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Record Debt Everywhere – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Peter Schiff says even though there is “record debt everywhere,” the Fed thinks the economy is fine. Schiff explains, “The actual amount of money the government is borrowing is much larger than what they pretend they are borrowing with the official budget. I think the national debt was up around $1.5 trillion in 2018. . . . It’s probably going to be even greater in 2019. . . . We have the biggest annual trade deficit ever in 2018. We’re going to beat that record in 2019. So, we have the twin deficits going off the charts. None of that worries (Fed Head Jay) Powell. We have record corporate debt, record individual debt, record student debt, auto debt, credit card debt and none of that concerns Powell.  (more…)

Dow Plunge, Bolton In, Facebook Folly

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 327 3.23.18)

The DOW took a cliff dive into a shallow pool and crashed more than 724 points. Some say it was because of the possibility of a new trade war.  Trump announced new tariffs against China.  Gregory Mannarino of says it’s not just trade war fears driving the market down.  It is also interest rate hikes by the new Fed Chairman, and the exploding federal deficit with the latest $1.3 trillion spending orgy getting ready for passage in Washington D.C.  Mannarino says, “This is going to go until we hit a wall, and that wall is getting closer every day.”


Christmas Message 2017 – Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s

Greg Hunter of gives his Christmas message.  He also talks about the good news in some top stories such as the Trump tax plan that just passed both houses of Congress.  The best news is Jesus Christ was born to save the world, and we celebrate his birth.


Mueller Witch Hunt Continues, Greenspan Warning, Immigration Crackdown

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 295 8.4.17) 

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is now in the Grand Jury phase of the Trump witch hunt. It is looking more and more like a “get Trump” at all costs affair.  Mueller has many conflicts of interest and is required to be removed by law, and yet nothing is done to stop this circus.  Meanwhile, renowned journalist Seymour Hersh says, “Russia Gate is a CIA planted lie and revenge against Trump.”  Hersh says DNC staffer Seth Rich supplied some “juicy emails from the DNC” to WikiLeaks.  That pretty much blows up the Russian hacking and collusion story.  Now, about two dozen members of Congress want a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary and all the wrongdoing of the Obama Administration.


Trump Destroys Climate Accord, Economic Update, Hillary in Denial

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 286 6.2.17)

President Trump not only backed out of the so-called Paris Climate Accord, but he destroyed it. The climate accord is bad for America and the working class the Democrats now shun. Trump says it will cost millions of U.S. jobs and does not clean up the climate. China, one of the biggest polluters on the planet, gets to not only keep on polluting, but increase it along with India until the year 2030. Maybe this is why Trump says, “This Agreement is less about climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States.” The Left and propaganda MSM media have gone berserk, but still do not attack Trump on his facts, and that says it all. The Climate Accord, brokered by Obama, is a very bad deal for America.  (For full Trump climate text, click here.)  For Trump speech video, click here.)


Trump Attacks Syria, Spying on Trump Worse than Watergate, Fed Dumping Debt

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 279 4.7.17) 

The “War Card” has been flipped over as President Trump orders an attack on Syria. The attack came as a response to the chemical weapons attack in Syria allegedly by the Assad regime.  Not everyone is buying the story it was Assad that ordered a gas attack on his own people.  Former Congressman Ron Paul thinks it was a false flag to get the U.S. to make a move against Assad.  Now, the U.S. foreign policy in Syria has gone from destroying ISIS to removing Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria.  Russia will surely weigh in.  Will the Russians stand by and allow Assad to be attacked and removed by the U.S.?


Fake Russia/Sessions Story, Obama Plotting Against Trump, Fed Rate Hike

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 274 3.3.17)

New Attorney General Jeff Sessions is under fire in the ongoing fake story about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. It centers on his old job as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee in the U.S. Senate.  Sessions was asked if he had contact with Russian officials about the election.  Sessions said, “No.”  Sessions did talk to the Russian Ambassador as part of his duties in the Senate.  Now, Sessions has recused himself in the ongoing Russian hacking investigation where no evidence has come forth about the Russian government having an effect on the outcome of the 2016 election.


MSM at War With America, Americans Support Trump, Free Speech Under Attack

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 270 2.3.17)

From the day Donald Trump was sworn into office, the mainstream media started their false narrative and lies. They want you to believe that Trump did not win by a landslide and that most people do not agree with him.  It’s one false story, nasty headline and one outright lie after another delivered by a desperate and dying MSM which represents a desperate and dying Democrat Party.  Do NOT believe any of it for even a moment.  What the MSM is doing is an act of war on common Americans by an act of gross propaganda.


