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2017 A Deeply Disturbing Year-Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Internet data mining expert Clif High predicts 2017 will be a “deeply disturbing year.” High explains, “2017 will be a deeply disturbing year because the faction that won in placing Trump in power also defeated the other faction, which has been on a roll ever since the McCarthy era.  There has been push for centralization and a push for the control mechanism basically from Nazi infiltration into the United States at the end of WWII.  Tens of thousands came in and infiltrated the infrastructure of the United States.  So, we saw a push with the centralization of government, and if the Clinton faction had won, we would have seen a Hitler type of nexus where banking, political and military power would have been centrally joined. (more…)

2017 Predictions on Trump, Gold, Silver, Housing, Stocks, Bonds & Antarctica-Clif High

clif-highBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Internet data mining expert Clif High says forget about the rumors and predictions of Donald Trump being blocked from taking office. High says Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President and explains, “I don’t have any data that says, hard stop, Trump is assassinated.  I don’t have that . . . . I am willing to back my data with real money, an ounce of silver, and I have an ounce of silver, and I would be willing to bet the inauguration part goes through smoothly given the emotional data sets we have now.”


Federal Reserve & Clintons Doomed-Clif High

clif-highBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Internet data mining expert Clif High predicted that “Trump would win” the election and that Hillary Clinton would go “missing” after the election. Sure enough, Hillary was missing the night of her defeat.  What does that mean?  High thinks, “That there was a breakdown among a very delicate relationship among a lot of powerful parties that failed to deliver as promised.  The plan didn’t work.  So, now there is no real plan “B.”  There never could be under the circumstances.  We are in a situation where there can’t be a plan “B” for the Federal Reserve, for example.  They (FED) have to go on a certain path, they’re doomed.  That is true of the criminal organization we call CGI (Clinton Global Initiative).  Any criminal gang, no matter where it is in the social order, progresses along a certain path, runs into opposition and dies.  It always happens, and it always will.”


Trump Wins By Landslide-Polls 100% Manufactured-Clif High

clif-highBy Greg Hunter’s

Internet data mining expert Clif High says the “naked data” on the Internet shows Trump winning the 2016 Presidential election by a “landslide.” High explains, “You can do a search on YouTube that brings back a list of primary speeches by both candidates.  I am not talking about Fred Smith’s copy of a video he made of Trump.  I am talking about a speech took officially of Trump, and they released it officially.  If you take just those, you can see you’ve got Hillary Clinton on one side with 2,165 views, and Trump on the other side with 775,653 views.  So, that is not anecdotal. This is a very crude level of statistical analysis, but it is nonetheless statistical analysis, and it is very pointed because it is extremely self-selecting.  There is nobody watching you when you choose to watch something on YouTube.  So, there is no peer pressure or external person polling you. . . . It’s what I call a very naked data set because there is no pressure on an emotional level on people.”


Best Thing is go Straight off Fiscal Cliff-Karl Denninger

Karl_Denninger_Interview_Financial_Crisis_2012By Greg Hunter’s 

Analyst Karl Denninger says, “The best thing we could do as an economy is go straight off the fiscal cliff and not come back because that would take about half of the deficit off the table immediately.”  The reason why the U.S. deficit is so large, according to Denninger, “Both sides want to spend more than they take in in taxes.”  Denninger says the Federal Reserve enables the U.S. to live well beyond its means.  (more…)

Jon Stewart and the Fiscal Cliff

By Greg Hunter’s

I don’t know about you, but I’m already sick of the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” battle in Congress. That’s the mandatory concoction of tax increases and spending cuts that kick in January 1st if Democrats and Republicans can’t reach a compromise.   Comedian Jon Stewart gave his perspective recently on “The Daily Show.”  I thought he dished the dirt pretty evenly between both parties.  (more…)

Gaza-Israel Fighting, Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling to Infinity

Greg Hunter’s  Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/23/12

A cease-fire was announced earlier this week in the Gaza-Israeli conflict.  Fighting lasted longer than a week and claimed the lives of 140 Palestinians.  Israel counted five dead and more than a dozen wounded.  It is not the “durable outcome” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was seeking, but at least the bloodshed stopped.  The only question is how long will it be before the shooting starts again.  (more…)

Real Fiscal Cliff-Currency and Bond Collapse-Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s         

