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WNW 165-Republican Landslide, Russia War Talk, Silver Sells Out

4By Greg Hunter’s  11/7/14

The Republicans now control both the Senate and the House. The mainstream media said it would be close, and it turned into a blowout.  Now, all the blocking that outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was doing for President Obama is going to be unblocked, and expect many pieces of legislation to land on the President’s desk.  (more…)

Another 2008 Around the Corner-Bix Weir

Bix Weir on the Coming Financial Crash and BRIC UpdateBy Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and analyst Bix Weir says what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri, is more than just a police action gone deadly.  Weir says, “There is definitely discontent out there.  The press covers so many things up, and the government gives us so many lies on statistics, such as unemployment, about GDP, and you name it, they lie about it.  There is so much bubbling up under the surface, and I do think this is the beginning of something much bigger. (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.27.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s

Iraq is the top story, and the crisis there is boiling over.  At its core, this is a religious war between the Sunni and Shia Muslims.  One big problem–the U.S. has armed and supported both sides.  We have sent military advisors to help the Shia majority government that is being helped by Iran.  ISIS was armed in part by the U.S. in Syria; and, now, the Obama Administration is asking Congress for $500 million to aid the so-called rebels in Syria.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.13.14

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Update, JP Morgan Cut First Quarter GDP and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

Remember how I have been pointing out repeatedly that the U.S. was arming al-Qaeda linked terrorists in places like Libya and Syria? Remember how I have been telling you it’s a very bad idea to arm terrorists to do your bidding?  (more…)

Gold Backwardation Like This Has Never Happened in History-James Turk

10By Greg Hunter’s 

Gold expert James Turk says the Ukraine crisis can affect the price of gold. Turk says, “Whenever there is global tension, people go to safety, and one of the greatest safe havens of all-time has been gold.  It’s been money for 5,000 years, and it’s still money and still a safe haven because it’s money that doesn’t have counter-party risk. . . .  Gold does respond to geopolitical tensions, and I must admit the situation in Ukraine is getting more serious.  (more…)

Obama Care-Absolute Abomination will Collapse Under its Own Weight-Rick Ackerman

Rick hed shotBy Greg Hunter’s 

Trader/analyst Rick Ackerman is feeling a little less nervous about the negative effects of Obama Care.  Ackerman contends, “I think, at this point, we’re blessed with a package that is such a bloated abomination that it’s going to collapse under its own weight.  It seems pretty obvious the program simply won’t fly.”  (more…)

Guns Protect Honest People-Catherine Austin Fitts

Greg Hunter’s 7

Financial expert, Catherine Austin Fitts, says the sudden turn to gun control in the face of mounting financial problems is no accident.  Fitts contends, “Guns protect honest people.  It’s a little scary, the timing of this, and I think a little bit obvious.  Gun control is a way to take away the financial assets of the honest hard working people.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.4.13

11By Greg Hunter’s 

The Fiscal Cliff turned into a can kick on tax policy.  Yes, they averted some nasty tax increases for many Americans, but there were zero spending cuts.  In fact, the legislation added $4 trillion in debt!!!   I’d say President Obama won round one, but not by much.  I have to give a little credit to Democrats and Republicans for the compromise, but this is still the “blame game theater.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.28.12

11By Greg Hunter’s 

There are just two stories that should be on everybody’s radar this week.  The first is the “Fiscal Cliff” or, as I like to call, it the “Blame Game Theater.”  The other big story is the Middle East.  Both of these stories are multi-faceted.  The “Fiscal Cliff” should be of great interest to all Americans.  (more…)

Bagmen Not Statesmen

11By Greg Hunter’s 

What has been going on in Washington, D.C., since the financial meltdown of 2008 has been a disaster for the country.  Taxpayers bailed out crooked, incompetent bankers while tens of millions lost their homes and jobs.  The bailouts have cost trillions of dollars, and they’re not finished.  The Federal Reserve has set a key interest rate to near zero percent until 2015, and it is printing $85 billion a month to prop up the banks and our own government.  (more…)

We’re Going to be in a New Recession-John Williams

WILLIAMS_092_wade.JPGBy Greg Hunter’s 

Economist John Williams thinks the economy is in worse shape than most people think.  In 2013, Williams predicts, “As this goes forward, you’re going to see we’re going to be in a new recession.”  The Federal Reserve announced last week it is now printing a total of $85 billion every month to reduce unemployment and stimulate the economy.  Williams says, “That’s nonsense. . . . There’s nothing they can do to stimulate the economy.”  Williams has long contended the Fed is really just using the weak economy to continue to prop up the banking system.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.14.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

The Fed made it official, this week, with continuation of money printing to infinity.  The Federal Reserve is now engaged in $85 billion a month in pure QE.  It is continuing to buy the sour mortgaged-backed securities at a rate of $40 billion a month from the big banks, and it is now directly buying $45 billion a month of U.S. government debt.  (more…)

America is Going to Crash Big Time-Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, and he warns, “America is going to crash big time.”  Dr. Roberts says, “The real problem is not the fiscal cliff.”  The dollar is on very thin ice.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.07.12

Greg Hunter’s 

Once again, there are two multifaceted stories dominating the news.  They are the Middle East and the U.S. financial crisis.  Syria is in a full blown civil war, and it is spilling out into Turkey and Lebanon.  So far, 40,000 Syrians have been killed in this conflict.  The President warned the increasingly desperate Assad regime not to use chemical weapons.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.30.12

By Greg Hunter’s 

The two big issues, this week, are the U.S. debt deal and the Middle East.  The debt deal that everyone thinks was in the bag looks like it is nowhere near a done deal.  It all comes down to which parties’ base will be hurt the most.  For the Republicans, it’s tax increases.  In this case, they want to close loopholes and raise a trillion bucks over 10 years.  It’s not a lot of money, but I guess it’s a start.  (more…)