WikiLeaks Documents Coming From US Intelligence Not Russia, MSM & Democrat Party Dying

1aaaBy Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 260 11.4.16)

There are numerous reports on the alternative media of documents being given to WikiLeaks to counter the corruption and lawlessness of the Obamas and Clintons. AG Loretta Lynch has been reportedly blocking an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation that many say is a “global charity fraud” and a “huge criminal conspiracy.”  The leaked emails and documents show corruption between the Justice Department and Hillary Clinton.  These documents and emails also show a grand cover-up of the true treason that has taken place in the highest offices of the U.S. government.


Crash of Biblical Proportions Coming in 2016-Bo Polny

Bo Polny Photo ORIGINALBy Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says don’t bet on the U.S. dollar or the stock market to hold their value in 2016. Polny contends, “The dollar is going down with the stock market.  It did in December of 2015.  It did in August of 2015, and the dollar is falling right now again.  As soon as the stock market gets started to the downside, the dollar is going to go with it again.  So, the dollar is going to go down with the stock market with this next meltdown.  What’s going to end up happening when they hit the cycle low is what they did the last low (2009) and had QE 3.  Guess what, that’s going to mean (in the next crash) QE 4.  Then, that will mean they will be printing money like crazy.  Let’s say there is a 20% drop on the dollar, even 10%.  Everybody goes to sell the bonds.  If the 10-year is only giving 1.7% yield, if the dollar drops 10%, they are losing 8%.  If the dollar drops 20%, they are losing 18%.  So, all these countries will be losing on billions or trillions of dollars of bonds, and then you will get a fire sale on bonds. Everyone will be dumping the bonds because they will be trying to get rid of them as fast as possible.  That is what’s going to happen when they announce QE 4.”


CA Drought Worst Ever, Greek Debt Crisis Latest, Fed Cannot Raise Rates, Secret Trade Deal Advances-WNW 195

4_jpgBy Greg Hunter’s (6.19.15 

A picture is worth a thousand words, and here is a picture of an unfolding calamity in California.  Check out the latest drought map of the state.  Almost 100% of the state is in severe drought conditions.  Many parts of the West are also experiencing drought, but California is ground-zero.  This is a huge food growing region, and the state has just started restricting water to agriculture.  This is a vast problem not only for the U.S., but the entire world, and there is no end in sight. California is a state with a population of nearly 40 million people.  Some towns have been cut off, and some people are starting to store drinking water in their homes.  This could spark a humanitarian crisis and a financial crisis.  You cannot live or do business without ample supplies of water.  California has a GDP of $2.2 trillion.  Agriculture alone is $46 billion a year.  (more…)

World Will Become Baltimore When Debt Bubble Bursts-Gregory Mannarino

4By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino thinks increasing bad economic news will force the Fed to print more money, or QE.  Mannarino contends, “I absolutely think that’s going to happen.  Before they allow this mechanism that they have propped up with these distortions that are so extreme, to correct to fair market value, they are going to throw everything at it to keep it going.  Again, the alternative is too horrible to contemplate—too horrible to contemplate.  The world will become Baltimore when the debt bubble bursts.  Every street in every nation around the world is going to become Baltimore as people realize they cannot acquire basic assets.  Everyone is struggling for these resources.  This is really what it’s all about.  They understand this.  The world central banks are not stupid.  This goes back to why the police are militarized in every state in the union.  We are one nation under surveillance.  They have understood where this was going for many, many years.” (more…)

World War III Has Started-Gregory Mannarino

Greg MannarinoBy Greg Hunter’s

Analyst and trader Gregory Mannarino says, “We are deeply engaged in an economic war against Russia.  This is a collective collusion that is very scary.  We just found out the OPEC nations have increased their production of oil despite the fact that we’ve seen crude oil fall 60% or more from its high.  Does that make any sense?  This should not happen.  They are going to increase production when the price is falling off a cliff.  OPEC has made it clear for many years now they think $100 a barrel is a fair price.  This is being done on purpose to punish the Russian economy.  This is economic warfare 101, and it’s going to lead to a shooting war.  Not only is it going to lead to a shooting war, this is the grand plan. (more…)

Oil Price Plunge Trigger for Next Global Crisis-Harry Dent

4By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Economist Harry Dent says falling oil prices will be a trigger for another economic calamity.  Dent explains, “Normally, oil prices falling in a good economy like the 80’s and 90’s, where we have falling inflation and booming productivity and good demographic trends, this would be a good thing.  It is a good thing for consumers and businesses, but it is a bad thing for financial markets and our whole debt structure.  We have the greatest debt bubble in history.  (more…)

Outlook for Dollar Not Good-James Turk

10By Greg Hunter’s 

Gold expert James Turk says the U.S. dollar is not going to stay strong. Turk contends, “Canada, one of the closest allies of America, just announced a Chinese trade arrangement to deal in Chinese yuan with Canadian dollars.  That bypasses the U.S. dollar.  So, the outlook for the U.S. dollar is not good, despite this temporary strength that we are seeing now. It’s not good and, to me, the writing is on the wall for the dollar.” 