Economist Michael Pento says forget the “Fiscal Cliff” you have been told about.  Pento charges, “The real ‘Fiscal Cliff’ is the coming currency and bond market collapse.”  Pento says if we stay on our current path, “We are in for an interest rate shock that will make the Great Depression look like the days of wine and roses.”  (more…)

UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE.  Newman continues to report on the not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America by pushing scams on the West in energy and education.  Let’s start with what Newman calls the “scam” of CO2 reduction.  Newman explains, “The thing that really jumped out at me with this whole UN COP28 summit, my big take away . . . is they were talking about phasing out carbon emissions and phasing out fossil fuels, but that’s just for the suckers in the Western world.  That’s just the United States under Joe Biden.  That’s just for European Union under their treacherous leaders.  The communist Chinese, the Arab dictatorships, the Russians and all the different socialist kleptocracies, they were literally making oil deals at this summit.  (more…)

They’re Taking America and System Down – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter is looking at what is going on with the financial system and says there is not really an effort to save it.  Holter thinks the moves they are making are designed to take the financial system down, and along with it, they want America destroyed too.  Even though the overall economy is clearly sinking, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is calling for much higher interest rates.  Holter explains, “If you were looking at this with common sense, you would think the hiking of interest rates are done.  Financial analyst Zoltan Pozsar said recently that QT (Quantitative Tightening) has to stop, and QE (Quantitative Easing) has to start–now. . . . If those in control were not purposely trying to take the system down, I would say that is correct.  At this point, my guess is they are purposely trying to take the system down.  So, we are not going to see an easing until something really big breaks.” (more…)

Debt Ceiling Crash, Biden 9.5% Approval, CV19 Bioweapon Peak Death

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 578 4.21.23)

If you have been following along here on USAW, you all know the real data showing the economy and the U.S. dollar is in real trouble.  Now, throw in some politics to cast blame away from the Obama/Biden Administration for tanking the economy and you get some real dangerous wild cards put into the deck.  The debt ceiling is headed for a showdown next week, and some people think the Democrats will crash the stock and bond markets when the debt ceiling does not pass.  Who knows if this will happen, but the climate is so volatile in Washington D.C. the possibility is real.  Look out and prepare for the worst. (more…)

NATO Over, Raquel’s Brief Illness, Fed Raising & Wrecking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 569 2.17.23)

Dark powers are calling Seymour Hersh a “has been” writer and warning he’s not to be taken seriously.  Everyone else in the world is taking Pulitzer Award winning Hersh and his claim the U.S. blew up the Nord 2 pipeline late last year.  Russia wants an investigation and so dose China and Germany.  This could spell the end of NATO as in over.  China, Germany and Russia are all calling for a deep investigation into the Nord sabotage.   It may also bring very big damage claims against the U.S. for an act of terror.  If this is proven true (and I think it will be), it shows how desperate, incompetent and out of control the Biden Administration is.  Cheating incompetent people into office has negative consequences. (more…)

Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court – Brunson v. Adams

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) 

Loy Brunson and his three brothers have a case before the Supreme Court right now that could be both groundbreaking and earth shaking.  Many on both sides of the aisle think the case is frivolous and meritless, but the Brunson brothers disagree.  Their case is 22-380 and titled Brunson v. Alma S. Adams.  The case centers around the 2020 Election and charges by 100 members of Congress who wanted to investigate fraud provided for in the Constitution.  By voting not to investigate, members of Congress broke their oath, according to the Brunson Supreme Court case.  That’s the legal action in a nutshell.  (more…)

Russia/Ukraine Intensifies, Germany Tanking, Food, Inflation & Drought

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 526 4.22.22)

There are zero reported peace talks going on to settle the war in Ukraine.  This can mean only one thing, and that is this conflict will intensify.  Could we get to the nuclear war stage?  The answer is the global leaders are so corrupt, reckless and out of touch, anything is possible, and yes, that includes a nuclear exchange.  The only question is who will launch first? (more…)

Collapsing Narratives Continue in CV19, Vote Fraud & Fed Fueled Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 513 1.21.22)

At the end of last year, I predicted that the narratives in three big areas of total fraud and lies would be unraveling in 2022.  I did not think the CV19 narrative would unravel this fast.  The first big Western country to throw in the towel on the CV19 virus and vax fraud fest is Britain.  Out of the blue and without warning, Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson stopped masks, injection mandates and work restrictions.  Why the about-face?  Is it as simple as the jig is up and PM Johnson is running for cover?  How far behind are the U.S. and other Western nations? (more…)