” with zero resolutions.
Biggest Financial Bubble in History Will Engulf World-Gregory Mannarino
Greg Hunter’s
Financial analyst and stock trader Gregory Mannarino says pay no attention to the rising stock market because it is “fake.” Mannarino says, “The manipulation is absolutely epic. We have never seen anything like it. There is going to be a horrible price to pay for this. Why? Because it will correct to fair market value. There is no doubt in my mind that all of this will correct to fair value. All these distortions can only go so far, and we know this. We have seen this throughout history without exception. . . . We have the biggest bubble in the history of the world, and that is the debt bubble that has re-inflated this stock market bubble, it will burst. It will burst because every single financial bubble in history, without exception, has burst before it. This one is going to burst too, but this one is going to engulf the world. It’s going to be unlike anything we’ve seen in the history of the world, and there is no doubt that the middle class will no longer exist when this occurs. It’s going to be a massive transfer of wealth to these financial institutions that are going to go short all of this. It is legal theft on a magnitude and scale that is unimaginable.”
Tsunami of Dollars Coming Back to America Soon-Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s (Special Release)
Emergency Fed meetings at the White House, the launching of new gold trading market at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, revelations Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and silver prices, China starting its own global payment system. These may all seem unrelated, but according to macroeconomic researcher Rob Kirby, they are all connected. Kirby explains, “With China and their upstart CIPS, which is the China Interbank Payment System, China appears to be on the verge of merging their interbank payment system with SWIFT. My gut is telling me that this will very much marginalize America as the main processor of global payments. This, in my view, will embody very possibly a global reset in terms which currency is going to be the world’s reserve currency. I have a very sneaking suspicion that when China merges with the SWIFT system, I believe there is a very strong possibility that China will back their currency with gold. I do believe this is why China has aggressively been buying physical gold for the past 10 or 15 years. (more…)
Clinton Email Server Greatest Intel Disaster in History-Scott Uehlinger
By Greg Hunter’s
Former frontline CIA Officer Scott Uehlinger says Hillary Clinton clearly broke the law with her private unprotected server. Uehlinger explains, “What the Clintons rely on is most Americans don’t really understand the security procedures. So, they can throw up a lot of smoke and mirrors that confuses people and makes them think that this was not so much of a problem. But people in the military and people in the intelligence community understand this better, and certainly it is even worse than it appears. . . . The fact that she set up a private server, in and of itself, means she is guilty of a felony right there. Obviously, by having a private server, she was conspiring to evade her signed sworn statements that she would uphold secrecy agreements. The fact that she simply established that (private server) regardless of what was on it, she intended to go around and circumvent the law. Now, we had more than 100 highly classified emails on the server, and the fact that this server is absolutely vulnerable to any Chinese, Russian or Iranian hacking, this is the greatest disaster or mishandling of classified information at the upper levels of the U.S. government in history. There is no question about it.”
All-Out Assault on All Life on Earth-Dane Wigington
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Dane Wigington, founder of the global climate engineering informational website,, says climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is the number one factor in destroying the planet and much of humanity. Wigington contends, “We have now enough data to prove that the greatest destructive factor, by far, on the ozone layer is geoengineering (chemtrails). It’s disrupting the hydrological cycle and disrupting the planet. We have governmental agencies that are set up to hide this fact from the population or to mask it. . . . We are seeing UVB levels that are a 1,000 % more than we are being told. . . . We have all the data being skewed to hide the severity of what is happening from the population for as long as possible. . . . We have friends behind the curtain that know this is going on and want it to stop. . . . I truly believe we have a growing number of allies behind the curtain that want this to stop as bad as we do. Let’s hope that is true and our allies grow because this is truly an all-out assault on all life on earth. How long can we hold our breath? Any breath we take is laden with these materials. We absolutely know it from lab testing. It’s not speculation or theory or conjecture. We see the human health statistics that are associated with this. The massive Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism and COPD. . . . Anyone who looks up, they can see how incredibly obvious this monstrosity is in our skies.”